The president is talking about opening up at least parts of the country by April 12 despite dire warnings on the coronavirus pandemic from states and health officials. Aired on 3/24/20.
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Trump Wants 'Packed Churches' On Easter Despite Grim Coronavirus Warnings | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Packed churches for funerals. Let’s see Trump in a packed church in NYC on Easter Sunday I can’t wait
Tgis is good. All conservatives will die off
@Amber Walters you are going to have to be more specfic….127 posts froma week ago…i have know clue what the he he lol is for
Go and pray that the virus stops.
Joseph SonOf Christ prayer will not fix this you would be better off donating money to corona cure research try to get your head out of the 3000 year old manuscript from a time before humans knew about bacteria, viruses and modern medicines seriously prayer is a complete waste of time it might make you feel better but it is only zanex for your brain
Daniel LF
*Breaking News*
*President Trump has caught Coronavirus*
The man is insane. Get rid of him before he kills us all!
@chris halios NOW
No, it will disappear in April “like magic”. Listen to god-emperor Trump
@zszs100 Stupid, the WHO let ppl travel to Wuhan and them leave at the time it should have been shut down… Plus stupid, China owns his company in his hometown in Ethiopia… But your so smart you should have known this… But you know better huh…. STUPID
@gene and aj Ok armchair doctor keep ignorantly blaming and ignore what works, w/e floats your boat. I don’t like to waste like with low lQ people, but hey keep supporting your supreme leader Kim Jong Un, oh wait sry, I meant to say Donald Trump. cya. xD
A GOVERNOR acting like a President should !
A “president” acting like a CLOWN does !
@RAT RepublicansAgainstTrump In the garage shining his master’s shoes.
@Perry Perrie OMG! I forgot about Rudy G. It’s amazing how 45 gets these fools to POOF!…disappear. Anyways tRump is not acting like a clown, he IS a clown.
Oh, make no mistake…not a Clown…a THUG.
Cuomo for pres.
@Luna EB Cuomo’s competence n capabilities were remarkable in this time of crisis against the self-praising leader who for 8 wks neglected his duty, but was complacent and preferred golfing.
OK let’s see him and his family in the middle of nice big crowd of people at Easter.
@Jeffrey Hagelin good for you( sarcasm)
@Heather Lewison
Thank you ( sincerely ).
@Heather Lewison
Are you little Stevie’s mommy ?
@Jeffrey Hagelin Sweetheart, all I did was let you know that Trump isn’t Jewish and you’re getting insanely offended, defensive & you’re losing control of yourself. Maybe you should read all the comments again so you can realize that nobody’s starting anything. I don’t like Trump and I won’t vote for him… Again. If this doesn’t resolve things, then I’m going to assume that you’re mentally unstable & ignorant.
@Steve H
First of all, I’m very straight, im not your “sweetheart”, you’re the homosexual projectionist not me.
Your irrelevant nonsense about drumpf’s personal profile and his obvious jewish heritage should be the object of your next book cover.
It might soothe your rattled nerves and ease your constipation.
He is deranged. Money before people is no way to think
MSNBC are making a propaganda story about Trump saying he’d *hope* to celebrate Easter Sunday, which is only 1 day sooner than when the UK’s lockdown ends.
Trump is expecting packed churches. He is either stupid or evil, you choose.
In South Africa we have 700 cases in total, we are in a complete shutdown. America I feel sorry for you with Donald Trump.
trump my hero
You are the deranged one…he shut down most businesses, the life blood of our economy, to protect people’s lives! You liberals are constantly looking to spin everything to make President Trump look bad. May God have mercy on your souls.
By the way, having personally seen and experienced supernatural healing and protection on numerous occasions, and knowing God’s word, which includes not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, especially as we see the day of His return approaching, and knowing how God protected the children of Israel from many if the plagues that came upon Egypt, if the church doors are open, I would have no problem showing up.
