CNN's John King breaks down the latest CNN polls for the US election that show President Trump trailing behind Joe Biden in the key states of Arizona, Florida and Michigan.
Trump won these key states in 2016. Now, he’s losing them

CNN's John King breaks down the latest CNN polls for the US election that show President Trump trailing behind Joe Biden in the key states of Arizona, Florida and Michigan.
In a rational, mindful society, he would lose 50 states.
@GROWN WOMAN ummmmmmmm okay
His “Law and Order” reality TV show on FOX is his last gasp.
@John Bob Thinking for yourself? Funny guy, all you have is a word salad of trumpist talking points.
@muuuuuud go ahead and vote for joe”sit on my lap so I can smell your hair” biden.
Today, all this mess IS NOT TRUMP’S FAULT. Spin it any way you want. America sees the double standard, the hypocrisy of the Demtards. The problems are 99% in Demtard run cities and states and IT’S THE LEFTIST LIBTARD DEMTARDS that are the party of lawlessness and chaos. Who else has human waste and used drug needles in the streets? Who else has failed at combating inner city decay? Who else has incited antifatards and blm tards to riot and burn and loot like it’s some basic human right? The Demtards. The Demtards are CANCER TO THE UNION. But I agree, in a rational society, Biden would lose all 50.
Joe Biden had 18 people watching his lasr webinar….oh he’s leading alright!
LOL. Lasr Webinar? This holds true Trumptards can’t spell and are uneducated is why their dear president loves them so.
moron in the house LMAO!!
Dinosaurs with lasrs!
@orecoast 1961 yeah I was quite confused by that comment myself lol
@Sherry Woods He fits the perfect profile as a Trumptard no wonder why Trump won in 2016 because he loves the uneducated and stupid.
Reading verbatim pre written speeches in a monotone that puts animals to sleep makes him look like the true Moron Dumbo is.
Your talking about biden right?
@M D I’d like to show u my 45
@Kiger Redi 4.5 is really small. I hear the average is ~6 .
That’s a harsh criticism of Dementia Quid Pro Joe but accurate.
@Dan C. So you have dementia too because you couldn’t follow the narrative. Say elephant….
He’s not a good leader nor an Americaa

America2020 vote all
on every level in November.

Past week: person, woman, man, camera, TV
@backyard bliss when was that
Dale Elliott meanwhile that blue wave has a leader that is forgetting his own name. And then you have him committing to a black female VP! Problem is everyone they thought would be ok are turning out to be half crazy and racist. Not good combined with a senile President.
@backyard bliss “Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”
― Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize recipient.
“Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV” – Donald Trump*, dementia test recipient.
Grazie all’ universo che assorbe sempre piu’ energia dall’ infinito l’intelligenza dell’ homo sapiens sapiens
sara’ sempre piu’ sviluppata .
Infatti in soli 200 anni dall’eta’ della industrializzazione ai giorni nostri l’essere umano e’ riuscito ad andare
nello spazio fino su MARTE a costruire 2 sincrotoni Ginevra & Pechino a creare il teletrasporto di 1 atomo
a trovare e studiare la MEDUSA IMMORTALE, a porsi domande con l’ incognita su tematiche di fisica
quantistica e matematica quantistica……!
E’ siatematicamente automatico che nei prossimi 2000 anni si prefigera’ di trovare la soluzione per vivere
in ETERNO all’interno del suo HABITAT naturale L’ UNIVERSO……………sono convinto che il tutto e’ possibile realizzare grazie ALL’ENERGIA ASSORBITA DA PARTE DELL’ UNIVERSO SU L’ INFINITO .
Grazie e buona ricerca da parte di mauro stocovaz…………….27.07.2020
brady chick ready? You idiots have denigrated and humiliated our law enforcement, encouraged looting and rioting in multiple large cities, accused everyone who disagreed as racists, leeched Government subsidies rather than returning to work, and decided our children can’t return to schools. We don’t need any more blue wave crazy ness. Vote Trump 2020 and a return to sanity.

