Chris Hayes runs through the endless list of corrupt schemes involving Trump that show why he is “the most flagrantly corrupt president in recent memory, possibly ever.” Aired on 10/21/2020.
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Trump Wants To Make The Election About ‘Corruption.’ Here’s Why That Could Backfire | All In | MSNBC
Everything about Trump is about corruption. For him, it is simply normal.
When you’ve been a crook all your life, how can you be expected to know right from wrong.
*China’s new top priority: spinning coronavirus — and blaming the US*
March 17, 2020
*Having bungled the start of the coronavirus outbreak, then apparently muscling its own epidemic into control, China is now mounting a full-on misinformation campaign to present itself as a model of effective government — and the United States as the real villain.*
The COVID-19 bug originated in Wuhan, China, possibly at an open-air market where wild animals were sold. Chinese labs ID’d the new virus in December, but the regime ordered them to stop testing and quietly destroy their samples. Officials even squelched health care workers, like the late Dr. Li Wenliang, who tried to warn colleagues of the coming epidemic.
Li and others knew in December the virus was spreading through human contact. But the government publicly denied it until Jan. 20. The World Health Organization tweeted Jan. 14, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.” Such lies helped the virus spread more quickly than it should’ve, as Wuhan authorities OK’d a potluck banquet involving tens of thousands of people.
Now Beijing is rewriting history, even claiming its “swift” action bought the rest of the world time. And it’s insisting America might be the outbreak’s true source.
Twitter is banned in China, but Foreign Ministry propagandist Zhao Lijian is using it to lie to the world: “It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan,” he tweeted. “US owe us an explanation!”
Now Beijing is ejecting American reporters from the country, including Wall Street Journal writers who revealed the cover-up.
Trumps Children are spoiled, arrogant, out of touch and corrupt. Not Hunter Biden. That’s the real news.
@redouan zoufri Iranian?
@Bobby Allen I’ll just one quickly—Covid19 threatens your, mine, and many others’ lives. 220k Americans are no longer with us.
Yet then imbecile is still making a mockery of it all!
We have the highest death in the planet.
Can you please stop this non-sense with him? He is a danger to us all and you refuse to understand and/ot admit it.
Every single time, every single example, you all excuse it and/or deny it.
@Thomas Voloshen Donald Trump’s history of corruption: a comprehensive review
By Andrew Prokop
on October 31, 2016 10:47 am

David A. Grogan/CNBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty
In the big-picture conversation around the 2016 presidential election, the major negative narratives about Donald Trump have tended to focus on his racism, his temperament, or his tendency to tell lies.

Yet there’s another important Trump trait that’s gotten some attention but really needs to get much more — he’s corrupt, and in a consistent way.
Whenever Trump has been in positions of power or authority, he has demonstrated a pattern of trying to enrich himself by abusing the trust others have placed in him — whether it’s creditors, contractors, charitable givers, Trump University students, regulators, or campaign donors.
Over the past several months — and, indeed, the past few decades — reporters have unearthed many alarming stories that show this. They’ve reported on Trump’s many shady business practices. His shady charity. His shady fake university scam. His shady campaign spending. His many shady associates. And, last but by no means least, there is Trump’s refusal to release tax returns or other financial information that would shed further light on his business practices, associates, and philanthropic undertakings.
Now, sometimes Trump’s abuses of trust entail breaking the law, and sometimes they’re within the bounds of the law. And sometimes the legality of Trump’s actions isn’t yet clear — as in the case of Trump University, which will face a fraud trial shortly after the election, and with some of the controversies around the Trump Foundation.
But the common thread is that Trump screws people over to benefit himself. And despite the plethora of excellent reporting on this topic, many voters seem to be unaware of his troubling history here, and may view him primarily as a successful businessman who says some offensive things. A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, for instance, found that Trump had a 10-point advantage over Clinton on “being honest and straightforward.”
Indeed, he is betting his campaign on his hopes that he can frame himself as an independent outsider free of special interest influence, to contrast with Hillary Clinton, whom he has dubbed “crooked.”
But Trump’s record makes it crystal clear that he’s more interested in rapaciously extracting what money he can and doing what he wants, with little regard to laws, rules, or people who aren’t Donald Trump. Furthermore, he’s repeatedly proven willing to violate normsabout what sort of behavior is acceptable and ethical.
And most importantly of all, if elected president, Trump would wield incredible power. Yet if you look at what he’s done with power in the past, suddenly this theme in his biography — his corruption — becomes among the most troubling of his many troubling qualities. There are many, many reasons to be concerned about a Trump administration’s ethics and potential to abuse power. Here are just a few.
Trump has a history of shady business practices

