Trump tweets Bubba Wallace should apologize to NASCAR

President Donald Trump bemoaned NASCAR's recent decision to ban the Confederate flag from all races and events.
"Has @BubbaWallace apologized to all of those great NASCAR drivers & officials who came to his aid, stood by his side, & were willing to sacrifice everything for him, only to find out that the whole thing was just another HOAX? That & Flag decision has caused lowest ratings EVER!" Trump tweeted.
As the coronavirus pandemic rages across the country, Trump has largely moved on, seeking instead to place focus on his "law and order" message through a series of inflammatory speeches, tweets, and statements defending racist monuments and digging in his opposition to renaming Army bases named for Confederate leaders.
The "Flag decision" in Trump's tweet appears to link NASCAR's decision to remove Confederate flag imagery from all races and events with lower ratings. Last month, amid nationwide protests following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers NASCAR banned the flag, a racist symbol.
#Trump #BubbaWallace #CNN


    1. Jon Jones betas play internet pretend and call a little girl rage tweeter their hero.

      True story, Yuri.

    1. So why did Donald Trump want the death penalty for innocent black kids why didn’t he apologize after he found out they were innocent I was really starting to think he was an honorable man that makes me very sad and angry🤔😟

    2. I guess it was inevitable that Trump would eventually cross a line that even his most ardent Sycophants would not be willing to cross. Asking Wallace to apologize has got to be Trump’s new LOW. I’ve got to believe that everyone other than his brain dead base is currently shaking their heads in total disbelief.

    1. @greg j More people have died from Covid-19. That should be your main concern right now.

    1. I have been asking myself the same question. The racist scum bags that make up a large portion of his base are already in the tent. Licking his butt hole on a daily basis as they continue to defend every one of his “Twitter Zingers”. I see no upside to this course of rhetoric for him. Is he simply trying to make sure that the Blue Tidal Wave completely obliterates every single republican on the ticket in November?

  1. As much as I usually *can’t stand* Lindsey Graham, that was the most respectable thing I’ve ever heard from him.

  2. Yeah but what about Russia’s bounty on US 🇺🇸 soldier’s lives and trumpdemic 🤑 did nothing, still doing nothing 👺👎🏾!

    1. @Leftys N ewe’s Do you not care that putin is paying terrorists to kill American soldiers and trump sitting on his thumb?

    1. Wrong. Trump regularly looks in the mirror and asks himself, “how low can you go?”

  3. Well said L Graham. It is scary when he is the voice of reason. Even a far right conservative knows Trump is an idiot.

  4. Why Doesn’t Trumpty Dumpty apologize for bungling EVERY SINGLE THING HE HAS EVER TOUCHED…. before and during his presidency… I’m not even a big fan of Uncle Joe but man I CANT WAIT to vote for him!!

    1. Earl Robicheaux Southern District judge was protecting a lot of Obama crimes. That is why he was removed. Criminal are about to be exposed.

  5. For the good of our great country, if you truly want to make America Great Again, vote Trump out in November. Please my fellow Americans 🇺🇸

    1. James Tonie : thankfully , you can’t vote . Only Americans .
      Bunker boy loves his foreign trolls eh 🤔

    2. And vote for whoever is unelected and immediately going to replace joe Biden? Good plan if your not American…

    1. @Laura Zaboraski Nancy Reagans HIV/AIDS and take on drug addiction suggests otherwise…

    1. @kg01 Trump should lead by example and apologise for not standing up for soldiers in Afghanistan with bounties on their heads.

    2. Gtsp777 in war there is always bounty’s on their head I thought that was common sense which is hard to find in cnn comment section

    3. @Sean James is there an enlistment station in your neighborhood? If so, go sign up: post your orders. Hopefully, something or someone will take you out before basic training is over.

    4. @Governor Phil Murphy What a weird question. I fully support the Black Lives Matter movement, and I have no problem kneeling in solidarity against the kind of injustice and brutality that led to the murder of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Elijah McClain, and countless others. But make no mistake, it is kneeling WITH the movement. “Kneeling for BLM” is a display of unified peaceful protest, not subservience.

  6. It’s very clear what Trump wants him to apologize for and that’s for him being black and Nascar getting rid of his beloved confederate flag.

  7. When Trump mentions lowest ratings ever he’s actually talking about himself they can’t find anybody to finance the Republican convention in Jacksonville

    1. I’m sure he has Steve Mnunchin looking to ‘find’ some money somewhere and call it whatever it has to be called in order to claim it is not illegal &/or against the Constitution!

  8. The noose,at only one stall,and Bubba Wallace gets that stall.that’s bull,I stand with driver Wallace.from old white guy.

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