Trump Won’t Leave Politics At Water’s Edge In London | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While in Madrid on Monday, House Speaker Pelosi wouldn't discuss Trump or the impeachment inquiry, yet the president didn't show such courtesy while in London. Aired on 12/03/19.
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Trump Won't Leave Politics At Water's Edge In London | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ Giuliani isn’t part of the administration, but needs to be charged & locked up along with Tweedledum & Tweedledee.

    1. Crystal Giddens Your rant is nothing more than an attack on the basic concept of right vs wrong. Under your rationale, anybody who stands on the side of what is right and fails to accept that which is wrong inherently suffers from โ€œTDSโ€. Therefore, your thinking allows you to question the most basic facts and label those who hold to those facts as being mentally ill. Under your think, gravity isnโ€™t real because, despite an object falling to the ground every one drops it, you hold onto the idea that it wonโ€™t necessarily drop to the floor the next time that object is dropped and, therefore, those who acknowledge gravity as existing suffer from TDS. Your thinking is nothing more than a personal license and justification to believe the unbelievable.

      There is a ward in every mental hospital for patients who see and talk to people whoโ€™s physical existence isnโ€™t a reality. No matter how much these patients are told that the person(s) they see and hear are not real, the patients will never believe that what they are seeing and hearing is not real. To these patients right has become wrong and wrong has become right. Your thinking as expressed in your rant in this thread is nothing more than a justification for those patients who see and hear people who are not there and that it is the rest of the world that is the problem. Your rant is nothing more than your attempt to make that which is wrong acceptable and demonize that which is right. For in your thinking, there is no right or truth or fact or certainty. There is only opinion in your world and anybody who holds to fact, truth, etc is simply dismissed as suffering from TDS. Just like the patients in the mental hospital will never be convinced that the delusions they see and talk with are not reality, you also will never be convinced that your thinking expressed in your rant is a justification of all that is unreal. So, I wonโ€™t endeavor to convince you of anything that you are not capable of ever realizing or acknowledging. Instead, I leave you with my prayers and hope that your thinking and beliefs with give you the reality that your believe in…. a reality that returns your former job from China, a reality that gives you the best medical coverage in the world at lower costs, a reality that massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy will lead to your prosperity, a reality that all in which you believe brings about a world of perfection as embodied in the life and lifestyle of the person you hold up and idolize. I pray that all that comes to you. Good luck to you in these endeavors.

    2. I found a very different definition of TDS, Crystal! It makes more sense, and a match made in heaven for the narcissist:
      *Trump Derangement Syndrome* is the unwavering adoration and devotion to a political leader, beginning with Donald Trump the namesake of the disorder, extending to other forms of leadership including presidents and rulers typically of a fascist or populist nature. While the name is meant to have pejorative connotations the actual condition is characterized primarily by behaviors found in “cult of leader” or “cult of personality” scenarios.
      History has a few pointers as to how these things may go astray.

    3. Googlegnome I found a definition and description of TDS that compliments the definition you posted. Enjoy!

      โ€œTrump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their love of Donald Trump, to the point they will abandon all logic and reason.

      Symptoms for this condition can be very diverse, ranging from racist or xenophobic outbursts to a complete disconnection from reality. TDS can also often result in the sufferer exhibiting violent, homicidal, or even genocidal desires, particularly against residents from foreign countries.

      Sufferers have also been known to wish direct self-harm on themselves (such as increased tariffs, a desire for tax cuts heavily favoring corporations and the 1%, infringement of first amendment rights, and even the destruction of NATO for comrade Putin), provided that action was initiated by Donald Trump.

      Paranoia is also a common symptom of TDS. Sufferers have been known to believe that they are in some way being persecuted when their Trump related beliefs are questioned, and in some cases believe they are about to be a victim of an immigrant related crime. The paranoia does however not seem to be bad enough to make TDS sufferers attempt to actually becoming informed and think for themselves.

      If properly treated, suffers of TDS can make a full recovery. Many suffers have been known to grow out of TDS, yet many can only be treated by having their condition directly treated through the application of logical reasoning. It is also known that products containing mole can exacerbate the condition.
      “Did you hear what Billy said the other day? He was saying how the US is being overrun by murderers and rapists from Mexico?!?”

      “Yeah I know.. he has a serious case of TDS..”

      “What’s that?”

      “Trump Derangement Syndrome”

      “Is it treatable?”

      “I can’t see any reason why it wouldnโ€™t be.”

      “Wait, I meant to say โ€˜I can’t see any reason why it would be.โ€™ Logical reasoning is kryptonite to Trump Flakes.”โ€…

  1. Everyone’s read the transcripts. Everyone. Already done. There were two weeks of hearings on Capitol Hill. Done. The whole world knows that nothing was perfect about the calls or the current president, on the contrary. It’s either Trump or the USA.

    1. my choice is your USA over Donnie dementia, hands down
      and youre right, EVERYONE, including us out here in the real world
      please get rid of that bugger, so that he might stand trial, before statues run out, as he should on many a violation of your laws

    1. Of course he doesnโ€™t understand the Constitution. One has to be able to read in order to understand anything that is written. The daily national security briefing had to be cut down to one page with the instruction to include as many pictures as possible included so that Trump could understand. Although the Constitution isnโ€™t a particularly long document, nor is it complex, It isnโ€™t possible to condense it down to one page with pictures.

  2. The same “Legal scholars” that your not sending to stand up for you, or the ones from Trump University?

  3. Putin is the legal scholar! A โ€œperfect callโ€ sounds like the language of a foreigner. Americans donโ€™t use the word โ€œperfectโ€ in that way.

    1. Crystal Giddens While Iโ€™m happy that you re happy that Iโ€™m happy for you, happy is not good, necessarily. The goodness of being happy depends upon that about which someone is happy about. For example, if one is happy about someone experiencing misfortune, then that happiness is not good. But if someone is happy that they won the lottery, then that happiness is good. So, the declarative statement: โ€œHappy is goodโ€ is not correct because it means that happy is always good, which is not necessarily true as noted above. But you are on the right track. Keep on trying, as learning is such a wonderful experience.

  4. It’s not a “transcript”, it’s a “memo”.
    The transcript hasn’t even been released yet.
    Release it first so we can read it, Trump!

  5. Dude has no class or reservation on the world stage. What a disgrace to the majority that he is misrepresenting globally! He is attacking our basic and fundamental laws at NATO. He is a Disgrace to World Politics!

    1. No, the president is acting like himself. It boggles my mind how people are still shocked by his antics & nonsense at this point. This is who Trump is.

    1. Well, if he falls behind on too many payments & favors to Vlad, he will probably end up with a nerve gas hanky over his mouth after his kids start having “accidents”

  6. Joe, they are his imaginary friends. The mummified foreskin Orangutan must always be the victim it is the 10 yr old in him.

  7. *Trump* “It’s a very bad thing for our country when they talk bad about me.”
    *Also Trump* “I have a degrading schoolyard nickname for every American I don’t like and say them every chance I get.”

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