Trump in his helicopter in 1987. Mob-connected Robert LiButti was wiretapped bragging that Trump took him for a helicopter ride.
Joe McNally / Hulton Archive / Getty
First off, the way Trump has run his businesses for the past few decades should raise grave doubts about how he’d run the federal government — he’s allegedly been willing to break rules, break promises, and discriminate against nonwhite people.
There are the hundreds of accusations that Trump refused to pay contractors and workers what they were owed, which the Wall Street Journal and USA Today compiled this year. “The actions in total paint a portrait of Trump’s sprawling organization frequently failing to pay small businesses and individuals, then sometimes tying them up in court and other negotiations for years,” USA Today’s Steve Reilly wrote. “In some cases, the Trump teams financially overpower and outlast much smaller opponents, draining their resources.” (Trump told Reilly that if he ever didn’t pay, it must have been because he was unhappy with the work.)
And recently, Republican consultant Brian James Walsh further corroborated these accusations with his own personal story:
Next, there’s the housing discrimination case against him from the 1970s. The Department of Justice alleged that Trump and his father discriminated against black applicants for apartments in Trump-owned buildings. One superintendent said he had been instructed to write “C” (for “colored”) on every application from a prospective black tenant, and others described similar racial “codes,” as the Daily Beast’s Gideon Resnick has written.
The government argued that black applicants would repeatedly be told there were no vacancies in Trump-owned buildings, but white applicants would then inquire and get offers. The Trumps denied the claims and fought back in court, but eventually settled — “with no admission of guilt,” Trump pointed out during Monday’s debate, which is not exactly saying he was innocent.
@Tony Glover

Trump wants to talk corruption… That’s funny. The most corrupt president in history wants to pretend his opponent is somehow more corrupt than he is.
Surprise US can’t do anything about it.
What’s surprising about this? The man simply EXUDES projection, after all……
True, but Biden masks it with respectability. Trump doesn’t care.
The most corrupt president in America.
SORRY trump has never been president
Only an illegal corrupt occupant……………………………………………………….
He’s a squatter.
@Robert LaRue That’s how I feel. The last 4 years have been a huge mistake and an even bigger regret in American history. We’ve been flying blind. Caught in political limbo with this lunatic murderer who calls himself a leader at the helm. Our own Gov’t should be brought up on charges for letting it continue.
Corruption? Most of his people are in jail…
Of course!…including him
*MAGA: My Associates Get Arrested*
Rick Gates: Convicted.
Paul Manafort: Convicted.
George Papadopoulos: Convicted.
Mike Flynn: Convicted.
Michael Cohen: Convicted.
Roger Stone: Convicted.
George Nader: Convicted.
Richard Pindeo: Convicted.
Alex van der Zwaan: Convicted.
Chris Collins: Convicted.
Duncan Hunter: Convicted.
Sam Patton: Convicted.
Bob Kraft: Arrested. Charged.
Steve Bannon: Arrested. Charged.
Louis DeJoy: Under investigation.
Rudy Giuliani: Under investigation.
DJTJ: Under investigation.
Jared Kushner: Under investigation.
Jason Miller: Deadbeat dad
Brad Parscale: Arrested
Donald Trump: Impeached, subject of a plethora of active/open investigations, and once he’s no longer a sitting president….
Indictments are coming for House Trump!
Always remember, Trump is a grandmaster at projection. Everything he accuses others of is what he’s doing.
It’s a symptom of several recognisable cluster b personality/ behavioural disorders…
When I accuse
I confess.
Grandiosity, need for centre of attention and focus of power; thoughts that everyone else is believing everything I say as I say it. I have control over what the people think because they are lesser/ stupid/ not educated/inferior.
If he was a fraction smart he says he is, he would figure out all he really say a lot more when he projects and lies.
@vincent vargas Not very deceptive, more like arrogantly transparent. In every arrogant projection, he gives up what he’s holding in his hand. Not a very good poker player. Probably how he ran his casino’s into the ground. Every thing he projects as illegal to his opponent’s, the FBI knows to start a new investigation on him. Lol! In that respect, he’s a dummy!
I live in a battleground state. Everyone I know in my state has voted blue and our ballots have all been recorded. We did our part. Now it’s your turn. Let’s take back America.
We in the late 70s voted Blue all the way in person today.
The Booty Sniffer; The future of America depends on the battleground states. Thanks for your vote.
@Priscilla Robb We FROM the early 70s voted all BLUE today!!!
Thank you
Thank you