Don’t get complacent, don’t be an idiot. GO VOTE.
@foreigner fan Trump killed over 150,000 Americans and counting.
@Murphy Enjoy.You might not be educated enough to watch it all. Good luck
@foreigner fan Yup you can’t deny it because it’s TRUE
A Californian do? Trick question: NOTHING.
these number don’t mean a thing.. remember who lost the last time and was so sure of a win?? What was her name again??
Bunker boy will say cnn polls or actually all poll results that show him losing are fake
He’s trying to change his tune but probably too late. We’ll see how short term memory and dumb america want to continue.
@Ms Tiph-eye

tRump is done
@Murphy Not a chance. Trump will win by a landslide. Why won’t Biden do an interview with Chris Wallace and give answers to tough questions like Trump did? Why can’t Biden stand on his own two feet on the rare occasions that he comes out of his basement, he needs Obama there with him why hasn’t Biden picked a VP? Have you heard of Operation Hurricane and that Biden has been officially named in a criminal case in Ukraine??? Biden is done. He will be lucky if he doesn’t go to prison. Trump 2020
@Crystal Giddens I doubt you voted for Trump. Why won’t Biden do an interview with Chris Wallace and answer tough questions like Trump did? Why does Biden need Obama’s help on the rare occasion he comes out of his basement? Why hasn’t Biden picked a VP? Will Biden make up an excuse not to debate Trump? What is going on with Biden’s involvement in Operation Hurricane? What is going on with Ukraine naming Biden in a criminal corruption case? Biden will be lucky if he isn’t in prison in November.
He’s getting g us all softened up for a fascist take over. We should all be very aware
@U.S. army randomized Trump will blame anyone but himself because he’s too stupid to realize he’s the reason all of this happened. He’s a complete and total failure
@Andrew Dixon Trump and the Republicans are the ones who promoted division since day one. They’re incompetent and unable to govern a country. Get them out!
@Andrew Dixon Trumptard bends over for Putin and XI.
America2020 vote all
on every level in November.

Libtard detected on radar
Wish they would quit reporting on polls. The polls don’t mean a damn thing; get out and vote.
Bumblebee Optimus Prime stfu about your corona and go vote for trump.
I don’t think Polls are going to keep people from voting, they want that dumbass out of the WH.
Grazie all’ universo che assorbe sempre piu’ energia dall’ infinito l’intelligenza dell’ homo sapiens sapiens
sara’ sempre piu’ sviluppata .
Infatti in soli 200 anni dall’eta’ della industrializzazione ai giorni nostri l’essere umano e’ riuscito ad andare
nello spazio fino su MARTE a costruire 2 sincrotoni Ginevra & Pechino a creare il teletrasporto di 1 atomo
a trovare e studiare la MEDUSA IMMORTALE, a porsi domande con l’ incognita su tematiche di fisica
quantistica e matematica quantistica……!
E’ siatematicamente automatico che nei prossimi 2000 anni si prefigera’ di trovare la soluzione per vivere
in ETERNO all’interno del suo HABITAT naturale L’ UNIVERSO……………sono convinto che il tutto e’ possibile realizzare grazie ALL’ENERGIA ASSORBITA DA PARTE DELL’ UNIVERSO SU L’ INFINITO .
Grazie e buona ricerca da parte di mauro stocovaz…………….27.07.2020
@mauro stocovaz English?
@Jenella Budge yep you’re a pure libtard. I bet you thought Obama was GOD. The only way Trump has effected you is that you have more money in your check. ( If you work). Obama took money out of your check and screwed the healthcare system up which now (if you work) cost 3 times as much. Facts! You have no facts just opinions and BS. I’m done! I’m definitely not waisting anymore time with you. Go get your tissues now because MEGA2020!!!!
How can trump still have support like that, it’s shocking
How did Democrats pick Joe Biden as there “presumptive nominee”

