Trump Weighs In On Nevada’s Mail-In Voting Plan On Twitter | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president is encouraging Florida voters to vote by mail while his campaign and the GOP are suing Nevada over its plan to mail ballots to all registered voters. Trump also weighed in on the matter on Twitter on Wednesday. Aired on 8/5/2020.
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Trump Weighs In On Nevada's Mail-In Voting Plan On Twitter | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @LOC TA another snowflake heard from trying to deflect
      Hahaha hahaha at least my candidate is not a potato,
      Martha where’s my pants
      What color Jello are we having

    2. @snoop alert @LOC TA actually made some very VALID observations. Unlike your regurgitated comment.
      VP Biden may not be perfect but I think you miss the point. It does not really matter who occupies the WH as long as it it NOT trump. The world wants trump to just GO AWAY and fade into the background.
      Your country is being laughed at world wide and we are not laughing at VP Biden.

    1. @Mike Smith … tiffany trump, steve mnuchin, and steve bannon ALL registered to vote in multiple states… FACT…

  1. I just wanna see the faces of Trump, Bannon, Shapiro, Ingraham, Kirk and Gudiliani when Trump loses by a Landslide!!
    Be smart, Vote him Out!

    1. @J M M every time you liberals brainwashed by msnbc get a dose of reality you call someone a troll

    2. @Donnie Brasco These fools on msnbc and mostly maddow and MIKA! better than any movie or reality show

    1. EXACTLY !! If Florida commits fraud to get him elected, Trump is already saying “Florida does it right” . If he loses in Nevada, he’s already laying groundwork to claim it was fraud. With Desantis governing Florida there very well maybe fraud in Florida to get Trump elected.

    2. Republicans CAN & DO “change their mind” They are allowed to vote for the Dems. especially if their Republican representative has been a diq

    3. @Dulcie Gray I took a course in fast-reading, and finished” War and Peace” in 45 min.
      It’s about Russia.

  2. All four countries with the highest COVID cases have right-wing, nationalistic, leaders who espouse anti-science ideas.

    1. @Jasmine Doull ….nice try. its only 154,000. Which is more than acceptable cause that is only .0019%. and for a world wide pandemic at first we all thought dead, dead, dead. Trump saved us!

    2. @Walter White 160,010 as of 09:09 8/5/20, ignoramus. Trump will be in prison, or dead, this time next year.

    3. @Walter White
      If 160,000 dead from trump virus is ok in your world then I feel very sorry for you.
      I guess in your mind
      It is what it is. Eh ?

    4. And? None of that changes the fact I still haven’t met a single person to get sick from Covid. So…you’re just dumb and gullible.

    5. @Boofer T. Washington
      Well I have never met someone as stupid as you but clearly you exist .
      Are you serious? You sound like the morons who say polls are “fake” because they have never been polled.
      160,000 dead

  3. Trump only wants to see voting the people that take the “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV” test…….and flunk it.

    1. @BIDEN has promised to give amnesty to ALL illegals whats the point of all this anyway, your comment isn’t relevant to this section lol I think you commented on the wrong comment lol or do you just go around kicking up dust to make yourself feel important 😅

    2. @mateowey did you loose the argument? 😀 it is funny when liberals get hit with reality they deflect, just like cnn and msnbc hosts/activists deflecting the issue. you and others like you have been brainwashed by msnbc and when you loose the argument you are taught to deflect. DOUBLE STANDARD

    3. BIDEN VOTED for IRAQ WAR in 2003 Donald Trump implemented a child separation policy and and had worked to inhibit the rights of LGBTQ Americans. Why do you love Trump more than your own country?

    4. @C P Hey, if you read more slowly you will see that what I said is that this ignorant, self centered child in the W.H. only hope is that people that flunk the “Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV” will vote for him. Translation: people that can’t even past a simple test are the ones that would vote for him.

    1. The only reason why he said they are good is because he knows that the Florida Republican infrastructure knows how to cheat.

  4. If Trump weren’t president, no one would take the time trying to dissect the insanity of everything he says.

    1. Pat Moore I thought after the Russian collusion investigation you’d understand the concept of “insufficient evidence to charge”. Fortunately the law is not about your “feelings”.

    2. @Tim McGrath …nor is it about trump’s, Mueller testified to Congress that had trump not been socalled president, he’d be in prison… soon going to be seeing his taxes and Manhattan DA is going to indict… but that’s here in REALITY… how’s the unicorn races working out in your little fox and friends fantasy land, in-bred?…

    3. Pat Moore Predictions, speculation and models is all you’ve got!

      The only reality is – Trump is the President and Biden is the best you’ve got🤣.

  5. To be expected Trump knows he’s going to lose so he’s doing everything he can to stop it everything is one-sided the only thing that matters is bunker boy..

    1. @Ali B …….first debate is sept 29. ur going to be my guest ali. ur going to sit right next to me. that way i can keep an eye on ya. imagine how much fun you and i will be having for 90 minutes of biden rambling on world wide live tv. then, if its a big success……………two more debates!

