In a new interview, the president said he will call for a drug test before his debates with Joe Biden because he says that Biden was 'so bad' in the Democratic debates. The panel reacts. Aired on 08/27/2020.
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Trump Wants Drug Tests Before The Debates | Morning Joe | MSNBC
They would test the dems for drugs after Don Jr’s bloodshot eyes and Kimberley Gilfoyle’s coke fueled fear fest.
Projection at Trump’s finest
For Real Though! No one I heard speak at the DNC sounded like they need AA ,narc anon, or a 90 day treatment program. Everyone at the RNC sounds like they need a 72 hour involuntary psychiatric hold a therapist and a straight jacket .
So hunter biden took cola?
The one who needs a drug test is trump, he is getting crazier by the minute.
Are you blind and deaf? Have you seen and heard @PhoenixVG? It has severe dementia. It’s funny!
No that is rioting liberals burning looting and murdering, y’all screwed yourself! Typical Tards!
@Bobby McKnight –
Psycho tRump DID create you crazy republiKKKlans. He just exposed you.
Yes, those are the rioting white supremacists burning, looting and murdering. Y’all screwed yourself! Typical tRumpturds !”
Trump loves rallies. The more people present the more “energetic attention” available for grab, which for Trump is “narcissistic supply” i.e. his drug of choice. Trump wants Biden to take a drug test because his acceptance speech at the DNC last week was too fluent for a stutterer. However, if Trump himself takes a drug test he’s on something that will not show up on a drug test. Let this Counselor in this video explain it,
@Merkabah Pheonix I think you need a hug!
Biden: “Sure I’ll take a drug test…after you turn over ur tax returns!!!”
Trump: “Silence”
christian Williams Yeah dude the republicans have cherry picked Biden’s speeches and interviews to make him look helpless. They are literally using trump as a puppet. Ironic since they’re saying Biden is one for the democrats. If you’ve seen him talk before he stumbles time to time he’s mostly pretty good.
@Luke Johnson dude it’s the opposite president Trump would never allow himself to be a puppet or manipulated or used. You got it all wrong. It’s Biden that’s the puppet. If he wins he’ll just be a figurehead.
christian Williams What I mean is the Republican Party knows that trump is bad even to them (which is why Biden keeps getting gop endorsements). However they constantly vow for him for their own gain. By gain I mean people only support trump because of what he does to people they hate. A horrible reason to back someone.
@Luke Johnson that’s not true because I love him and it’s not for that reason.
christian Williams Good for you. But that’s the truth. That’s pretty much the reason he has a fan base or what some would call a cult.
Or better yet:
Biden: “I’ll get a drug test when you release you tax returns.
He will, when Hillary forks over the emails she was subpoenaed to do, remember?
@henrik kruse yes Hillary for emails, Trump for taxes fraught, Melanie for e-mails , Ivanka for e-mails ! Locked them all up and all the crooked at the white house pocketing the people’s money
I agree.
love & respect
And you base that on… guessing?
Trump loves rallies. The more people present the more “energetic attention” available for grab, which for Trump is “narcissistic supply” i.e. his drug of choice. Trump wants Biden to take a drug test because his acceptance speech at the DNC last week was too fluent for a stutterer. However, if Trump himself takes a drug test he’s on something that will not show up on a drug test. Let this Counselor in this video explain it,
Trump can’t sit anywhere that’s why he wants to stand his adderal won’t allow him to sit
@scottjamescouper oh please Trump had trouble walking down a ramp such b******* I guess Tammy duckworth worth to serve them either right
@Jean Jones That’s right JJ!
@Jean Jones <--- trump cult member no. 566778
He should take a Drug Test. With all the sniffling, snorting, and drinking water; that he does, it sounds like he needs one. Just saying!!!
@whatyousay When Trump’s taxes come out it will be a huge nothing burger just like the Mueller report. Every time you try to railroad Trump, it backfires spectacularly.
@scottjamescouper you have injected too many doses of Dr. Trump’s snake oil.
Have you personally review Bob Mueller’s report. The summary from Trump is the summary that Trump wants.
Your dear Orange Joker Supreme Leader had the 2016 election stolen for him with the help of the Russian crime syndicate.
@norman sabel Bob Mueller not only didn’t write the report, he never even read the report. When asked about Fusion GPS Muller responded “What’s that?” Even Christopher Steele said the dossier was a total lie. It just goes to show that if the media pound a lie in to your head, you will still believe it even after it has been proven false. There are people who still believe the Twana Brawley story to this day.
Riots and murder in the streets of demorat cities backed by a dementia candidate, good luck TARDZ! It is not looking good for team DAF!
I agree. Testing for chloroquine should be done. Might explain bunker boy’s MORONAVIRUS symptoms!
they could test Pence too..but they would have to remove his head from tRumps butt first
“I would gladly take a drug test myself, but my taxes are currently still being audited, but as soon as they complete the audit, I will show you the results of my cognitive test that I took a couple years ago under the supervision of a highly unqualified doctor. The test was a very difficult, and I know a lot of 3rd graders who would not have passed the test, but I scored 35 points of a possible 30 points on the test, because I was able to correctly identify an alligator, an elephant and a zebra, and not many of my loyal fans can even do that, and I take no responsibility for that, because it is what it is”
OMG RFLMAO. Thanks, I needed that laugh
“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids”
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”
“Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.”
“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things” -Joe Biden
Doesn’t matter if he is being audited or NOT… Showing YOU or any one else his tax reports are not required to run or to be the President of the USA! Whats on his taxes is between his tax accountant and the IRS… Not YOU!
@Jean Jones We have a right to know where his money is coming from. It could comprise him from foreign gvt Oh wait Sorry looks like it did
Haha of course he’s projecting, just like with everything he says
Everybody knows his son is on coke, he’s projecting.
@Mona F Like your ORANGE dad! Has no clue
@keke johnson Good job using orange now go fist yourself, sister!
@Bobby McKnight I already did twice by hurting your feelings
@keke johnson You fisted yourself twice, good job. Wow, you’re breaking records. Carful you could hurt yourself. Orange Man Bad!
@Bobby McKnight you having mini stroke again
The current President lost his confident in the incoming debates with the next incoming future President in Nov, Joe Biden!
Biden: Oh, sure I’ll take a drug test…but you go first.”
Anything to distract from his failure as president.
Best President Ever! 100%! Anything to distract from your riots and street killings why in only demorat cities? You’re screwed!
There we’re literally thousands of people who said the exact same thing on twitter after the debates.
Another fabricated story to keep the goulable masses entertained in the midst of avalanche of other nonsense brought to you by the media.
So no one gonna diagree that biden might fail a drug test?
Half of his voters would be out LMAO …epidemic yea when it’s your people it’s an epidemic
weed or Meth what we testing for
I thought he wanted a COVID19 test. Priorities.
Why don’t you release your tax returns like Biden did. Scared little man.?
Low production liberal news surprisingly declines that Biden might be using any drugs at all.