After an attempted burglary at Rep. Cummings’ Baltimore home, President Trump took to Twitter to mock the attempt, saying it was ‘too bad.’ Rolling Stone’s Jamil Smith and Ari Melber unpack Trump’s long history of his dangerous rhetoric inciting violence. Smith says Trump continues to manifest a ‘mob mentality.’
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Trump Under Fire For Mocking Burglary At Rep. Cummings’ Home | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
It wasn’t a burglary actually.
It was just a ‘rat burglar’ coming before the cat burglar.
Deelyte007 drum roll please. Whites make up 61% of the population but by ratio no they are not the highest welfare recipients. Black by far are the highest. I thought you were highly educated? I guess you can write anything on You Tube to make yourself look important. Pathetic really
@Mike Roberts Reading is fundamental, Mike. Go back to school. I wasn’t speaking to ratios; I’m speaking to the actual numbers of people affected.
Consider this another loss in your life. Hold this L, dummy.
Troll elsewhere comrade. Say moose and squirrel for me, Natasha.
over 100 antifa attacks not one makes the news
@spliffsperlunk Antifa defines self-defense as attacking somebody wearing an unacceptable shirt.
Antifas are violent thugs who come armed with clubs and other weapons intending to instigate a fight. Why do you think they cover their faces? Definitely NOT in the spirit of MLK or Gandhi.
Also, certain groups associated with ANTIFA are terrorist, which is obviously true, given what some of them do.
@CMaylene Your president so- called has been doing business with saudi terrorists for decades
@Paul Zozak every president has been doing business with Saudi Arabia. Stop pretending that only Trump has, in your efforts to justify hating him.
The people of Baltimore trying to get that money back.
It’s in his wife’s house
Flash357 more bad.
Flash357 Obamas people aren’t in prison. So yeah….he did a lot. How big of a raise did you get from those tax cuts?
YES !!!!!!!
Who else only clicked on this to read the comments?

