Trump WH Threatens To Veto Restored Voting Rights Act | The Last Word | MSNBC

It was an emotional scene in the U.S. House as Democrats passed the Voting Rights Advancement Act, with one lone Republican vote, which would restore key provisions of the landmark 1965 law. Ali Velshi discusses with Ana Marie Cox and Zerlina Maxwell. Aired on 12/6/19.
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Trump WH Threatens To Veto Restored Voting Rights Act | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump WH Threatens To Veto Restored Voting Rights Act | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. 2:57 through the end of the video- this is what we need to openly discuss. She hit the nail right on the head. We are not taking this seriously enough.

    1. @shavaun johnson I love how anything being majority white is automatically “racist.” Is Mexico “racist” for having a REAL border policy on their southern border that tightly restricts access, and laws that aim to keep Mexico Mexican? How about Japan? Are they “racist” for wanting Japan to be Japanese, for not taking millions from Africa or the middle East and thereby changing the fundamental constitution of Japan?

      Also love how the charge of “racism” is always used to guilt white people so others can get what they want. Apparently if I’m white and I want to restrict immigration to protect the value of labor, to keep social services financially solvent and to protect a culture that I love, that is racist. But if I’m non-white and I want open borders so more of my relatives can come in, I want more social services so that me and mine will get more money from others that we vilify as “racist,” and I promote mass immigration of people like me so we can transform the host country into something else, apparently that is _not_ racist.

      White people need to catch on quickly before it’s too late. “Racism” is an empty charge used by white liberals to gain political power and non-whites to advance their own racial interests.

    2. @Curia Regis First of all, no one said something is racist just because it’s majority white. You can’t put words in someone’s mouth, then get mad about what they said. Second, I’m glad to see that you have actively chosen to support an administration with a proven white nationalist as a top advisor. It means that you haven’t been tricked or lied to. You looked at those kids in cages, heard the manifestos of dozens of mass shooters, saw the rise in hate crimes, synagogue shootings, church shootings – all race related, and you said “I don’t see a problem. They just like to complain.” Proving that you are the worst kind of citizen a democratic republic can have, and no one should listen to you.

    3. Very true, Khef… do not let anymore minorities into the voting booth that are not legal citizens. Being simply a resident of the USA is not enough to have a fair election.

    1. Only a fair election if we do not include the illegal resident, who is now available to vote as a minority citizen.

    2. @Nj Osborne – New Jersey, Cook is not necessarily a troll as much as airing a view about new minorities able to vote illegally as residents, that can swing an election.

    3. Local Seo Academy
      There is no record of that happening.
      There was one in Texas, one in Oklahoma and one in Chicago.
      That’s it! That’s what Republican Commission said, 2 years ago!
      it’s difficult when the Republicans are using Putin’s Talking Points!

  2. How can voting rights be considered equal and fair when a significant portion of the voting population only has a temporary right to vote? The enemies of America would be fools not to use American hypocrisy to destroy her from within.

    1. @Aunty Mammalia I was replying to the latter bit of OPs post; the bit about enemies of America using American’s own hipocracy to destroy America from within. We’re perfectly capable of destroying ourselves, all they needed to do was give us a little push in the “right” direction.

    2. @pr0xZen Well said. Putin chose wisely for himself when he endorsed Trump for President. Putin is running the White House through Trump.

    3. @C G We wouldn’t be “here” with Hillary, that’s for sure. She’s arguably an even more qualified, competent and BS hardened Washington politician than Biden. Likely only matched by Nancy Pelosi. After all those decades, she does come with a lot of baggage and s good bit of crud – but relentlessly qualified for the job, she most definitely would have been (She didn’t have my vote, but those are objective merits, and cred where cred is due.)

      And Bernie was and still is a non-starter for policy manipulation and corruption – he’s literally a lifer for his values and ideals. Which is why most grown-up Republicans and others that vehemently opposes his policy ideas – none the less respects snd trusts him. They know where he’ll stand on something just from reading a draft bill, they don’t even need to ask. Thst kind of principles and sticking by your values long term, is a dying breed – and in their minds, Bernie has earned his stripes the long, hard way. Come to think of it, IMHO the two remaining proper beacons of value and integrity in Congress, are 40 years and almost the entire political axis apart, and both indepentent; Bernie Sanders and Justin Amash.

      But I (severely) digress.

      TL;DR Both big Non-Republican candidates on the scene, would have been a nightmare for Putin. Hillary would have been a proper hardass, and Bernie would have listened to and heeded the advice and competence of his advisory staff experts. Putin got incredibly lucky with Trump deciding to run. Like birthday and christmas at once for 4 years straight.

    1. @Greg Hudson hi Greg, maybe not, but at least people should have access to opportunities-a chance in life- if as an adult u don’t respect others, show some kindness-want better for others-then where is man’s humanity to man? are these not the qualities that make us human? I treat everyone the same until they prove otherwise ( I’m not naïve-if I were in the work I have been involved in I’d be dead by now if I were!) but I came from a deprived background, sought an education as an adult ( did not have it as a child) worked my tail off and have a job that is far beyond what would ever have been expected of my class-opportunities through education, access to medication, half way decent housing-I think everyone is worth that- if they then turn out to be crooks/socio-paths/criminal or immoral politicians etc etc then they made those choices and should expect some form of censure/ jail whatever. Sorry waffling a bit

  3. Oh man, I’ve voted in every election since I was old enough to do so, but I see next year’s election as the most important of my life because if we don’t ALL determine to take back our country by speaking up and making our votes count then we deserve whatever this admin dishes out in the future.

