Governors are desperately trying to source hospital beds, staff, ventilators, gloves, masks and other equipment amidst the coronavirus crisis. At Friday’s Coronavirus Task Force briefing, President Trump suggested that if they want federal help, they should be more “appreciative” of his efforts. Here’s how governors are coping.
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Trump Uses Coronavirus Crisis To Criticize Governors Seeking Help | The Day That Was | MSNBC
Wow, Trump is deranged
He the best the GOP has. sad.
“Don’t call the woman in Michigan”?
Totally disrespected her. She’s the governor.
@Joe Monroe
@sc0ttr0 of course you would vote for a 13 year old megalomaniac over someone with 30 year experience in public relations. Oh wait you don’t like her so let’s elect a moron instead
@Yasai Picles Oh wait, of course you would vote for the most CORRUPT politician with the most history of scandal, INCLUDING poorly handling classified information and PROVEN pay to play for leverage with her position as secretary of state. I would vote for ANYBODY else, anytime, every time. But of course people like you just gloss over all the wrong doings because mainstream media plays it down when they belong to the right party . Give me a break. The Clinton foundation pillaged the world and the united states justice department covered it up for them. Notice the Clinton Foundation no longer exists? I wonder why. Google how much they reported in donations vs how much they actually contributed out to causes. Then come back and we’ll talk about corruption and morons and why “I don’t like her”. Get your head out of the sand.
@sc0ttr0 multiply all that Hilary has done with trump 5x and add lack of experience and the IQ score is the guy you are backing up.
@Yasai Picles what are some Trump scandals? Mean to people? Not a good public speaker? What is one thing he’s been accused of that’s proven? Hillary was accused and proven guilty on multiple items. “She broke the law but didn’t’ mean to.” The Obama appointed justice department changing verbiage from “investigation” to “matter” to make sure charges were reduced (AGAIN PROVEN).
“the woman in Michigan” He can’t even use her official title…because she’s a female and he’s a DB!!
@Sherly James so uneducated…lmao does it hurt to be a sheep
@Denice Patterson so judgemental… How do you know if I am uneducated? Racist piece of liberal..
@Timothy McGuire You are 100% right
@Sherly James how is calling someone uneducated, racist?
Who cares?
“I could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and get away with it.”
3.5 years later…
“I could sacrifice 1 million Americans and get away with it.”
@David Webb keep telling yourself that and live in your own world. You should step outside your shrinking bubble.
@Albin M I will you just keep yourself in mommy’s basement ok. Lol
David Webb you should pull your head out of trumps butt and take a deep breath, the lack of oxygen is affecting your faculties
Exactly! He said it best…”I don’t take responsibility for anything!”
Rotflmao, I just saw on the news. national news that is San Francisco people playing basketball and hundreds in a park. Yeah governor newsom Nancy’s nephew. You better blame trump about more breathing machine you piece of crap. Same in New York. LMAO but cry in front of the cameras. Can’t believe the liberal media actually showed it.
He’s not a leader! He has never been a leader. He’s a baby.
@fanatamon Stupid is writhing a 100 word sentence with no punctuation. Ask a third grader for help with your grammar.
real american Learn to count and spell fool. Get a second grade kid to teach you.
@real american ah, it’s the last stand of someone with no argument whatsoever.
let’s see you do a better job
Drew Sorbie
This is seriously disturbing, hes playing with people’s lives and he takes it as if he is the king and everyone must pay homage to the king, it’s absolutely disgusting, if he has issues with certain governors that should not get in the way of helping the people of your country , and still he has a following? This is not a matter of Democrats vs Republicans it’s a matter of saving lives and leading your country
So that’s basically a quid pro quo!?
Guess he didn’t learn anything!.
Surely you’re joking. Trump learns?
I can’t stand HIM! Please, we need to vote him out in Nov!
real american I’d like to know why you call yourself “real American”?
