While discussing his troop pullback from Syria, the president on Wednesday discussed his experience seeing the remains of soldiers brought home at Dover Air Force Base. The panel discusses. Aired on 10/10/19.
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Trump Uses Solemn Event As 'Political Prop,' Say Admiral | Morning Joe | MSNBC
There is no depth too low for Trump to sink and wallow in.
Trump represents all of the worst qualities humanity has to offer. He’s the most corrupt and criminal POTUS in American History.
Agreed. He’s never been held accountable for anything in his life and seems to think the world revolves around him and his needs. Too bad his supporters don’t realize he cares nothing for them, only pandering to them for their unquestioning support.
UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & More It’s on youtube,,, Take a few minutes and follow the timeline WITH DOCUMENTS PROVING ALL OF IT…
and republicans for enabling him as well, for supporting this “charade”. They are all a shame for the US, for the history of the US and for the values the US wants to represent
William Stall copy and paste copy and paste copy and paste . Willy the Russkie tool
@William Stall – Nonsense deflection. Take you balley and go home, Billy.
He’s not worthy to look at the remains of those heroes.
Hear ! Hear !
My sentiments Exactly .
He’s not worthy to stand in the same room.. Or building.. Or town.. Or state.. Or COUNTRY that they gave their lives for.
David Lee I wouldn’t want to see him.
William Osullivan you forgot planet.
Trump, have the spirit of satan you can’t believe anything he says.
Ouch! Buuuurn! PUT UP OR STFU, DEMS!!! Vote! Let the Republicans have subpoena power and let ALL of what went on in the Ukraine out!
@Ken James Jr … Trump is Daniel’s “Treacherous Dealer” he belongs to the “Jews” Synagogue of Satan, whom belong to ‘Obama’ the true and final Antichrist *Baraq O’ Bamah*
Remember where John says that a 7th king would be replaced by an 8th, whom was the 6th [7 being completion] .. Son of perdition to come out of said perdition unto fulfilling it?..
… I won’t rag you on the mistake so much, just want to correct you.. Gently
Trump will be dead soon, *dead, dead* as America, Babylon smolders in ashes; and Obamanation will take the 666th chair at the UN [he must wait until after Sirah, Rapture to show his true colors!]
RFIDs, the Mark of the Beast, whilst (Satan’s Last) Trump has mandated them into international Law, they still belong to Satan’s offspring ‘Obama’ [born of a Jackal truly, a “Ghost” Nephilim/ not human from birth]
I’m glad you are awoken.. “Left Behind Letter” *write one* .. the Elect *must be “Abducted” soon!*
Look UP!
@William Stall Read my note to my brother Ken..
“He shall destroy many by way of peace”_ God.
“..Drones, you’ll never see it coming!.. you think I’m joking.”_BHO
(Locusts Will, locusts who hunt people in Great Tribulation)
Why is everyone insulting Satan? At least his bible specifically states that we shouldn’t harm children. Satan also didn’t drown an entire planet because he had a hissy fit. Y’all are disparaging the wrong one.
@Lady Cheyne

Please get this guy out of the WH. This mofo is the worst.
That’s Racist
He makes me sick.
@David Hollenshead Trump lacks basic human DNA…

I agree
Trump is a liar and conman. He’s corrupt to the core. Dude has to go.
@William Stall oof. You’re worthless.
What is he doing there? What is he saying? Stupid man.
A horrible description that only a crude and unfeeling dolt could spew.
Trump lacks basic Human Empathy…………
col. cinders couldn’t agree more trump is a disgrace
The same way he sounded when describing details about women being sexually trafficked.. the duct tape…he enjoys it.
A real pig
This is why Trump is the biggest embarrassment to our country!!!
Stone Men truth? Are you deaf, blind and STUPID?
@Henry Coats read the comments before you comment dum dum
Stone Men I read it, so what did Obama lie about. Don’t just say he did. Give us facts, facts. You know what that is. Well you’re the dummy if you just throw it out there WITHOUT STATING FACTS.
@Henry Coats really hello wake up can you read your calling me stupid read the comments all of them I posted moron
Trump will go down as the worst president of all time, but the maga people with the hats, they will go down as the worst losers of all time.
Oh my God this speech is just disgustingly inappropriate
Trump lacks basic Human Empathy……………………
@David Hollenshead end the wars
Especially for a draft dodging coward like trump
He was raised by animals evidently
Trump is sickening to think this man represents our country its mortifying .
Stephen A With that comment, you are far from being a man, just like your disgusting mentor Bonespurs. As Arthur from Monty Python’s “Holy Grail”, said with French inflection, I fart in your general direction.
@William Stall Why ? Because everything you just said is unsubstantiated BS put out as propaganda for Trump and spread by lunatic conspiracy theorists.
@William Stall here we go with the conspiracies…..
@Ryan Anderson you sound like a world class moron.
He talks like a kid who didn’t do his homework.
@janeen harris he never laughs. He had a comedy central roast some years ago. It was the worst one I seen. He shows no emotion unless he is being attacked or attacking.
Storm he actually does, when he’s been caught. Look at him trying to explain things. Poor little trump baby.
Lol always. Ha ha
Yes he does. From the morning through the night, day after day. This too shall pass and our country, I pray, will be wiser and stronger for having survived these past few years in witnessing everything Not to do or say.
I don’t know how those grieving parents don’t punch that draft-dodging coward in the face.
Military conscription is slavery, and dodging slavery is nothing to be ashamed of.
Poison Toad that’s exactly what he’s afraid off. Someone should.
newf newf I’d bet a few would like to.
Spoken like someone who’s never experienced real grief before.
When those victims of Benghazi came to USA Hillary and Obama was there in Dover military airfield
When those victims of the ambush that killed 4 green berets came to Dover military airfield … T-Rump was golfing in his resort less than 30 min helicopter ride away .
Obama visited Arlington national cemetery every veterans day , T-Rump has not visited it once just as he skipped the cemetery visit in France .
4 sure
money is his only grief lol
Goes to Dover if it doesn’t interfere with his golf and tweeting schedule.
Rod Brewster and the faux news scheduling
Twice since his inauguration, they said. Better that way, God knows what an inappropriate behavior he might display.
Or if it’s not raining. You know the hair….it might melt
Trump is a LOW LIFE JERK.
Trump lacks basic Human Empathy……………..
Trump is a coward draft dodger
America… WTF are you doing? Get this monster out…
We need serious help, if he can open the desire for dirt on political opponents to freelancers around the world, can we open up the cry for helping to get rid of him?! Please?!
All the best, American people
C. Holland not hard enough please try harder the whole world depends on it
Hopefully we will soon be executing him on the National Mall for treason. We’re sorry that it isn’t soon enough.
trump is truly a disgusting person.
Trump articulates like he’s 10 yrs.old.
UKRAINE SCANDAL EXPLAINED: Chalkboard on DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, Trump & More …Look it up on youtube. It’s all documented.
@William Stall = Sad stooge.
Don’t insult 10 year olds…
He is 13 going on 75
more like 5
This guy is incapable of showing any real emotions. Psychopath.
Yup, he ran from military service like a true chicken sh*t coward.
Thank you for saying that he is a psychopath, the extreme end of narcissism. He is a predator without a shred of conscience.
Trump: “I get to Dover when I can….”==when it doesn’t interfere with golf, tweeting, watching Fox, rallies etc.
Or if it’s raining.
Can’t go in the rain….you know ..the hair…it might melt..
2-3 times in 2 1/2 years, they said.