Trump was a lot sicker when he got Covid-19 than we originally knew according to The New York Times. We asked MSNBC Medical Analyst Dr. Vin Gupta for his thoughts about that. Aired on 02/12/2021.
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#Covid #Trump #MSNBC
Trump Was A Lot Sicker With Covid Than We Knew NYT Reports | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Don’t forget about the adderall etc.. steroids merely mask symptoms
I’m on Adderall-what have you learned about it?–I need to know so kindly RSVP.
@Gregor Kropotkin do your own research troll. Lmao
So it very well could have killed him if not for preferential treatment, and he STILL continued to downplay.
What level of mindfuck is that
He dgaf about anyone but himself.
@Wheat and Tares
Trump lost
Trump lost
@Gregor Kropotkin Aren’t you a special lil putz. Some of what you say, may be true. But we’ve seen & heard Adam Schiff for brains, & Crazy Nancy, say this for 4 yrs. NO PROOF. We’ll see.
@Bill Burgess
Trump lost
Not sick enough, he’s still standing.
sick in the head
ha haha…so true
I was bummed too, I had him on my bucket list to do some grave dancing. I’m sure other’s wanted that same thing. We was ripped off! Covid even hates trump!
Well he did go without tweeting for what around 12 hours that day… he must have been almost Weekend At Bernies…
Good one! If only
Why didn’t it take him out
The world may never know. . .
Too bad he lived should have received the same treatment as the people in Bronx.
I always say that too. Politicians, including president, should receive medical care, benefits, part time work, lack of paid sick and vacation time and lack the ability to vote for pay raises as the rest of Americans.
I do not say that wishing the worst for politicians; I just feel they would understand what we truly go through.
I see Joe’s call for unity fell on deaf ears.
@joboygbp , majority of Republicans are sitting during impeachment trial with their fingers in ears but listening to House Managers compelling evidence. They always do that whenever Democrats try to protect and take care of Americans. If look at Mitch McConnell’s desk, there are years of incomplete work waiting for Senate vote that never made it. Many of the Republican Senators are acting unfit for duty. A court would never act as unprofessional with jurors and they are in Senate right now.
@terry donahue The impeachment trial is all BS. Trump told everyone to protest peacefully and patriotically. I guess they left that part out. That insurrection was planned on Facebook way before 1/6 and the FBI knew about it. Also you can’t impeach a private citizen and that’s what Trump is. But the Democrats are good at changing rules when they don’t get their way. Tell us why the Republicans should listen when they are doing all this for show. They don’t have the votes. So they are wasting more time and money on this when they should be working on the people’s business. (Getting those $2,000 checks out the door immediately) another Biden lie. Hopefully now the Democrats will show us how their ideas and plans are better than the Republicans. Too bad they are going to let all those Illegals into our country without testing for Covid. Thank Joe for that; Since he is catching and releasing them now. I guess Covid is no longer an issue when the democrats are in charge. UNITY
Back then I wanted him to survive so he can witness his election loss and be held accountable for his crimes.
Not so sure if that was worth it anymore.
You people are sick.
@Lee Christmas NICE!
Again what crimes liberalism is a mental disorder person.. turn off MSNBC ..and the rest of the news channels the 24-hour news crap..
@SmileMan64 aka BenjaMan64 geez… You act like you suffered under Trump personally.. like I say liberalism is a mental disorder
@Lee Christmas


I’d like his “doctors” to testify to Congress why they didn’t tell the truth
@elTorpedo because of the lies!
The fool is totally unable to tell the truth. That’s why he brags “I can’t wait to testify” then has his lawyers say they won’t let him testify. That’s why Mueller allowed him to answer questions on meddling IN WRITING! What average American would ever be allowed to do that?!?
@elTorpedo Because his ardent supporters gets the wrong impression of how serious this disease could be. You have to remember this country is about socioeconomic status and given he was the President he recieved the best treatment possible. Common folk WOULD never receive the same medical treatment. First its very costly 2. Its experimental insurance does not cover experiment treatments.
@Rebecca Abel It was more than just Chump that got the expensive and best treatments. It was also several members of his cabinet and possibly Rudy and Chris Christie as well.
@Rebecca Abel It was more than just Chump that got the expensive and best treatments. It was also several members of his cabinet and possibly Rudy and Chris Christie as well.
The question is how much permanent damage has this infection caused. He’ll hide that too from his supporters
Affected his brain, all the votes counted and he still can’t believe it. Liar, liar
hoping he’s a long hauler and every day becomes a miserable struggle for the POS!
Safely say no brain cells to hurt from all of it

I don’t wish anything bad on anyone but I hope it slows him down si much he can’t keep division and corruption.
Like the man doesn’t already have brain damage…
Think of how many lives would have been saved if he never became president.
@shortdog 24 well like your user name states short dog you’re also short on brains.
@Matt Plamondon awww little boy made joke
@shortdog 24 why so mad bruh
Trump lost
@Carlos Carlos
Trump lost
We all knew this… the fear in his eyes alone in that televised speech he did told me he was more sick then they were letting on! Reckless !
I remember seeing the footage in October and thinking that he looks to be gasping. Look at him as he “bravely” takes off his mask.
I think he was breathing through his mouth and not through his nose. And infecting air around him even more
Of course he was, the man couldn’t breathe and still he lied.
How many people died because of his deception.
You could also ask that of Bob Woodward who learned back early on in 2020 that trump knew perfectly well how serious the virus was from trump himself but, like trump he said NOTHING because it would have screwed up his book deal.
He is directly responsible for many tens of thousands of deaths as a result because if people in the US had been made fully aware of how dangerous the virus was and just how much trump was prepared to throw them under the bus for election purposes they would certainly have taken the Pandemic a lot more seriously and there would have been far fewer deaths.
I wonder?
Many people knew that my dad is a doctor he told the seriousness and why he had to be given that antibody cocktail and he had the nerve to come out and say it was nothing
If only the doctors ordered the cocktail of hydroxy chloroquine, Clorox and UV light up Uranus…
Dodgy Trump. You’re a total putz. Those drugs are proven to work. But you believe, everything these so called news agencies tell you. You need to research, instead of believing this crap. & It’s not only the lies they spread. It’s the stuff they don’t tell you. News agencies have been telling us, how there’s no Flu this yr. You know why skippy ? Because the 60 thousand flu deaths each yr. Were added to Covid results. & governors like Cuomo hide the numbers, so they don’t look bad. So be an ignorant hypocrite. Your loss.
@Bill Burgess LOL 60 thousand. Buddy we are at over 400,000 you moron. More Americans died in the past year than entire WW2.
I genuinely want him to live a very long life-in a Federal Institution.
and with a multitude of health problems
I think a perfect trade would be locked up for life, but he gets his Twitter back. It would be SO FUN!!!
It’s the sickness level in Trump’s head you should be worried about, not his lungs.
I will say the quiet part out loud. This is one case where I was cheering for COVID-19.
Four hundred & seventy thousand Americans got a lot “sicker” and he knew back in January just how lethal Covid 19 was, but he deliberately downplayed it !!! There are but a few words that describe Trump and most of those are not repeatable on a public platform.