@Emma Williams No, Emma, he WAS impeached. Try to keep up.
@real american South Korea!
With who you have running. Rotflmao.
@Emma Williams it’s the Demorats all they do is waste money.
Oh well, looks like the US is in the unfortunate position of having to rely on this walking obscenity in times of trouble.
I still don’t understand how such an incredibly stupid person can rule the US. My thoughts are with you. Greetings from Europe
Well, hopefully he is a puppet for Russia otherwise he is insane.
Over 70% of Republicans are inbreds. They drop out of school by the 4th grade.. so they can feed the goats leftover chicken scraps! Now the Republican government officials are just criminals. They lie still and cheat at anything and everything. Take Mitch McCannell he serves as the Senate Majority Leader but he won’t pass any bills that doesn’t line his pocket.
Because it’s the US?
The woman in Michigan!..making things personal while american dying from the virus!..send the governor what they need for god seek!!!!!
Don’t you think it’s odd that CNN can only find people with bad things to say? It looks to me like we have a far lower death rate than most countries. I for one am amazed at how fast the government has taken action to fight this virus. I know everything hasn’t run exactly perfectly but I think they are doing a good job. I mean they passed a bailout before people were even talking about a bailout, I don’t think they have ever done that before. I can’t remember getting anything from the recession, it all went to the banks who created the crisis.
So did you not hear what the governor said? Or did you decide to ignore it just so you can be outraged? If the woman wasn’t trying to be an ahole , he wouldn’t have had to respond that way. I applaud what he said. He was right. So now the governor can swallow her pride and ask for the aid that her people need, or she can continue to be an ahole and she can explain herself to the people that are going to die because she copped an attitude. It’s her choice. If she is interested in helping her voters we will see. If she is being a political hack, and is willing to let people in her state die because of it. We will see that too. What do you think she should do?
@tony blackmon No kidding, she had just as much time as Trump did to prepare for this pandemic. But when the crap hits the fan they just want to lay the blame at Trumps feet instead of carrying any of the blame themselves. I think it’s becoming the biggest theme with the Democrats (don’t accept any blame if you can blame it on some one else). The establishment Democrats are slowly killing off their own party.
@billy john I agree, they don’t seem to get it that the public holds them responsible for doing their jobs. And all they can do is pre-distribute blame on why they aren’t going to do what they were elected to do.
If she had been giving blame to someone after the fact, I could kind of see it. But she doesn’t seem to know what to do or how to start. And she was going off on the president for not fixing her state for her.
He is so primitive and ‘revengefull’…
I’m going for numbers, big numbers, numbers like the US has never seen before.
Number of deaths.
Yes you are!
56% of the country believe he is doing a good job. WHAT THE F!!!
Jeff Taylor more of us are against trump than for him. They manipulated regions delegates to get him into presidency. He did not win the popular vote
@Jeff Taylor as an Kenyan to an Australian, I agree with your assessment
@Rosie Galvan Bidens just been accused of sexual assault, wheres the “me2” gang????? where are the “believe all women” morons??? total silence of course….. orange man bad, orange man bad.. nothing else matters, you lot are hypocrites
Well he is right in a way…trump only keeps winning because democrats are truly incompetent morons…a half capable opposition would wipe out trump and his mob.
The rise is coming from people who don’t vote, like teenagers.
If I was Trump, I’d be worried about the wrongful death lawsuits that’s going to come after him for screwing up this response as clearly he’s causing deaths. These deaths are on him.
He said people should eat some kind of cleaner that goes in fish aquariums. A couple was stupid enough to do it. The wife survived but the husband wasn’t so lucky. Surely to God he’s liable for that.
I don’t really think he cares about the deaths. He’s only worried about the economy.
Then I guess Cuomo will too.
Somebody needs to step in a remove him. This is getting dangerous. For our President to choose who lives and who dies because of his childish personal feelings is disgusting.
crafting again you won’t find “gullible” here. I’ll pray for you….
