President Donald Trump proposed a Middle East plan that he claimed was a "realistic two-state solution" but caters to nearly every major Israeli demand and was immediately rejected by Palestinians. #CNN #News
Trump unveils Middle East plan that was swiftly rejected by Palestinians

The reason they unveiled this mishmash was to take the heat off the impeachment trial. We’ve seen this before.
@FluffyBadger No, I said those things. Try to keep up!
@FluffyBadger But seeing as you asked he said: “.Trump supporters are pro- life ,.truth and love .They do not deal in continuos lies that the Dems repeat hour by hour .The swamp is full of subtle lies .Fox would clear out your mis-information if you are willing to break from hate deception” I paraphrased it accurately.
What heat?
He’s going to be reelected.
Check out the NJ rally taking place that CNN is ignoring LOL!!!
@RagaSHOT And you’ll never see partisan hatred from the left here or on FOX? Don’t make me laugh.
Omar Talib Ro Aoc TYT CNN HATE AMERICA did you watch the video?
So you make a “peace” plan without consulting one of the two sides.
Is this a joke?
Trump’s impeached…Bebe’s indicted…sounds like they need a distraction
#Walkaway C don’t even haha.
Mike Hall aww
Molon Labe haha I have more guns than you I guarantee it.
@Therese Martin your claims are lies you cant beat America and Israel
Does Jared need a fresh blood transfusion… He’s a whiter shade of pale.
@Sophie Peraaud no that is the Nazi pelosi
@Vivian Perino no that is the godless rapist biden
is Jared related to Stephen Miller? Has anyone checked into that? Blood brothers?
Deeann Watson Maybe he’s being used by his father-in-law to appeal to white supremacists
@Penelope Simpson Adams
both pencil neck pissants.
This plan is a joke, and reflects the low capability of Trump’s brain to think maturely.
What, exactly, are Jared’s qualifications that give him the requisite skills to create a peace plan in the Middle East?
Can someone please tell me? Thanks.
@The Memo Hoorah!!
@Torq 2000 Just can beat a Dem without cheating. Go back to Moscow
@Andy Smitty On behalf of the Government? Puh leeez. On behalf of Netenyahoo connected to the Criminal in Chief.
How do you do a peace plan without the other side.
One Layer said the Bar is Set Too Low for Impeachment, Maybe, Or is it, the Bar is Set to Low for the Presidency.
Yup, a two-state solution: U.S. & Israel. Don & Benny.
And the author? Trump’s punk son-in-law. Pompeo must have been busy that day smearing one of his ambassadors.
YT will probably delete this video though for their K@balah criminal masters, Trump and Netanyahu.
Solid post, Bruce. Respect.
IS this a joke?
Dystopian comedy in orange color and Kushround sound.
An impeached president and an indicted prime minister working on a peace plan? Just great!
Artificial Avocado Farce impeachment
@Dave Waldon Delusional much?
Jared thought the Palestinians would accept a ‘peace plan’ made by him, the right hand of the kingpin? …very insulting..
in the end hitler bowed to America
@Molon Labe
oh what history book is that in
Yes it always works when others decide the fate of someone else with out asking.
This is the epitome of democracy that think it’s ok for the state to ban a journalist because of criticism of the government,it’s just juvenile?.
“Who knew it was so complicated?”
1:52-2:25 🤔
They’re praising Pompeo for shouting and intimidating a female journalist for doing her job😒.
Dolphin Man There was nothing she asked that was a “gotcha” question. My theory is that the question he exploded on is why hasn’t he defended Ambassador Yavonvitch. In Bolton’s book, it said Pompeo was defending her to the President..but obviously Trump would not want that public and he’s playing to an audience of one. He knows he’s defended her but can’t go public!
@Bytor 1001
thats dirty getting a handful of overfilled diaper.
B WanE Pompeo is another fat gutless pig!
@CD Smith Call me whatever you like. That’s the beauty of a free society. We have freedom if we can keep it. Sadly if the socialists win we’ll be catapulted into the days of book-burning.
A “realistic solution” that steal almost all the land from the Palestinians and solidifies Israel’s ilegal setling activities.
@Unicron6 what the hell?
@Ronald Quincy the world is too complex for simple minded people like you
@Plo Koon Nice try, but you don’t know even close to enough about me to make that kind of assertion. Stop pretending you can read minds to try hiding the fact that you can’t come up with a coherent argument against well known and established facts.
@Ronald QuincyI had writen a longer comment explaining the situation but youtube or CNN took it down. It seems they don’t like the truth. I read a lot about the history of Israel in the last century, it is a complex situation. I find the Six day War the most exciting. But the situation is grey and complex. And yes by the comments you have writen so far your mind is too weak to understand.
What kind of government administration is that😂😂😂 how u make a deal when the other party doesnt agree😂😂😂.. and how is someone that drops f bombs on air can be secretary of state😂😂
Two of a kind!
One lies, and the other swears to it…
Good luck.
If Traitor Trump likes the terrorist state of Israel so much, why doesn’t he move there. I’m sure they’d love to give him the USS Liberty treatment.
Awwww, they’re like two peas in a pod; one’s indicted, the other’s impeached. Birds of a feather, as they say.