But for all of those folks that only come here to dislike and shout ANTIFA, more views means more dollars and viewership on a network you supposedly despise, lol. #winning
Its the only reason!
Let’s restore TRUTH and Justice and LAW and ORDER…. sad MSM including MSNBC is aligned with the Fake Dark Side trying to mind control people of America…. Learn the Truth and Real News from sources of independent journalists online like Dr Dave Janda, or Josh Bernstein, or Sean at SGTreport, or BCP … or Douglas Ducote.. to name a few… MSM has been lying and hiding real TRUTH for decades and now AMERICA is starting to WAKE UP… Check out Candice Owens… Liz Cronin… DANIEL L of Juno Alaska … Praying Medic.
@adam east You go to FOX for facts?
@Dark Knight Many Republicans objected ro Trump’s choice for Intelligence head. Why was that?
Definition of (Too Bad) – used to indicate that something is regrettable but is now beyond retrieval.
@Andrew_Owens and he is still a better choice than any other offered in this or the last election! T R U M P 2 0 2 0 ! ! !
Mory Mory
Never assume tone of a tweet or text.
Don’t mind me, I’m just here to hand out dislikes.
Your more them welcome. People of sound mind aplaud you.
Couldn’t even knock out an elderly man with like 8 free punches.
@crimson ph34r Another strawman. Nobody here said Russia. If they did, they’d refer to the Mueller Report that clearly shows over 100 contacts between the Drumpf campaign and Russia, their ongoing effort to undermine American democracy, and the WH occupants/Senate majority leaders obvious attempts to clear a path for Putin. White nationalist chuds ALWAYS deflect, distort and lie. Everyone sees you for what you are.
@Mars Falcon “Another strawman. Nobody here said Russia. If they did, they’d refer to the Mueller Report that clearly shows over 100 contacts between the Drumpf campaign and Russia, their ongoing effort to undermine American democracy, and the WH occupants/Senate majority leaders obvious attempts to clear a path for Putin. White nationalist chuds ALWAYS deflect, distort and lie. Everyone sees you for what you are.”———————– Oh that nothing burger that literally amounted to nothing. I believe that left some pie on the faces of these so-called “reporters”. But you want to know what seriously undermines American democracy? Open borders. And given that all the Democrat nominees were for decriminalizing entering the US illegally. Russia has been the specter you think Antifa is.
@crimson ph34r “Russia has been the specter you think Antifa is.”
Everyone across the globe, every intelligence agency from every country knows that Russia interfered in 2016 and is attempting to interfere now. You are either a stooge or complicit. Shame on you chudboy.
Remember all those Antifa attacks you reported? Neither does anyone else.
Probably because there hasnt been any. Dont remember Antifa ever shooting up churches and schools or running innocent people over with cars.
@Living for Jesus a trump supporter thats name is living for Jesus..hypocrisy at it’s finest. You really missed a lot of key points in the Bible if you think God would want trump in office. Trump is one of those Kings from the old testament that would bring war and death upon his own country because he was evil and displeased God. You are not a true Christian if you support someone like dumpy.
I dont remember MSNBC showing all those peaceful ANTIFA thugs attacking ppl, but when a trump supporter does it they show it
@bob burl And you know Trolls Comrade.
@The Blade and what do you know?
@The Blade i mean obviously besides knowing what i know.
@Black Wolf “Antifa thugs are MAGA people in disguise. I know, I saw them plan those altercations on their discords. My office investigated them.”———————————— That which is stated without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Either put up or shut up.
@Cool Hand Mark “Because they only exist in your brainwashed mind, not reality.”————————— Video evidence exists though. I mean there was that bike lock attacker who was a raging leftist.
Now show all antifa and maga hat blow ups MSNBC, do y’alls job and be bipartisan!!
@Black Wolf fox covers all sides, and is bipartisan, it just so happens that the left is always f****** wrong nowadays…
@Daulton Horton LMAO. Stop. You’re not convincing anyone
@Black Wolf Neither is the leftist media.
Did you send your memo
to FOX News????
GUINESSS WORLD RECORD quickest arrest ever.
you never watched Minority Report? LOL
Looked like he was willing to get arrested too.
Those were some weak punches. He couldn’t even knock down an old man.
Yep…picking on guy three times his age…sad
His home was burglarized. That’s too bad.
So, did I just mock Cummings?
Don’t you get tired of having to defend your Lier and Chief 24/7? Serious question.
@CMaylene So serious you made a pun. Here is a serious question, don’t you get tired of hearing about Trump? go outside and live your life.
CMaylene oh….you cannot pull the race card so he is a liar? (Unless your misspelling was intentional, but Clinton was the lier)
So what !!!!! Don’t you have anything better to report on ??

Like true Integrity on your behalf ?
As you can see, MSNBC reports on lots of things, and with integrity, but racial violence provoked directly by the president of the US demands attention.
What about true integrity of a president? Democrats have gone through their second debate for presidential election. Because of that, they are reflecting on Trump’s current and past presidential rallies. This thin shows what to expect from him coming to the 2020 election. I just don’t see Trump having or had much integrity throughout his life.
Under fire from whom? The leftist Bolshevik globalist media?
Nick S – You mean the Bolshevik Globalist Moscow Mitch
???? Do you even understand the phrase “Bolshevik Globalist????”

If I saw this 5 years ago I would think this was a parody news show. Unfortunately this is the “news” in 2019
“Third-world” countries have better press than this…propaganda much?
hey arsehole bet you didnt finish school and still dating your sisters
“Trump under fire” WOW MSNBC I’ve seen that title 10x this month. Bias much?
@Ledder Havit it balances out the fox news angle of “Trump never does anything wrong”. Perhaps the truth is in the middle.
It’s the same on fox but they defend Trump’s every action. Good or bad. It’s a left AND right bias problem. Not just one buddy.
@Gary MarunaWe have Cavuto, Smith, Wallace, Judge Naplolitano and a few others on FOX who are thinking clear.
This morning on MSNPC , Orange man bad!
Why didn’t they show the beginning of the video?

Also, TRUMP 2020! #KAG
Omni Codex what’s at the beginning? I’m assuming you’re talking about the assault clip, yes?