@tony blackmon please focus on your well-being, as this YouTube conversation is not that serious. Enjoy your family and your evening. I will no longer exhaust my energy on a comment that was entirely my viewpoint on what mattered to me
crafting well since you just accused the president of choosing who lives and who dies for personal gain , based on your own personal bias, I stated my opinion , that you are full of crap. I assure you that the well being of my family is not your concern, Thank you very much.
And Next time you get called out for something that hateful don’t expect to be able to just sweep it under the rug. The president has been doing a pretty darn good job , he has been providing aid to ungrateful , ignorant Democratic governors who are unab!e and unwilling to help there own states, and expect the president to step in and do their jobs for them.
He shut down travel with China while the experts were still saying it’s to early. He also has been trying to maintain calm while the democrats are all trying to instill panic and then there are ignorant and hateful people like you trying to outright lie to create a false perception, and then you want to just make out like it was nothing. Sorry but once again your propaganda is rejected…..
@tony blackmon Lol!!!! I gotcha going huh….my goodness. I didn’t expect you to write a book, nor am I downplaying what I wrote. You’re the one selecting what you choose to hear that comes out of Trumps mouth. Should I send you links to refresh your memory? Again please utilize the rest of your evening by copying and pasting your novel under everybody’s comment that you don’t agree with. I’m about to look at the mask singer….Lol!!!
crafting I am not selecting anything, I am calling you out for being a hateful liar, there is nothing you can link to to support , what you tried to downplay as opinion. There is nothing that can support that, and you appear to be parroting propaganda without any knowledge of what you speak. It’s just mindless hatred on your part and that’s all it is..
That’s what you get when you elect a president who has no education whatsoever.
And no idea how to run an organization. It’s why he’s bankrupted any halfway legal businesses he owned. He only ‘succeeded’ at money laundering (_allegedly_
) It’s why his bassackwards approach is costing both unnecessary money and lives. Governors are bidding against each other — oh yeah, “Trump is the consummate successful businessman.” NOT. 
The problem is that you cannot have a immoral man sitting in the seat that demands morilaty.
The scope and magnitude of this virus have never been experienced by ANYONE in our lifetime. Nobody is to be blamed for the rapid spread around the world and NO county was fully prepared for this. This is is Mother Nature’s way of demonstrating that the forces of nature are enormously much more powerful than mankind’s will and cannot be controlled. To get past this quickly just use common sense, stay in your homes as much as possible, wash your hands often and be aware of what your hands are touching if you must go out for groceries and needed doctor visits. People using this crisis as a political tool are sick, angry, desperate, and pathetic human beings.
Bot..half true..but a lot of countries which were in a way dangerous position than usa brought it under control.
He acts like a mob boss or a 5 yr old bully
“If they’re not nice to me then I don’t call them.” That’s some playground quid pro quo right there.
Andrew Andrew More like blatant and corrupt
@KatyLou60 Don’t be lied to by the divisive fake news media,they edit things,change statements and all sorts of divisive things. I am not telling you to like trump,but he has the country’s interest at heart. Do your own research.
@Paul Kw I know what I see everyday on the taskforce and it’s not good. The first 3 days I was impressed with control and sincerity but day 4 he blew it and he’s back to his cocky arrogant condescending ways
KatyLou60 My sister’s an RN and she’s on the frontline with a lack of PPE as well. It’s bad enough worrying about virus and the lives it’s taking. We should NOT have to be worrying about our healthcare workers being protected. It’s the same as sending a soldier to war without a weapon. Thank you for the work you’re doing & hang in there

The guy is so completely bad, America is literally a laughing-stock to the entire world. Other countries think Americans are stupid dimwits for having this clown as our leader.
He said everyone could get a vent before yet says “don’t be a cutie pie” when asked?
Ugh I cant stand Drumplestiltskin. Such a troll.
He has ten year old intelligence, like his dim witted supporters.