As Bahamians are seeking refuge following the demolition of Hurricane Dorian, many were forced off a rescue boat to Florida for not having US visas. Trump’s border chief blamed it on the ferry company while Trump warned he does not want the ‘very bad people’ to come into the U.S. MSNBC’s Ali Velshi reports from The Bahamas.
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Trump Warns Of 'Bad People' Coming From Bahamas After Hurricane | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
If these people were of European decent tRUMP would have no problem
@Jim Dandy Quit acting as if you don’t know that individual 1 is a racist… do you people still support this lying crook?
@Philip Clarke Clearly you suffer from the well known Trump Derangement Syndrome. I hope you get better.
@Jim Dandy whatever dude….that’s all you guys can say when you’ve got nothing else..lmao
Maybe they should lie and say their from Alabama. That should fool Trump.
Yes, they should say they’re from Alabama.
@Dannynorw go stink up a bar stool and cry into your guiness, danny boy.. a racist spudeater like you must love the reich… huh SHAME-US?
Our worse criminals are posing as politicians.
@Lamont Cranston INC. America is no help to America. Many are dying in America from METH, OPIOID. Some Americans like yourself are too comfortable until your demise cometh You don’t know your future. When the stock market crashes you’ll be one of the few killing yourself or begging for help.
@Lamont Cranston INC. I don’t suppose you have anything even close to evidence to back up that statement. Oh wait I know your answer…Trump said it, you believe it, that settles it. Newsflash Trump lies more than he tells the truth.
@AboutMyFathersWork Always you’re a moron…. Do you know how many people are killed in the middle east I bet you don’t know either and where radical muslims got started and spread to other countries.
Documentation from where?? They lost everything!!
@Virgil Parks

@Mike Shinoda u aint even WHITE “shinoda” wtf u crying about, ?
Stephen Miller is behind this.
Mark my words…
Miller is jewish you moron!
Yes, Stephen Miller is most definitely involved in this.
@Dirty Burger I dunno why ‘white supremacist’ is too long a phrase for some of ’em. Also he hates janitors for some odd reason, and *that can never be forgiven.*
@Miles Davila Donald Trump King of the Horribles.
Miller nazi = Trump Admin.
The only bad people are wearing suits running this country….
@Dannynorw And they said Trump is dividing the country
No the streets are filled with gangs black Hispanic etc If whites were a danger to POCs how could they run loose….. on any given day search YT for Chicago Philadelphia Baltimore Detroit shooting There will always be videos like clock work Get a job kids like you are worthless
@Wayne Yates I’m not an immigrant, actually. My family has been here since the Mayflower. They were COLONISTS. They built this country from scratch- government system to roads and schools. I know I’m no immigrant because I dont have a second country I’ve ever called home. When people refer to migrants they usually refer to people here in America for 30 or less years- my relatives have 400 years. Also, if we’re really all immigrants, does that mean you have to all every other immigrant in this nation no matter what? For example what if Immigrants from Japan are hard working and well accepted while Russian migrants weren’t working and perceived as lazy migrants. Wouldn’t it be smart to stop letting in any more Russians? Or maybe the country starts feeling they’re taking too many Russians and Japaness- isnt it on to listen to what they say and decrease inmigration?,
DEMOCRATS hate people in suits that run things.
Fine. Then put on a grass skirt and move to the jungle and live a clean green eco-friendly lifestyle.
@Big Mac
The biggest killer of minorities in America are black men and Latin men.
Street gangs. They don’t wear suits or sheets.
They wear colors or whatever.
I’ve HEARD that before…”well, uh, uhyuh, I mean the destruction is something I..I haven’t SEEN before.”
You know, usually when I lived with a roommate I was allowed to have friends over. Are we still living with our parents?
But you wanted to invite the Taliban……. last time I checked I’m pretty sure Bahamians not killing our soldiers
@Tomorrison28 Hes a big time shill for Israel in some regards, but he stood against the entire MSM, including Fox, by refusing to invade Syria for them. Hes also tried to make peace with Iran, Russia and N Korea, much to the chagrin of the MSM and the deep state grotesques. Much more could be done to stop arming ISIS, and end the genocide in Yemen and economic warfare with Iran and Russia. You have to remember though, the guy is a boomer businessman. Hes not Ron Paul, but he way better than Obama and light years better than the Clintons when it comes to murdering brown people.
AW Co. So we put know terrorists on a plane?

