Trump Tweets: ‘I Will Be Leaving The Great Walter Reed Medical Center Today At 6:30 PM’ | MSNBC

President Trump tweeted that he will be leaving the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he is being treated for Covid-19, today at 6:30 PM. Aired on 10/05/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.

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Trump Tweets: 'I Will Be Leaving The Great Walter Reed Medical Center Today At 6:30 PM' | MSNBC


  1. We are number one again with the most top GOV. OFFICIALS infected by coronavirus congratulations America

    1. @David Hale …no he didn’t. originally he said to calm down on the masks cause the virus wasn’t as widespread as it is now and we were in the midst of a mask shortage. as the virus evolved into a full blown pandemic, his position on the virus and masks evolved with it accordingly. that’s not flip-flopping.

    2. Yes, True! No need to get afraid 😳of COVID, but take preventive measures, that’s it….How many people are afraid that air plane may crash, & avoid flying by plane ????????…..I am afraid of airplane journey, but I pray & meditate Psalms 91; Psalms 104, etc. &, before I get into plane & inside plane until it lands safely, because I hear of many airplane crashes……..Don’t be afraid, be strong, be courageous , & take proper preventive measures, everyone…

    3. Trump is the greatest most powerful Covid Superspreader of all time. A superspreader unlike the world has ever seen. MAGA 2020

  2. He’s Lyin about either 1. Having the virus or 2. Having the virus…………Fat, pre-existing conditions including Drug addiction, 74 yrs old and eats a jacked up diet!!—Yet, it’s a Miraculous recovery??? Sure Dude….

    1. @DaughterZion Ros Yes, that would be a very different message though. Sadly Trump decided it was better to pretend COVID 19 wasn’t a deadly threat. Now we have 210K dead because of his selfishness and short sightedness.

    2. @David Hale Who knows if that’s really true? His medical team has already been caught giving out bogus/misleading info. I can’t imagine that crazy drive-by was approved of by any medical professional. More likely Trump is driving all of this because he’s desperate to appear well. Don’t be surprised when he decides he doesn’t need to stay put for a full quarantine interval. Everyday another Trump staffer is falling ill and he’s steadily trying to convince us COVID is ‘over’. 😂😂

    1. @Syrnian Guess mommy isn’t home to google for you…well, you getting off her couch isn’t happening. Just believe what makes you feel good, but the facts don’t care how you feel.

    2. @soaringvulture I clearly remember a lot of doctors coming out of the wood work to say they were bring pressured to say deaths that weren’t actually from covid were covid… It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden the democrats and China let this virus slip out of that Wuhan lab just so they had a hope of winning

    3. @Chris6 CowBoysWorld Doctors coming out of the woodwork? Do you clearly remember that from a drug dream? Where are you getting this stuff?

    1. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500
      Trumpy don’t fear the COVID
      Nor do the Dumb or the Illinformed.
      We can be like they are
      Come on baby 😙
      We can all just watch Fox 🦊
      Don’t fear the COVID
      We can be dumb as rocks 😂
      Don’t fear the COVID
      Baby I’m your King 👑 !
      La la la la La.

    2. Trump is the greatest most powerful Covid Superspreader of all time. A superspreader unlike the world has ever seen. MAGA 2020

    3. David J Trump Narcissist Dictionary Someone who has little to no empathy, manipulates others, gaslights (makes others doubt their reality), lies incessantly, believes their own lies. They make you doubt your emotions and then call you crazy. They rage for absolutely no reason and you end up apologizing

    4. Trump Narcissist Dictionary Someone who has little to no empathy, manipulates others, gaslights (makes others doubt their reality), lies incessantly, believes their own lies. They make you doubt your emotions and then call you crazy. They rage for absolutely no reason and you end up apologizing

  3. l knew he was faking it, now he is the big hero who fought the “china flu” and won, even though he couldnt even fake it long enough to make it seem real, he has at least 2 more werks to play sick

    1. My thoughts exactly an I hope Americas thoughts also. I also made a comment about it. Its in our minds.

    2. @David Hale LMAO no one gets over covid or even a bad flu in 3 or 4 days! Especially someone who is 74 yrs old!,

    1. @Pam Deshane You call pathological lying like her con artist leader “putting them in their place”? SMH .

  4. Some really great drugs I believe. The rest of it is another con. He never had it. He wants everyone to open and sacrifice your kids. He lies, always.

    1. @David Hale 👈👈👈russian Troll, go back to russia and kindly bring Trump w/you and let him handshakes w/your lord vlad.this s the best what you can do for the world.

    2. What are the odds that the reason for the hospital visit was not COVID related, but for another undisclosed medical procedure knowing the FLOTUS stayed in the WH? I doubt he actually got the virus in the first place. Trump and the WH has lied and made decisions based on scoring political and PR points, at this point there’s a high possibility that this was just another PR stunt and photo op to gain sympathy and distraction from obvious ongoing crises. The fact that his doctors gave mixed info regarding his health, in the tone of a Trump press briefing, it makes me think that perhaps his doctors are there to create an imaginary COVID case, by which they can use their medical knowledge to promote whatever drugs Trump will use later on as a recommendation, which companies (Regeneron and Gilead) Trump happens to own shares.

