Trump WH, State Dept. Push Ahead With Holiday Parties | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

John Hudson, a National Security reporter at The Washington Post, tells Hallie Jackson that the Trump administration is not "walking the walk" when it comes to following rules they have set surrounding holiday gatherings. Aired on 12/03/2020.
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#Trump #JohnHudson #MSNBC

Trump WH, State Dept. Push Ahead With Holiday Parties | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


    1. @William H Music 2020 That was stupid the first time you played it. Seems to be written by, and aimed at, third graders. You infantile delinquent.

    1. @roger rives and that matters how ?
      Does it change the fact that democrats are twofaced hypocrites ? No it doesn’t.

    2. Sometimes I think Trump secretly hates the Republicans. He does everything he can to destroy them. Most importantly, he was a democrat until he ran for president.

    1. And the democrat leadership has really been leading by example right ? As many have been caught breaking their own guidelines.

    2. But look at what He has done to this Country.Trump the none Believer I care nothing about or his familey.But America I love.

  1. Not to mention the fact that their Partying with taxpayer dollars eating and drinking well while other people suffer in the US shameful

    1. partying on the tax payer dime? its called capitalism. the elite believe tax revenue is theirs to do with what they please. the top 5% of americans receive more govt benefits than all the lower 95% combined. this is how capitalism is supposed to work.

    2. California Governor goes out with a large group to a fancy restaurant without masks nor social distancing,
      Casinos and strip clubs can be opened for INSIDE business,
      But we the people are told we can’t have Thanksgiving inside our home, it must be Outside with masks and social distancing and limited family, or possible home invasion and arrest.

      Government officials go to Hawaii on taxpayers money, but advice We the People not to travel.

      New York Governor wanted the police to raid homes, arrest and jail people for having Thanksgiving with relatives in their own homes.

      Democrat Governors and MSM are out of control now that they believe Biden has won and they can do whatever they please.

      Dictatorship is NOT leadership!

      Lead by EXAMPLE,
      Not by THREATS!!!

    3. @s “lead by example not by threats”? that’s all trump and his cult do is threaten people. who is your comment directed at?

    4. Let them party it up. They all need a lot more humbling obviously. So sad holidays will be non-existent in my single parent home, like so many millions of Americans… But drink up GOP traitors. Your reckoning is coming!

  2. This is so disrespectful to frontline medical personnel who are at their breaking point. At the very least, you could set an example anyway – even if Trump once called COVID a “Hoax” to make him “look bad.” Who thinks this way? They spit on those lives that have been lost.

    1. California Governor goes out with a large group to a fancy restaurant without masks nor social distancing,
      Casinos and strip clubs can be opened for INSIDE business,
      But we the people are told we can’t have Thanksgiving inside our home, it must be Outside with masks and social distancing and limited family, or possible home invasion and arrest.

      Government officials go to Hawaii on taxpayers money, but advice We the People not to travel.

      New York Governor wanted the police to raid homes, arrest and jail people for having Thanksgiving with relatives in their own homes.

      Democrat Governors and MSM are out of control now that they believe Biden has won and they can do whatever they please.

      Dictatorship is NOT leadership!

      Lead by EXAMPLE,
      Not by THREATS!!!

  3. PAAALEASE…Let them all cluster up, shake hands, hug and BREATH DEEP. THIN THE HEARD…DRAIN THE SWAMP.

    1. @Wally Censorship ? So the clear evidence of each sides attitude towards large gatherings pre election just went right over your head . 0 out of 10 for observation and logic

    1. I just realised that when Trump tweet ‘COVFEFE’ much earlier , I think he knew about COV-ID 19. #covfefecovid19conspiracy

    1. its very much like a “let them eat cake” scenario. and we all know what happened back then. me, i’d like to avoid that but it seems that mcconnel and the rest of the GOP are trying to duplicate what happened in france at the end of the 18th century.

    2. i don’t know how they live with themselves! trump also had the phone #’s and info on all the children caged at the border and is just now handing them over! the whole republican party is EVIL!! shame on them for showing up for a lavish expensive party paid for by US while people are dying, losing their jobs, their homes and family members. i would have to NOT have a conscience to participate! there are some really evil monsters in the republican party!

    3. MY LANDLORD IS RAISING RENTS DURING THIS PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS! with evictions and homelessness threatening millions of americans due to this covid-19 pandemic my landlord has decided to RAISE OUR RENT come january 2021.
      aren’t we suffering through enough pain, stress and anxiety as it is? do we have to face this ridiculous humiliation as well?
      my complaining to them won’t accomplish anything. BUT – WE MUST help by advocating SANITY during these trying and stressful times and demonstrate to them how UNWISE, UNFAIR and DISTRESSING it is to raise rents while half the nation is already facing a FINANCIAL CRISIS and EVICTION due to a public health crisis!

  4. They don’t care that thousands of people are dying every day they have just given up or just never cared

  5. It’s like they’re mocking the people who’ve lost a loved one and those that are currently sick! Disgusting.. Our own government doing this!

  6. 20 parties?
    How many Americans will have nothing on Christmas?
    270,000+ missing family members this holiday and they’re having parties?!
    Subhuman behavior.

    1. More died overnight from virus than died in Vietnam????? And 71million voted for these guys??? Houston, I think we got a problem!.

  7. I DON’T GET IT!

  8. The housekeeping staff will have to quaranteen after the last party .When they should be sanitizing it for Joe.
    Selfish Morons. 🌊🌊🌊🌊

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