Prevention is less costly than cure. Think twice about your decision!
If the world leaders were scared of coronavirus, they wouldve done anything before corona entered their countries. But NO they want money, the flights, the people came in and out freely because leaders want money, not caring about a deadly outbreak.
“Easter is special for me” Easter bunny and Easter eggs and an extra cheezeburger for dinner.
“Easter is special for me” Well, the chosen one has spoken.
Don’t forget the little wafers (the body of Christ) and the sip of wine (Christ’s blood) — the Last Supper of Ishtar, I mean Easter. heh-heh. Expect clusters from the churches. Oooh, the devil is wrathful since discovering his time is short. Revelation 12: 12 THEN, the elections are suspended and the WAR: God vs God vs God vs God vs Not God can begin on Christmas Day 2020. THEN, on 09/23/26 there’s the Jubilee in Jerusalem to forgive ALL THAT DEBT.
Easter Egg hunt at the White House! Free admission if you wear a red hat or tin foil headgear.
And each of those plastic eggs will have a chicken nugget in it.
He eats an Easter bunny every year. Santa cannot keep cloning the Easter bunny cause eventually the bunny is gonna snap
I love social distancing, we should practice it all the time! The more of you that leave me alone the better!
Start with your family.
I’ve been social distancing since 2015. I love it
AMEN Mike..

Mike Browning

Get him away from the microphones. He does more harm than good.
@DFandV He should leave it to Fauci to do the talking but, of course, he doesn’t want Fauci upstaging him. Although Pence speaks a tad more intelligently than Trump he’s just Trump’s puppet with better diction.
I been saying his since aone. Twitter should suspend his account. Trump can use a tizzy!
I been saying his since aone. Twitter should suspend his account. Trump can use a tizzy!
I thought America was number 1? First world Country? Whats with only 400 ventilators? Wheres all the money? Why cant Apple help with their trillion dollars?
Trump should not open his mouth.
Who cares what president dummy wants.Stay home and stay safe.
Amazing but his base will all head to church proudly wearing their Moscow red MAGA hats on Easter Sunday. then they can experience the resurrection for themselves.
Daniel Warner go to cheryl cacchione youtube channel its going to be a sunday law pope Francis spread the word
EXACTLY. There is not ONE good piece of advice Trump can offer everyday citizens.
@Kevin Willis Nobody should be heeding Trump’s wretched, reckless advice. The only one at those press conferences whose advice I feel is valid is Dr. Fauci, and he’s not timid about contradicting Trump. He knows people’s lives are at stake. Responsible leaders who aren’t the smartest guys in the room know enough to defer to the ones who are smarter. Trump’s too stupid to realize even that.
@The Blade …I was thinking the same thing LOL
Stay home!! The Easter bunny just tested positive.
No she didn’t. I’m going to get my chocolate this year, don’t make up lies please.
@Olzme your funeral.
LOL. Idiots here believe anything. The 30 day stay at home order was issued 3 DAYS before the Trolls at msnbc fake news did this piece of garbage.
How do you all posting negative comments like being made fools by being msnbc Tool Trolls, LOL. Wankers!
pink winters29 , Americans without faith and trust even at home can be passed by this pandemic and inflict harm or even death.
1:09 Just as I predicted a matter of days ago. This is what happens when a simple virus has more intelligence than your elected leader.
You want to take a look at the scale of the Y axis though.
@The All Seeing Eye Tim- US ARMY VET
Oh man. Wake up.
Have we had a 1, 000,000 deaths from this virus? LOL.
But yet Americans will not lock down for that?
People in this country are….stupid! PERIOD! Dumber than a box of Rocks.
@Heather Lewison I might be wrong but if I remember correctly the seasonal flu comparison was being floated when this nasty crap was still pretty much inside China with one or two clusters outside of it.
