Comedian Sarah Cooper joins Lawrence O’Donnell to explain her process behind making her viral lip sync videos of President Trump and how she believes she is clarifying the message the president is attempting to convey. Aired on 5/26/2020.
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‘Trump Whisperer’ Explains How She Gets Inside Trump’s Head For Videos | The Last Word | MSNBC
trump will call this “a crime against the people!! just sad!! ,,,, treason maybe?”
@Leonie Romanes [I deleted my original reply to you] Oooops!…..I think I’m the one who completely misinterpreted your comment. My apologies. I’m so used to having Trump supporters respond to my comments, that I completely jumped the gun and automatically responded to your comment without taking time for it to properly register with me. I’m genuinely sorry about this.
@Numinous20111 Nice one
_”You’re a terrible person.”_
@Numinous20111 it happens to me all the time.
She is not an American right so she don’t have to worry about treason.
Clorox disinfecting was the most bs crap that Trump threw that in during C19 Pandemic crisis.
jen monami Wait it is not finished You never know… he can still crawl up to his best !
@Warm Violet Yeah Trump loves you. Not

@Warm Violet , you are 100% correct. MSNBC is a promoter of anti -American President propaganda. TRUMP 2020.
If you need a Doctor for a president, then go vote for one.
@CAP RICOSM < Im with U , Cap
true American Patriots see thru the Media Manipulation and WILL ReElect President TRUMP 
Nobody knows word salad more than me
Totally agree that Sarah Cooper brings life to Trump’s words!
Amazing how she morphs into the role.
She must have a lot of experience with children xD
Leftists ARE children….
@Ebony Filly this woman Sarah Cooper is brilliant… Love it…
… Sad tho that America has the dumbest president ever… Used to be funny… Now just pity the country with 100 000 dead and 38 mil unemployed… But that’s what u get when you elect a con man and talk show host who bankrupted a casino… Never knew that was possible… But for the orange fat p#ssy grabber… Anything is possible
@Ebony Filly
Amazing that a “professional” news anchor interviews this hack as if she’s bringing something valuable to humanity.
Liberalism WILL be the ultimate downfall of America.
Ebony Filly is a bot….
What’s sad is you and your useless tool Lefty imbecile fellow commenters…
And TRUST me…Ebony Filly has more guts, intelligence and imo, higher standards than you all you navel-gazing assclowns COMBINED
Brilliant performance! And Trump screwing America AGAIN!
screwing you first…lol
It’s sooooo funny….
Warudo : She’s awesome! I needed that lol. I suddenly love this woman!
I recall Biff referring to herd immunity as herd mentality a few weeks ago.
Well, he is more familiar with that than with a lot of other two-word combinations
She just shines a simple clear light onto his Snake Oil Salesman absurdity.
Michael Bray hopefully, just like in Greek tragedy, the hubris will catch up with trump
Frani Lan we await the holy smiting whole the chorus sings his unwarranted praises…
feeble useless DemoRat Governors in NJ. / NY Irresponsibly spent taxpayers dollars on Worthless Socialist programs , improperly stocked medical and protective Equipment AND Murdered Thousands of our Grandparents

Warm Violet don’t fret cupcake. You NCTs really need to calm down, get back on your meds from Obamacare and try to come up with some new tropes. You are tired and unprovocative and not riling up anyone. There are bigger issues at hand, so stay safe and listen to the good guidance of the governors. Love you cupcake. Be safe!
@Warm Violet It’s too bad you’re not getting that free education Bernie Sanders desperately worked in getting for morons such as yourself.
Inside Trump’s brain…
What a strange little place that must be. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.
WARNING: It’s incredibly cramped. Don’t go if you’re claustrophobic.
Even the bats walk around looking in fear over their shoulders.
(sound of crickets) Dark and kinda musty, innit?
Bob Dobbolina : Really? I would have thought there would be LOTS of room in there? Lots of space to move around? Just a chaotic area at the frontal lobes, to avoid, so you don’t get covered in bleach, from the injections, but otherwise? . . . Kinda’ empty? . . .
@Bob Dobbolina – Awesome name, Mr. Dobbolina. It’s been years since I heard that song. I don’t even know what it’s about. But it slapped.
Holy cow — it’s on YT:
I had no idea that it was done by high school kids.
And I had no idea that the main hook was originally in “Zilch” by The Monkees:
Sounds almost like Word Jazz by Ken Nordine.
Sometimes, the internet is worthwhile.
She has a brilliant talent for emphasizing the almost unbelievable stupidity of Donald J. Trump.
How Can Trump Be Stupid1?$ He Won The Presidency1!!!$
Anything next to Trump looks brilliant. I think liberals and conservatives have a tendency to cheer anyone that can diss their enemies. If anything, her humor is like a remedial Sarah Silverman.
@Ade Foiadelli you’re subscribed to the athiest experience lmao. so sit down, simp
@Polio Nine – Yep – it just happened again. You typed “simp” but it comes across as “you’re subscribed to the athiest experience lmao. so sit down, I’m a sad and angry little virgin”
@DISGRUNTLED DEWEY historic economy? What are you talking about
I got the cure for covid 19 when trump gets it. A shovel. Works everytime..who needs injections?
A shovel also works as a vaccine. Hit someone hard enough and they don’t get Covid-19…
…and that’s the joke right there. Trump literally goes out there, yaps his mouth and says things that mean absolutely nothing.
His answer to his favorite Bible verse is gold.
it’s funny because she has exactly the opposite personality
It’s important for us to keep each other’s spirits up, and she’s definitely doing her part, BIGLY!

Thank you for the laugh…we needed it!
aw made my day, perfect mimicking the ….ahahaha love it , Sarah thank you
Absolutely agree, it’s hysterical,…
trump can be the prime example of the Dunning Kruger effect.
More like Dummy Donny effect.
“I don’t know if he knows where his brain is going.”
Lol… she’s great
. She shines a light on what a fool Trump is… Lol. She’s awesome.
She has the hots for Trump.
Jackson 1060 Fool on the hill.
Dave Schultz Your jealous RIGHT ?
Trump hate when people impersonate him because he gets the chance to see how stupid he looks to other people
@Nemesis He’s an empty-shell who panders to the ignorance of his base. He may have fooled you, but he hasn’t fooled the majority of Americans.
@Sam Brown Good Luck !
@Nemesis Sure he does not get anyone in his bed anymore… Poor thing…
feeble useless DemoRat Governors in NJ. / NY Irresponsibly spent taxpayers dollars on Worthless Socialist programs , improperly stocked medical and protective Equipment AND Murdered Thousands of our Grandparents

… and when the Left talks about “election interference ” they ALWAYS seem to forget how the Media got CAUGHT giving Crooked Hillary the Questions before the Debates
She is THE GREATEST WORST thing that can upset Donnie Dump! She’s AMAZING!
Laura Walker

Scott McKinney
says the guy who LIVES on channels he HATES, talking to people he HATES, about the news he HATES, huh? . . . Your “life” is, “in trouble,” son 
and nickname him Dainty Don.
Memmor : “Dainty Don.” I like it

@Laura Walker bipolar?
“You don’t know where his brain is going.” I don’t know. Does he know? Nobody knows.
What brain?
Trump’s brain is a plinko board and his thoughts just bounce off the pegs/teeth until they fall out.
Down, down, down the drain
Goes that reptilian brain.
Our President holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
Ah, the cachet of the Ivy League.
Does he even have a brain???
no brain in there. screws loose.
His brain has largely already gone rather than going somewhere…