Trump: We must condemn white supremacy

President Donald Trump addressed the nation after the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, that left at least 29 people dead. Trump called the shootings a crime against humanity and called for the nation to come together to condemn white supremacy. #CNN #News


    1. You didn’t spell teleprompter right. In this day and age, with auto correct, that’s an amazing feat. But yes, criticize his ability to read.

  1. Where is the passion and vigor he has when he speaks at his rallies? You don’t sound believable, Trump. Talk about condemning white supremacy the same way you talk about banning muslims and keeping Sharia Law out of this country.

    1. Trump reading the teleprompter is so unresponsive, unbelievable, unfeeling and soooo un-Presidential!!

  2. Ah the Deflector and Chief tries to fool the nation with a few kind words then chokes near the end and has to run away…you fool no one Mr Orange

  3. He is literally blaming the very same tool he uses to divide the nation, the internet, and video games, and metal health, but never guns! Wow

    I think a mentally ill should not be president, tbh!

    1. It’s not the guns it’s the mind of the people dummy, England bands of gun didn’t stop murder they just use knives instead smfh btw Trump 2020😅🤣😂

    1. He overturned everything he possibly could, that POTUS Obama had done, just to spite him and the Democrats.

    2. Jim Scott “MASA”…..uh, i do agree we need to make the US safe again, but as a black man, i’d like to go with a different acronym please 😂🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. “Mr. Trump, what should the New York Times do if they receive your tax returns on a thumb-drive from a foreign adversary? Call the FBI? Or publish them?”

    Trump: “….. uhhhhh……  wait….  uhhhh…… Lunch time!!!!”

    1. EXACTLY!! Trump reading the telepromter is so unresponsive, unbelievable, unfeeling and soooo un-Presidential!!

  5. So, tRump was playing golf when the shooting happened and he kept playing golf. He tweets and stays out of sight for hours and then addresses the nation today. And says Toledo instead of Dayton 9:24 …… Sad.

    1. @Ivan L The next trip to Mar A Lago will be the 100th since taking this part time position as a caddy,there.

  6. What a useless bag of wind. Thanks for sticking to the teleprompter but we can see through it your racist POS.

  7. “As poster boy for White Supremacy, I hereby resign. It’s the one decent thing I can do to Make America Great Again.”

  8. You can clearly see him reading word for word. He can’tt even come up with comforting words from his heart

  9. 0:44 but when the girl got ran over by the car at the protest he said they were “fine people” 🤦🏾‍♂️ this guys blooows! (And is it me or is his reading at a 3rd grade level)

  10. God you can literally see the stress on him because hes struggling to read and breathe at the same time…

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