    1. @Virgo 69 ,I’ll answer that question? His followers are the fool🤦🏾‍♀️Also I am a Virgo Lady. Watched The Clonus Horror Movie in 1979. Trump mannerism is one of those Clone Politicians in that Movie😮

    1. angela ps yeah but then trump “started” saying the “fake” media. So is that mean you are calling trump a liar right …. just out of curiosity why should I vote for trump, what is he going to do if he is in office for the next four years, and don’t say covid is not real I know people who have died from it. Just give me facts why I should vote for him…

  5. If he tested positive mid- to late last week, he should still be in quarantine, regardless of symptoms. Does he now test negative?

    1. Unfortunately the current White House press secretary is working for the wrong billionaires as she gets deeper into trouble (Russia will straighten her out (they don’t want people like her either) if they come in & stop the 2020 Election). Also I look at the King as already been released yesterday when he took that joy ride around the block but as a Double (maybe as a Russian agent, etc.) of the King who is actually wearing a mask. He looks much better with a Lone Ranger mask on for what his payed followers expect than what he was wearing. The best video on that Rose Garden fiasco so far I have seen is “The Washington Post video on the interactions of Rose Garden ceremony attendees who tested positive for coronavirus” which came out October 3, 2020 is now probably being shown throughout the world now making the King & the Republican Party the laughing stock throughout the world. The others in that video I believe will be getting symptoms of the virus later even though they test negative with a weaker test as Halloween approaches.

  6. Did he ever really have it or is this a great “look at me, this virus is nothing” moment? How many American citizens with Covid have 14 doctors attending them with super drugs? This behavior is his most offensive yet!

    1. Hey morons, the virus isn’t that dangerous. You thought Trump would die? This virus has a less than 1% death rate

    2. R Ro less than 0.5% chance of dying from the virus and over 90% of deaths are ages 60 or higher. You think it’s that deadly? I thought you guys listen to science?

    1. He never had it! Its a political move to redeem himself. I see right thru that bullcrap. I knew that was gonna happen i only believe if: someone credible show actual test results or he dies

  7. Does he sound delusional. Aren’tt delusions and hallucinations part of this illness. Consider the source we’ve been brow beaten with it for four years. Trump is nuts. Enough said.

    1. Doubt he was even infected, nor his cult members. It is all staged, why should anyone believe anything they say?

    2. If he does the the virus, then yes he’s delusional. I think he was just hiding out to let the chaos of the debates die down – he’s a coward!

    3. He higher then a Kite on the Dexamethasone. Then there’s his kicker of Adderall to put him over the edge.

    1. Yes, True! No need to get afraid 😳of COVID, but take preventive measures, that’s it….How many people are afraid that air plane may crash, & avoid flying by plane ????????…..I am afraid of airplane journey, but I pray & meditate Psalms 91; Psalms 104, etc. &, before I get into plane & inside plane until it lands safely, because I hear of many airplane crashes……..Don’t be afraid, be strong, be courageous , & take proper preventive measures, everyone…

    2. Black Jay out of 320 million. Last year in 2019 we lost 2.8 million people to death. We’re right on track with those numbers. Werid

    3. 0.0006 death rate. 600,000 die every year of heart disease. 99.84% survival rate. Can you say Democrat Election Year Hoax?

    1. Unfortunately the current White House press secretary is working for the wrong billionaires as she gets deeper into trouble (Russia will straighten her out (they don’t want people like her either) if they come in & stop the 2020 Election). Also I look at the King as already been released yesterday when he took that joy ride around the block but as a Double (maybe as a Russian agent, etc.) of the King who is actually wearing a mask. He looks much better with a Lone Ranger mask on for what his payed followers expect than what he was wearing. The best video on that Rose Garden fiasco so far I have seen is “The Washington Post video on the interactions of Rose Garden ceremony attendees who tested positive for coronavirus” which came out October 3, 2020 is now probably being shown throughout the world now making the King & the Republican Party the laughing stock throughout the world. The others in that video I believe will be getting symptoms of the virus later even though they test negative with a weaker test as Halloween approaches.

  8. I hope the still-positive President gets back to the White House and calls a meeting with Barr, McConnell, and all of his election team, masks optional of course, right away!

  9. Now there’s gonna be lots of idiots getting and spreading covid because they’re “not afraid”.
    I feel for you Americans… Looking like this winter will be the last winter for hundreds of thousands of people. Wtf

    1. The problem is they end up infecting plenty of people who aren’t stupid.
      You don’t know these people ignorance as you pass by them in a store trying to live your life. Some people simply won’t have a choice in the matter…as in the people that live with these now 14-16 people who tested positive near the White House. It wouldn’t surprise me if half of them don’t quarantine 🤦🏽‍♂️ it’s just a big sh*t show here in Donald trumps America

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