    2. @75joev …..welcome to the team buddy! You see. I knew you would catch on! Just wait until the dancing girls get here. You wont ever leave MAGA!

  6. Dear Trump, the President does not decide how and where Americans vote. That’s the entire point of our Democracy

    1. Besides if you dont mail people a ballot after they are dead, how can they vote?. Democrats will make sure you keep getting ballots 20 years after you are dead!

    2. Gee seattle, how we vote?? or how we cheat??
      That is the whole point to the Democrats cheating the 2020 election. It is not fair to the smart, legal, mature, tax paying adults in this country that vote for trump.(you know, the majority)

    3. @Walter White Walter Walter Walter. Fox News, really? No wonder you’re so f***** up. Joe Biden dementia. They are actually talking about Trump, don’t you know that. The polls are unhinging Trump and he’s become unstable. Really, so tired of this. Trump and Trump supporters and all those who enable Trump are detrimental to this country. God Save America, please!

    4. Dave Schultz not surprising that you, being a delusional trump lover, would object to a black female vp.

    1. how about biden?? been a career politician for 50years and done nothing for USA

  7. If the Post Office can handle Mother’s Day and Christmas, they can handle the election. Try as you might to keep people from voting, many people are going to vote this year. It’s a moral imperative, and it won’t take years to count.

    1. Trump is the most self-centered citizen to ever sit in the Oval Office. Trump can’t be pro-American because he’s to hung up on himself.

    2. The pool of likely Biden voters…..

      60 million Hispanics
      23 million Asian Americans
      48 million Blacks
      8 million Jews
      5 million Native Americans
      5 million Muslims
      Americans w/College Degrees
      The LGBTQ Community
      Mothers Afghanistan Soldiers
      John McCain Sailors
      Women that are disgusted
      Republicans that know Biden isn’t extreme left
      Various Religions
      Survivors of Mass Shootings
      Auto plant suppliers
      Carrier AC plant workers
      Bernie’s Gang
      Rue Paul’s Drag Queens
      Obama’s Crew
      Families and Friends of 153,000 Americans that died because of this administration’s inaction and misinformation campaign.
      Closed Business Owners
      Everyone filing for Bankruptcy
      Many on Unemployment
      People with Common Sense
      Puerto Ricans that moved to Texas and Florida
      Moral People
      Real Christians
      12 Million AFL-CIO Union Members
      People that lost their Health Insurance
      Demon Sperm Babies
      Climate Activists
      Survivors of domestic violence and assault
      Laboratory Workers
      Hospital Staff
      Postal Workers
      Students turning 18 by Nov.
      Tiffany & Mary Trump
      Voting age Anchor Babies
      People behind on payments,
      And the list goes on and on!

    3. Make no mistake Trump is laying the groundwork to try and steal this coming election. By claiming Florida is totally prepared to handle mail in voting, he is giving DeSantis the wink to somehow, someway make sure he wins.

  8. Yes, Bunker Boy. I live in FL and I will absolutely mail my ballot or drop-it-off to the authorized boxes. We will definitely vote-you-out!!!

    1. @Jock Young … actually there are a few around, and some are Democrats… however, there’s many more altrightwing snowflake bigot terrorists out there that are definitely cuckservative republicans…

    2. @Bernhard Weber six dems just got arrested in Ohio for voter fraud..So this means what they both do it..

    3. Walter White FACT Trump said at the onset of the Coronavirus “We have it under control “ and “it’s only one case from China “ and “1 day its 15 cases and then it’s zero it’s like a miracle “= TRUMP BLATANTLY LIED 🤥 TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE = Trumps 158000+ American death 💀 MIRACLE = Trump canceled the USA 🇺🇸 Pandemic Team in 2018= IGNORANT AMERICANS DESERVE EVIL TRUMP LET THAT SINK IN YES 6 FEET UNDER = Trump supporters are dying to support the Unpatriotic Trump who calls a True American war hero “Not a war hero because he was captured “= UNPATRIOTIC BULLY COWARD yes like any Trump would actually fight for America bless your heart ❤️ btw my brother, father and father in law all served in the USA 🇺🇸 MILITARY as well as BIDEN’S son that’s 4 more than any POS UNPATRIOTIC BULLY COWARD TRUMP = YOUR MAN = NO SHAME IN YOUR GAME = Go MAGA Massive Amounts Graves America #FACT #1 Coronavirus cases and deaths 💀 WORLD 🌎 LEADERS= Trumps leadership = So fitting that America has a Pompous Arrogant Selfish Spoiled Rotten Rich American Brat for President and proof that selfish ignorant people will elect selfish ignorant leaders = DESERVES EVIL TRUMP = RIP REST IN PIECES AMERICA LAND OF THE FREE AND DUMB = FREEDOM

    4. @pam cheslock … republicans will admit that they support socialistic corporate welfare (subsidies, bailouts, and permanent tax cuts)… behind closed doors… “Socialism for the rich and rugged individualism (capitalism) for the rest of US”…

  9. Who cares what the man baby says…hes not my president, he wasn’t John Lewis’s president and he certainly ain’t no obama…

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