Right before 9/11? 

Pretty sure Obama already flooded the country with Muslims
BetaRayChill — We can’t take the chance…In fact, we need to put a fence up around Florida.
Haazaa we must build a wall in the middle of the ocean to block bad bahamians hurricanes and any remaining common sense
We have for the last two and a half years, Heidi…a big, fat, orange-hued toddler *who throws ‘twittyfeed tantrums’* for the entire civilised world to read (and laugh at)…

So embarrassing for America.
no wonder all the fish died
They should have built a wall between your parents a cement condom
drug dealers? what about big phama..
@Saltponds239 I thought all drugs came over the Mexican boarder. Which one is it?
Corporations are not shooting you in the street Ash wipe
planet lockdown — Suboxone is killing the heroin industry.
How did your family get here….by default. Germany declared grandpa Drumpf a draft dodger and would not accept them back into Germany after WWII.
@Robyn Andrews YES
@Lamont Cranston INC. turd trumpf is woring hard to banrupt America you fools will say it’s the Democrates fault
Propaganda. You left just hate trump for no reason at all and Karma will bite you all in the butt for being so cruel
Does proper documentation include same from Melania Trump…or does she get a pass from the President?
Obama was born in Kenya..
@Jorda n – Yes, that is what all you racist, uneducated, right-wing Christian nut jobs still tell yourselves. How pathetic you all are.
Pretty sure that issue is over,, much like Obama’s birth certificate …. We still need check who is entering from shy hole countries 30% of our prison population is illegal from Latin America
@James Christie but trumpanze is such a lier.i honestly dont know when that fool last told the truth .
Regardless of all the politics… I just hope all Bahamians devastated by the hurricane can find shelter and have their needs met as soon as possible.
@ Hillie van der Zalm “regardless of politics” they are working to let the people in. They never turned away an entire ship. They pushed blame to the ferry company while saying that they are helping to process the people. Sorry you didn’t watch the video.
Don’t worry, through the mighty power of GOD, those CHARIOTS of GOD is coming soon and gather his elect from the 4 corners of the earth. Trials and tribulation must happen before JESUS COMES BACK. AMERICA and all nations are getting tested.
Are you feeling okay? Too much crack?
Yep Black people have been a plus lol
I’m sorry, my visa blew away in an f-ing hurricane!
@Matthew Rodriguez the hurricane is over. US has helped plenty and now everyone is wanting to a abuse the system to come in. It’s never enough for people. Why don’t anyone else step in to help?
@nightstalker1124 fkn racist
Heidi T. Well you can’t be a Trump supporter. Law and order..HA
Philip Clarke
when are you making your departure to south america or africa to remain for the rest of your life in paradise?
Be careful how you treat the ones in need! God is listening!
Tell God wee still don’t want 3rd world trash
@Lamont Cranston INC. Bernie Sanders solution? Abortions for all in the 3rd world countries.
Oh I see how this works. So we are going to use God’s message to preach that we should help each other when in need (that’s a wonderful message) BUT we aren’t going to use God’s OTHER message (thou shalt not spill… blood) to preach to high homicide rate Cultures that they should strive for a low one because God presumably watches and perhaps punishes.
The people of the Bahamas have the 11th highest homicide rate in the world. Their homicide rate is, I think from memory, 30 murders per 100,000 citizens. Low is 0.3 to 1.5 and some amazing cultures have achieved that (including some predominantly athiest cultures.) It takes incredible strong women to raise a Society like that. The women of the Bahamas failed at raising that.
Their homicide rate is a storm that never ends. I hope they fix it because God said….
My husband and I will donate money to a relief related Charity. We haven’t as yet.
@Cindy Demambro
Good luck helping people in need with no money to help them with.
God Bless these wonderful People!
The bad is media serving corparate global elite who left say there against.
gbo o the elite is against us both Dem and Rep
Just report. While I agree with the subjective sentiment, just report the news.
We can figure it out.
Objective news reporting is a fond
Thank u.
There are criminals everywhere, this makes sense.
And as a British Commonwealth, this isn’t our problem.
the attack POTUS msm : always emotions over neccessary precautions & security preventions of the law