Trump is extremely corrupt even for a criminal. He’s the most corrupt president imaginable.
@Bobby Allen watch the video again. You will find the details you are asking about in the video you are commenting on. Wow!
@David J
one more “O”, dude
just sayin
The problem is that our country and media are so divided and partisan that his supporters just think we’re making it all up because we “hate him”, or that we’re exaggerating.
He really IS above and beyond any other president in terms of his complete self-centeredness, lack of empathy or even decency, and yes, corruption!
Trump is not corrupt all of the scandals were proven to be false. What about geriatric joe
@Danny J Yeah, SURE. Read the Mueller report–all of it.
Trump is a classic projector. Everything negative about himself, he attributes to others. I don’t know if it’s a psychological issue, but he is surely demented.
Agree Drumpf is demented and mentally ill with a genetic aberation akin to schizophrenia and bipolar manifestations which is not curable or treatable but it’s manageable with intensive psychiatric counseling. The home environment during adolescence with a sociopathic father also plays a role in NPD.
He has personal ambition for his ownself and not american people’s
He is delusional. His cognitive decline is noticeably worse than two years ago.
If Trump was confident that he would win the election, he wouldn’t be sowing seeds of doubt.
So…….his actions are really speaking for themselves.
You can’t keep BSing your way through life without realizing that one day it will catch up with you.
Guess what Trump? It’s time!
That’s what I keep saying about the supreme court thing. if he was SO sure he’d win, he’d be going “since we won’t have a transition but a continuation, I’m going to wait to nominate anyone, since I’ll be president next term anyway” this massive push for ACB just screams desperation and no confidence at all that he’ll actually win if he’s trying to pack her in there before the election.
Trump is like a Skunk.. One thing about a Skunk — Once you Recognize the Markings, You know things are Gonna Stink…
Good one
I just voted straight Democrat in order to punish donald’s enablers! So are a lot of Republican’s here in Missouri and the rest of the United States of America! Vote Democrat!
Agree, it’s time to act against this chaos, or we will all go down.
Glad to hear it. I’ll be at the polls here in Missouri on Nov 2nd doing the same. Hopefully all of this madness and division will turn our state purple again, and wake people from the last 6 years of Social Media disinformation. I’ve never liked Republicans or Democrats, but it’s obvious I can’t vote 3rd party again this year…
Thank you! You unlike our President,are a real Patriot!
Trump’s presidency will be remembered as “The Great Smash & Grab.”
The Apprentice: The Ultimate Grift
Trump and his enablers ought to be charged with the depraved and reckless disregard of human life.
Everything Trump says about Biden and his family being corrupt is actually what Trump and his family are. Projecting. Again. Vote! Biden/Harris 2020
*MAGA: My Associates Get Arrested*
Rick Gates: Convicted.
Paul Manafort: Convicted.
George Papadopoulos: Convicted.
Mike Flynn: Convicted.
Michael Cohen: Convicted.
Roger Stone: Convicted.
George Nader: Convicted.
Richard Pindeo: Convicted.
Alex van der Zwaan: Convicted.
Chris Collins: Convicted.
Duncan Hunter: Convicted.
Sam Patton: Convicted.
Elliot Broidy: Convicted
Bob Kraft: Arrested. Charged.
Steve Bannon: Arrested. Charged.
Louis DeJoy: Under investigation.
Rudy Giuliani: Under investigation.
DJTJ: Under investigation.
Jared Kushner: Under investigation.
Jason Miller: Deadbeat dad
Brad Parscale: Arrested
Donald Trump: Impeached, subject of a plethora of active/open investigations, and once he’s no longer a sitting president….
Indictments are coming for House Trump!
Thx for the list.. Really ashamed of these “citizens” and their corrupt president..
The only problem is that NOT ONE of Trump’s brain-dead supporters hears or understands.
They’re nothing but sheep. When one of those losers tries to argue with me I just start bleating at them so they can understand me.

Donald Trump will be remembered in history as the worst ever President….
Trump is not Law and Order.. more like he suffers from a Lawlessness disorder
Criminal Indictments by Administration
Donald Trump (so far) — 215
Richard Nixon — 76
Reagan — 26
George W. Bush — 16
Bill Clinton — 2
Jimmy Carter — 1
Barack Obama — 0