Trump Tweets Video Of Thanks Before Flight To Walter Reed | MSNBC

President Donald Trump said in a video posted to Twitter that he wants to thank everyone for the "tremendous" support and says he is "doing very well." Aired on 10/02/2020.
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Trump Tweets Video Of Thanks Before Flight To Walter Reed | MSNBC

Trump Tweets Video Of Thanks Before Flight To Walter Reed | MSNBC


    1. @ZQAN Agreed , my friend , I wanted to hate. I have fealt similar or worse feeling about this man. November am going to vote Joe Biden. Am 54, never have I seen ,watched or heard any thing like Mr Trump. Do not agree with anything about him. He will answer for his sins as I will answer for mine. This president should be a wake up call , I cannot understand how he was allowed to become a president. Thank you for your reply.

    2. @6laderunner Experts actually say that border are not a sufficient barrier against the spread of COVID. The best barrier is social distancing, masks, testing, quarantine and contact tracing. His border order OBVIOUSLY didn’t work, and there is no evidence it saved lives. Quit it with your misinformation.

    1. @khal hina he’s terrified of where he’ll end up if he dies..
      Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    2. Honestly, he was supposed to come to Florida today. None of his supporters were going to wear masks. One was quoted as saying, “It’s up to god.” I guess God got tired of them infecting each other and gave the COVID to the spreader.

    3. @Eric White Psalm 37:13-15
      13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
      for he sees that his day is coming.
      14 The wicked draw the sword and bend their bows
      to bring down the poor and needy,
      to slay those whose way is upright;
      15 their sword shall enter their own heart,
      and their bows shall be broken.

  1. How many have died unnecessarily as a result of Trump’s anti-mask, hosting of super spreader events & downplaying of Covid?

    1. @mistercoors you are out of ypur mind, trump.failed America has 207 thousand dead, other countries have less than half that..HE didn’t listen! HE didn’t lead!! No national effort !

    2. He knew it he lied he deceived the American people ,he knew it was airborne he lured thousands of mostly young people to his rallys clearly crimes against humanity
      AND Mike Pence was put jn charge of the covid task force and you rarely heard from him
      Mike Pence is totally responsible for the mishandling of the contagion .. He got the briefings before the President to convey ..

    1. It’s a ruse. Either for sympathy, a bit of PR when he has miraculous recovery, or a head-start of his attempt to flee the country to avoid embarrassment at losing election and then escape prosecution that he knows is coming.

  2. Without trashing, for the first time in, what feels decades, he sounds humble.
    Probably a “democratic hoax” will make him human again.

    1. @Robert Lin I guess you never heard him recite the poem about the snake and the woman that helped him

    1. No need for Poll Watchers anymore.. The election is over!! Biden has won by default. Thank you so much Hope Hicks!! 🙂

  3. All that daily testing has finally given Trump the virus using the same logic that ‘Don the Con” has displayed!

    1. No test, no Covid! EASY! He shouldn’t have taken a test, then he wouldn’t have the virus!

    1. Lol, I only just realised that his light symptoms means all colour has been drained from him. In other words, his illness has been stage managed because it’s a hoax to get him out of a debate where he can’t pull the same stunt and will need to rely on intelligence. And now, he also has a great excuse to either prevent the election OR justify his loss. Covid-19 is just the shin splints of 2020

    2. @m n so very true, and a little scary. Hope our dear leader doest pull some covid miracle “resurrection”

    1. It’s not. When all the networks buy it the way they have it becomes a long term distraction. Everyone’s applying the sympathy it’s really hard to watch.

    2. He has disabled the truth and all sources of trust so no one can believe anything anyone says. Like the boy who cried wolf on steroids. It is pretty pathetic. I am not a conspiracy nut but is it a conspiracy to think he is lying? or telling the truth? No one knows anymore

  4. He was laughing at Joe and his “big” mask yesterday. His whole family wouldn’t wear them at the debate but the Biden family had theirs on . Now Trump isn’t so cocky.

    1. Trump is probably still cocky. Frankly, he’s not smart enough to stop being cocky, no matter how much he’s losing by.

  5. “Proof of life video.” Like he’s a hostage to the virus he deliberately underestimated for 8 months.

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