At that time many were confident this would be contained, managed and eliminated like how SARS MERS and H1N1 was. All influenza like viruses. And that included myself. I had reassured friends and family that seasonal flu had a higher mortality rate. Not any longer.
Also the CDC was confident that the federal gov US had enough time to prepare and contain it if pockets of this came along back when China was still battling it.
U might want to see if CDC is still maintaining that this is just like seasonal flu and the death rate is below 1%.
If they are than I am sorry but its turned into another FAA. A legendary US institution that had once covered not only the US but most of the world that didnt have such expertise and experience but no longer on the ball.
The problem with this thing is it takes up to 3 weeks before someone has a fever but its infectious through out that time period and those who do not bounce back in a week of being in medical care, they tend to take up to 4 or more weeks before they are able to give up their bed for others. And the once which require gas to survive tens to take the longest. No country carries that much of access capacity in medical facilities anywhere in the world.
Soon we will see rows and rows of beds with intubated patients quickly overwhelming hospitals. And its going to hit the US in many cities in concert leaving no room for one state to aid the other.
Expect this to escalate very quickly and the scenario of both patients and bodies pilling up by next week Monday or so.
The South Koreans had an experience to show the rest of the world how and why any country that had not been testing and isolating from the begining will loose its capacity. Their case number 36 first came to their attention after a vehicle accident. The woman involved had refused a test since she had no symptoms.
3 weeks later she finally did have the symptoms and tested positive. Contact tracing had established she alone had caused more than 40 thousand others to be infected in that time period.
This isnt like the flu.
@milwaukeejt Yes and watch. They? Our government? Will eventually have….everyone tested for this virus.
Not me! It is not happening. Precautions? He’ll yes! From the government.
@The All Seeing Eye Well? I was wrong. The CDC has around over 80, 000 dying from the influenza back in 2018. But still? No…lock down.
See? People? Are just panicking. And that is where our government? Gets power. Over…the people. I am a US ARMY VETERAN.
I can… See it! I can….see it!
This just out as we were talking about it.
Easter is a very special day for me. Really? He is the most unchristian person on the planet. Smh.
He’s insane
donald trump the church is in your heart , not a building .
The scary thing is that TRUMP really thinks he’s doing a great job. Someone needs to take him to New York and give him a dose of reality.
Again all Trumps fault…but not Andrew Cuomo’s huh? Can you say “hypocrite”?
He’s a heavy Narcisist , he lives hi’s own reality. Very dangerous as a President
Why hasn’t that happened? Isn’t he the leader? Shouldn’t he be out there consoling the people?
Sorry, I just had a rash moment of what should be normal.
LOL. Idiots here believe anything. The 30 day stay at home order was issued 3 DAYS before the Trolls at msnbc fake news did this piece of garbage.
How do you all posting negative comments like being made fools by being msnbc Tool Trolls, LOL. Wankers!
He doesn’t care!!!!!!
Imagine unironically liking Trump in 2020. He’s a clown and his fanbase is the circus.
His supporters are morons. High school dropouts so ignorant they believe anything that comes out of his mouth with complete obedience. As long it supports his agenda, Trump doesn’t hesitate to lie and deceive his gullible “fanbase”.
When’s the last time trump was in a church, he should set an example by attending a packed church this Sunday.
@J. Muller you are right on both points, Son.
@De St … Why Yes …Yes Raymond is
J. Muller sorry I don’t live in my mommy’s basement unlike you.
@april thomas congratulations,
Only Jesus he knows is a mexican who cleans his pool.
Trump’s using the churches as scapegoats now. He’s really out of his mind
Yau CC optimism is now condemned?
It’s called pragmatism and all the MSNBS devotees Lose THEIR minds…. SMH
You CC … trump is giving the evangelicals their turn at glory … are they that stupid , to think that anyone outside of their base is going to pack the Churches … OK
“When a bussinessman runs The Country”

Trump is not a president he said junkyard businessman…
When a – corrupt and failed – bussinessman runs The Country…