    1. Well said Herald. – Rather than the Dems play on telling you what they will do for you, you have the option to control what government can do for you. Its a your Republic after all.

    2. I read the voters rights advancement act and I had a question. Does it allow the attorney general to deny voting rights to citizens on condition the state they are in has 10 violations or more of discrimination in the past 10 years? I’m trying to get a real answer to this. I read the act passed and I think I’m reading it wrong. Else this bill is really leverage in the future to deny whites their right to vote depending what state or area they are in. Please read bill too and tell me what that part of bill ment.

  4. …here’s a hint: The bad guys are the ones that seek to keep American citizens from exercising their Constitutional right to vote.

    1. @Brad Dibble you can work on trying to insult me all you want. That’s well what I expected anyway. You don’t have any credibility, so your opinion about me personally is of no consequence at all. You researched a dude online that you disagreed with on a YouTube comment page. Lol. That is truly pathetic

    2. @Josh Ruble
      So you didn’t vote for the serial liar in the White House? I guess we are both never Trumpers then.

    1. @Kellye James That’s exactly how I would’ve said. Thanks for Standing Up Against these trump/putin trolls.

    2. @Barbara Roberts I agree with you but Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick is fighting for the Constitution. I’m going out on a limb for him here hoping he’ll pull thru to vote for trump’s IMPEACHMENT & Removal from Office. And from the USA.

    3. Fitzpatrick’s district is in suburban Phila, in SE PA, which is becoming increasingly Dem. and is part of the demographic changes discussed. Will he win be re-elected next year if he runs? Maybe not.

    4. @Barbara Roberts I was Republican until 2003. I don’t remotely recognize the party anymore. They kept pro-life and abandoned everything else.

    1. Super Man reading this, hypothetical, as Congress in a whole, I wanted to reinstate Jim Crow laws. I create “violations” that none Jim Crow law states would violate. Bring this up to the DOJ, in a court of my choosing since I can use any court. Could I have those none “Jim Crow law” states lose their voting governance through this law?

    1. Excellent observation only problem the purge started when the elite put this traitor in chief in office

    2. @Austin Ray Amen. I say that every single time that Trump avows that he is the most intelligent and well-informed person on any subject throughout the history of man.

    3. @Solid Water Nice to see someone else with a brain around here. Just look at this thread. On any MSNBC or CNN channel it seems a third of the comments are paid shills. Sometimes it seems the shills are talking to each other.

      Also, you are exactly correct about what is “coming down the line.” We are officially an old, bloated, corrupt empire. Trump is a mere stop gap in what will almost certainly be a collapse, a fracturing, possibly accompanied by civil war. Many idiots who currently imbibe the propaganda of the mainstream media will be shocked at what happens when whites are a minority and the socialist hellscape has arrived.

    1. @Bells Daughter “I’m not seeing what you think you are seeing!” That’s because you live in a bubble and refuse see anything that challenges and questions your reality.

    2. That’s what Democrats have thought in several majority win elections, and their candidate lost, remember?

    1. Truck Taxi The bill states in the beginning that any state that violates the bill will have its voting governance stripped if it comments so many mistakes. Those violations are not specifically mentioned on purpose as it states that the judicial branch will determine if the state had committed such violation. Any court may be used. So a political party could easily use one of its judges to get a violation for the state. Thus removing voting governance from state to federal level very easily.

    2. Drew B. No evidence, easily looked up by the representatives name and party they represented. Lincoln alone was a conservative Republican who fought the south. Like really, how did you even come up with that come back argument?

    3. Drew B. The problem with the law is that it isn’t specific of the violations. Those so called written laws can and do get changed. Say congress decides to reinstate Jim Crow. A state against the Congress would easily find itself commenting violations and having its voting governance stripped and handed to Congress. Not the law I want for my state.

  5. MORAL COMPASS; an internalized set of values and objectives that guide a person with regard to ethical behavior and decision-making. PAPA DON, his family of grifters, and the complicit GOP, and the MAGA MORONS have none

    1. It goes beyond that. Win at all costs to the point where we are willing to burn down every bridge of democracy.

  6. He who oppressed the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich-both come to poverty

    1. ihave35cents well there are plenty of people that have a full time job and two part-time jobs. I do private security on weekends and some nights, work at a cabinet shop full time on weekdays, and am in the army reserves all at the same time while going to school full time (or close to full time depending on availability that semester.) Basically you just have to talk to your employers and explain that you’re just not available for overtime at certain times because of other jobs. When it comes to the military they can’t say no to you.

    2. Your reply doesn’t make sense being it passed a Republican held senate. Maybe, you should read the law they passed and you might see a Congress pulling a fast one!

    1. @Kurtis Cook The voter fraud is a myth repeated over and over again by the GOP.
      Its the GOP who gerry mander districts to ensure a GOP victory, create arbitrary laws that deny new citizens or other their right to vote, shut down polling stations, or move the polling stations to areas not served by public transit or so far out of town citizens without cars can’t get there.
      There was a case in the news of a man who represented himself to minority citizens who either couldn’t get there or could not read (!) took their voter cards, signed his name and the name of the local GOP candidate, and deposited them in the ballot box. He also hired others to canvas and do the same thing!!

      The voter fraud and illegal activities are far more committed by Republicans, who cannot win by legitimate means so they have to cheat!

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