Trump’s Airing Of Propaganda Video During Coronavirus Briefing Is ‘Act Of Disinformation’ | MSNBC

After a New York Times report that President Trump repeatedly ignored warnings about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, Trump aired a video that portrayed him as doing all the right things. “I think this is one of the most astonishing acts of disinformation we’ve seen from a White House since the Vietnam era,” said Howell Raines, the Times’ former executive editor. Aired on 4/13/2020.
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Trump’s Airing Of Propaganda Video During Coronavirus Briefing Is ‘Act Of Disinformation’ | MSNBC

Trump’s Airing Of Propaganda Video During Coronavirus Briefing Is ‘Act Of Disinformation’ | MSNBC


  1. While thousands of Americans are dying and unemployed, Trump is using the Coronavirus Taskforce Briefing to run for his presidential campaign. Disgusting!!!

    1. @Quan Fung Biden’s our man sharp as a tack … if you talk to Biden tell him Tara Reid wants her Panties Back…

    2. @Kevin Denning i love ” bless your heart” the N.Y. equivalent to ” go F**k yourself” but with class…😎👍✊

    1. @JVS 3 Excuse my sarcasm, due no doubt to his non compliance with subpoenas, or Gaetz and his gang violating SCIF security protocol without penalty. He and the GOP have turned the JustUs dept. into the main ring of his 3 ring circus. He reached ‘ above the law’ status at (s)enate ‘trial ‘ remember.

    2. How are they spending taxpayers money? All he did was show the fake reporting of the msm. I can edit a video just like that and the only thing it would cost is my time

    3. @Michael Baker Look pal, you know damned well that the moron was rorting the system. As for fake news, you can only use that phrase if MSN were doing what Trump does so often, tell lies. MSN reporting facts which don’t flatter Trump, doesn’t constitute fake news.

  2. The media and News Network should simply drop his feed when he starts talking and only broadcast the scientist

  3. That’s what you do when you have no boundaries your whole life, and feel entitled to everything and you think all the nation’s resources are yours to exploit.

    1. @Biblical Jesus Was Socialist You Tube is a platform that features historical videos. Make it easy to view the Hatch Report to Congress that took place in 1975. Can hear the CIA director own words as he attests that the CIA control MSM and the Associated Press. Have to give credit where credit is do, the MSM delivered you one fine lobotomy. You don’t even know the difference between a platform and a source.

    2. @Biblical Jesus Was Socialist As for CIA Operations, thanks to FOIA their historical operations are in the public domain.

    3. @waketheoblivious Everyone knows the media is biased. Including Faux “News”. I guess Wikipedia is viable as well. There used to be standards in research now any joker can post to YouTube, facebook and any number of platforms that people view and deem fact. Give me one, just one peer reviewed source.

    4. ​@Biblical Jesus Was Socialist I wouldn’t rely on any one news source. Fox has not gone off the deep end or consistently reported falsehoods that they’ve then had to retract. CNN and MSNBC are dedicating to inciting hate and bigotry. You mentioned “dog whistling”. That’s something that no one can hear except the person who claims it’s there. It’s in your head, your imagination. The people who are determined to divide people into groups instead of individuals is the Democrats and the left. They don’t go after white supremacist groups, they just try to silence views they disagree by saying they enable or embolden white supremacy. It’s a cheap trick to get around the 1st. Amd. and shut people up. I’ve never seen the kind of malice and hate for the “other” that the left exudes these days. They won’t even condemn the political violence that they inspire when ask directly. They support it. They are trash.

    5. @Jinx Mim both parties are crooked. Faux “News” never retracts anything is true. They just tell another lie. All news is biased. But Faux is nothing more than an alt right propaganda machine. And you republicans clearly hear that dog whistle. I’m sure you and your buddies have spent quite a bit of time discussing your issues with “urban youths”. You stand shoulder to shoulder with Nazis then pretend to be so righteous. You’re hypocrites that value money over Americans and WS over everything.

    1. @J Moore Comment based on as much credibility and factual info as your leader’s comments. Just another trumpwit costing American lives

    2. @J Moore Yep I decide what I do with MY body! No Government nor person will ever force me against my will! Women are not baby factories for the State!

    1. @Doug Fresh “world…….. health organization” “Corona…….. virus”
      Yup, trump isn’t doing exactly the same thing you’re criticizing Biden for 🤪😂

    2. Doug Fresh And the 1918 virus started in the U.S. The whole world a lost a lot of people. Including members of my family here in Canada. Did America get fingers pointed at them? Grow up. Blame games are for Children. By the way God knows not only the truth but lies as well. Be careful of what you say are lies. In any case the lies told can all be proven.

  4. Well we already know the Senate will not remove him from office, so basically he’s gonna get away with whatever he wants….

    1. So was the information/timeline/video clips in the video (a response to the media’s constant questions/information/attacks) showing Wrong information? No, No. I know it was probably inappropriate in some respects but the actual content…what was wrong

  5. “I’m suppose to shut down the government?”
    Remember when you actually did that? Because you wanted Congress to fund a wall? When that was a campaign slogan, and you said Mexico would pay for that wall? Remember that?

    1. Paul Oliva I’m glad I don’t live in your country. Keep watching Alex Jones and fox they make people like you smart. Just like trump. Your republican government has made your county a laughingstock of the world.

    2. Paul Oliva I’m glad I don’t live in your country. Keep watching Alex Jones and fox they make people like you smart. Just like trump. Your republican government has made your county a laughingstock of the world.

    3. Paul Oliva I’m glad I don’t live in your country. Keep watching Alex Jones and fox they make people like you smart. Just like trump. Your republican government has made your county a laughingstock of the world.

  6. Move his buddy Putin in, and call it the kremlin, the reality star is turning the Whitehouse into his personal TV studio, with plenty of edits.

    1. @Honest Painter sorry to disappoint but I have 5 years of service under my belt, including active, but like a true trumpist speak first, think later, not a good approach.

    2. @cu jimmy wow, didn’t show in your comment you true American/Patriot. What a joke CU. It takes all kinds

    1. cherry picking, cut and paste etc….what’s new. Of course the people shouldnt’ see Everything to decide for themselves. Especially since Trump is obviously a racist, lyer, sexist, biggot, etc. So let’s not show the proof. So the Media says Lets not show Everything the current president and his staff say….especially calling-out videos or attacks on us and Our information..What’s new with some of these Media?.

    1. @Honest Painter not knowing the difference between impeachment and removal I guess makes you the moron. The irony lol

    2. The only thing he learned is with the support of his fellow Goons Of Putin he can get away with anything.

    3. @Nurse Blacke
      Trump didn’t really specify what you were going to win at, just that you will be sick of winning

  7. should have air it no was it misinformation no LOL it was word for word what everyone said really can not down play it as misinformation and half the time msnbc cnn and all other networks are not playing the briefing anyways

    1. @BBBRave probably what Trump put in the video….and not the fact that it was kind of inappropriate despite the context of Why he did it against an Every attacking and mis-informing media on issues many times

  8. Next time he calls a reporter fake, can’t they give the response we ALL want to hear? Better than being a fake president.

  9. Trump is a savior to this country. He’s finally setting the record straight with the media and their lies! TRUMP 2020!

  10. it was just clips from the main stream media. I guess they dont like to look in the mirror and see how stupid and dishonest they are. Money well spent to show America who to trust and who not to trust.

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