@elroy the great because he is the right guy we need former vice president Joe Biden to lead the country he is a smart guy obamacare trump was nothing before becoming president my brother Trump and kayleight Mcenanay are stupid trump is a child and his puppet pence so Biden 2020 my bro
@saraythunker tree look up all the things joe biden has done most of it hurt America. Plus he had to drop out of an presidential race for plagiarism. Plus he’s a pedophile.
@moisturizer he is not like that he is famous for his work he is running for president still bro trump is a pedophile trump is failing the lowest rate i can give him is so low much lower above 1 trillion negative so bad obama care my care
@saraythunker tree
Gay comment
Grazie all’ universo che assorbe sempre piu’ energia dall’ infinito l’intelligenza dell’ homo sapiens sapiens
sara’ sempre piu’ sviluppata .
Infatti in soli 200 anni dall’eta’ della industrializzazione ai giorni nostri l’essere umano e’ riuscito ad andare
nello spazio fino su MARTE a costruire 2 sincrotoni Ginevra & Pechino a creare il teletrasporto di 1 atomo
a trovare e studiare la MEDUSA IMMORTALE, a porsi domande con l’ incognita su tematiche di fisica
quantistica e matematica quantistica……!
E’ siatematicamente automatico che nei prossimi 2000 anni si prefigera’ di trovare la soluzione per vivere
in ETERNO all’interno del suo HABITAT naturale L’ UNIVERSO……………sono convinto che il tutto e’ possibile realizzare grazie ALL’ENERGIA ASSORBITA DA PARTE DELL’ UNIVERSO SU L’ INFINITO .
Grazie e buona ricerca da parte di mauro stocovaz…………….27.07.2020
Trump denial factor. Lol and idiots comment get a grip on reality Trumps inept governing or lack of governing is killing him.
And you hope to convince everyone by shouting at us? And without proof? Your claim is rejected. FACT.
I be president or king freedom Hong-Kong people.
So he’s pressing an autocratic insurgence on our cities and trying to take over by saving us from graffiti.
@rudyyy60 My stupidity lol is encouraged by years of forensic psychology and criminal behavioral experience where does your stupidity come from cult indoctrination from a sociopathic autocratic lunatic ie :Trump
Today, all this mess IS NOT TRUMP’S FAULT. Spin it any way you want. America sees the double standard, the hypocrisy of the Demtards. The problems are 99% in Demtard run cities and states and IT’S THE LEFTIST LIBTARD DEMTARDS that are the party of lawlessness and chaos. Who else has human waste and used drug needles in the streets? Who else has failed at combating inner city decay? Who else has incited antifatards and blm tards to riot and burn and loot like it’s some basic human right? The Demtards. The Demtards are CANCER TO THE UNION.
@Alicia Taylor and 90% were in for violent crimes and drug sales and possession of illegal fire arms ..
@Alicia Taylor And you went to a college that is mainly dominated by Democrat liberal twatt professors one of them went to prison for threatening to kill Steven Crowder because he didn’t like Steven crowder’s opinion he also slandered Steven Crowder and said that Steven Crowder said he would kill his son and the man odd there was no proof anywhere ever and a lot of colleges have liberal college professors that shut down the opinions of their Conservative students students I’ve seen the message boards conservative students saying they can’t voice their opinions or make their voices known because if they do they get a failing grade even if they are the best in the class
He is acting serious about corona virus, not because it is taking human lives but because it is dropping his poll numbers. SAD.
“They were like how did you do that ,thats amazing? Well i guess i have a good memory”
Trump 2 Ukraine: “I want you 2 investig8te the Bidens!”
America2020 vote all
on every level in November.

No matter what he does now, we don’t want him anymore.
Speak for yourself. America wants a real leader, a president who delivers! Trump 2020. Today, all this mess IS NOT TRUMP’S FAULT. Spin it any way you want. America sees the double standard, the hypocrisy of the Demtards. The problems are 99% in Demtard run cities and states and IT’S THE LEFTIST LIBTARD DEMTARDS that are the party of lawlessness and chaos. Who else has human waste and used drug needles in the streets? Who else has failed at combating inner city decay? Who else has incited antifatards and blm tards to riot and burn and loot like it’s some basic human right? The Demtards. The Demtards are CANCER TO THE UNION. Trump’s economy is making a comeback no matter how much the Demtards try to destroy it.
Of you’re a republican voter. Surely you have to be thinking: “It wasn’t this bad when Obama was in”.
ca 85 well said
Comparing bananas to oranges doesnt help anyone
”Surely you have to be thinking: “It wasn’t this bad when Obama was in”.
Actually, no. My first gut response is, ‘IT WASN’T THIS GOOD WHEN OBOZO WAS IN’. We didn’t have record unemployment, a thriving economy, a wall, tax relief, China being taken to the woodshed, Iran being taken to the woodshed, ISIS gone, a more powerful military. Today, all this mess IS NOT TRUMP’S FAULT. Spin it any way you want. America sees the double standard, the hypocrisy of the Demtards. The problems are 99% in Demtard run cities and states and IT’S THE LEFTIST LIBTARD DEMTARDS that are the party of lawlessness and chaos. Who else has human waste and used drug needles in the streets? Who else has failed at combating inner city decay? Who else has incited antifatards and blm tards to riot and burn and loot like it’s some basic human right? The Demtards. The Demtards are CANCER TO THE UNION.
Dan C. Go out find somewhere to have dinner in Florida. It’s on me. (pick the busiest place so you know it’s good