Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testified during the public impeachment hearing of President Donald Trump that Trump's Twitter attacks against her are "very intimidating."
#CNN #News
Trump tweets attack on Marie Yovanovitch during hearing

“It’s the President’s absolute right to appoint an ambassador.”
*Also Trump:*
“Sondland who?”
@Cool Beans The Italian Commission authorized the establishment of the Jewish Mafia and Murder Inc which was co-managed by Italians.
@Terry Michaels
Did you just have a stroke while typing that or were you crying so hard you couldn’t see the point anymore?
I was referencing Trump lying about barely knowing Sondland when he was personally directing his actions. You said it was idiocy to expect Trump to know all his ambassadors. I responded by saying there’s literally no possible way Trump doesn’t know who Sondland is.
At that point you had a mental break with reality (which I assume is your default mode) and you started screaming and crying in all caps about fairness and how you have unconditional undying sycophantic love for Trump and would carry his child if he’d have you. I’m paraphrasing of course, whenever some internet weirdo like yourself loses your composure in a comment section, all I can think is, “You mad bro? Yeah, you’re mad.”
You’re distressed I see that. Everyone can see that. You’re blood pressure’s up and you’re obviously deeply disturbed.
My advice to you would be step away from the internet for a while. Maybe spend some time furthering your education or getting some therapy to find out why you’re so attached to an easily proven liar like Trump.
You don’t live in reality, but maybe one day you can. Like most Trump supporters, you’re an easily triggered snowflake who can’t stay on topic. You’re also easily confused and distracted, and you get angry really quickly. It’s obvious why you relate to Trump, but you can still have a fulfilling life if you’re willing to put in the hard work to educate yourself and think rationally.
Just try a little harder to control your emotions, try to think logically, and I’ll wish you good luck in your recovery period.
@Civil Villain Toddle off, kid. You project too much. You are literally meaningless to me.
@Terry Michaels
Uh huh. Thanks for letting me know. I don’t believe you for a second though. Nobody does.
I’ll just have the last word and call you disingenuous, triggered, and ignorant…
Witness tampering huh? Didn’t his idiotic friend Roger Stone JUST get convicted for this?
@Terry Michaels You should find out what words – like “sedition” and ” coup” – mean before attempting to use them.
It would make you sound less like comdade Trump.
@Robert Franz I do know.
I use a dictionary and not a child’s abridged one. Try it some time.
I can prove you a seditious traitor with six simple questions.
Direct challenge, Robert.
But you are a cowardly fake and will not take them.
I offer evidence, but you will insult, evade, dance around and run.
Watch, it happens every time folks.
They know they have gone way too far.
Now we answer them, every time.
Witness tampering
(Directly or indirectly) applies here in every point
@dart arkana What idiocy; look up the term in a legal dictionary, you uneducated moron, we’re sick of your cheap exaggerations.
Democrats have no credibility left with such crap.
“The president is attacking you on Twitter” this is the goddamned twilight zone.
@yknot000 LMAO! Tell me does that work with your not so bright brainwashed Democratic buddies??? Are they also that stupid and gullible as you dummy??? And all this time I assumed it was just you. Not to worry you are just what your Democratic clown brigade is looking for. Come back when you find your one person ! If you can! I am betting you fail miserably. And clean that crap off your face from the last time you got your nose rubbed in your own bullshit.
President Zelenskyy: On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have
any additional information that you can provide ·to us, it would
be very helpful · for the investigation to make· sure that we
administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador
to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name
was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one. who told
me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree·with you 100%.
Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the
previous President and she was on his· side. She would not accept
me as a new President· well enough.
@mullett2k1 LMAO! Democrats are amazed when they are let go cause nobody liked them! When Obama let every republican ambassador go without reason there was not a word! Democrats are such whiny pussies!
WOW!!! Did you see how EXCITED Shitf got? His eyes got so BIG and WIDE and RADIANT! I bet that his tiny pecker was at half chub!
@Frisky Bottomsuuater Is that what was getting the Democrats so excited??? Schiff’s half chub?? I thought it was Swalwell’s fart!
Love how they highlighted the psychology and intimidation tactics behind the live tweet then proceeded with the hearing. Trump’s sabbotage backfired. This desperation is the sort of thing I could imagine happening in an episode of Designated Survivor.
@D. Moore *You’re an absolute moron!!
The left is so fucking retahded criticizing someone isn’t witness intimidation its called free speech.
Usual crowd of trolls, russian bots and idiotic trumpanzees trying to defend the indefensible.
@Mark lol tell that to a
@Mark nope, that’s what you and your camarades pretend to make believe….fool
@sanfranciscoguaynabo I think you missed the point as often libtards do , they changed the word after polling an sourcing has shown saying bribery is more believable….,now lets put our thinking hats on libtard….., why is the democrat party having problems with that?
usernameagainahcrap Russia Russia Russia.. Marsha Marsha Marsha. You’re a fool.
Roger found guilty. Up to 30yrs. He’d better hope tRUMP still knows him!
@Robert Franz Billy Bob Clinton was charged with 11 felonies while in the White House. Are you sure?
O,Pipe down you mangy Troll
@DAMIEN KOY ur a Russian. not even the dumbest yank swallows that drivel..
Is that a thing? What purjury and what bribery?
Trump to seek asylum in Russia, where everyone makes deals under the table
I also did that when I was newly married and horny
He will be giving head under the table
Reverend Sharpton on msnbc today said,” Son you don’t know anything about farming, I’ll give you one clue… if you throw a brick into a pile of hogs, the one you hit is the one that hollers! And Donald Trump was hollering all over Twitter!
El Nubian
Al Sharpton currently owes federal taxes to the tune of 2.6 million dollars. Al also owes over $800,000 to the state of New York. (according to the New York Times & Snopes). I guess making black people pay taxes is RACIST !!!! lol @sataniccookiemonster
Al Sharpton currently owes federal taxes to the tune of 2.6 million dollars. Al also owes over $800,000 to the state of New York. (according to the New York Times & Snopes). I guess making black people pay taxes is RACIST !!!! lol
“The only way to fight such madness is with wisdom but no one possesses the wisdom with which to do so.” – Optimus Prime (1984)
Liberals are the most pseudo-intelligent people in the country it makes me cringe.
*Witness tampering is a serious crime, Donald.*
Trump can tweet whatever he wants, whenever he wants…. Freedom of speech is not a crime. Trolling Trump’s tweets in “real time” while conducting a kangaroo court at the same time while still trying to find an impeachable crime, is the only obvious criminal activity that I can see taking place!
@Wally Wall an idiot would not realize that a criminal, while being under Formal Investigations, tweeting threating tweets about a witness to his criminality…In Real Time, is Witness Intimidation. Deplorables have so much trouble understanding the Law…lol
Holly Hilt Anyone trying time intimidate witnesses via tweets should not be president.
“Every where you go it turns bad”
*your response* — none of my friends are in jail
@chris leonard Keep telling yourself that, sunshine. He is squealing like a little piggy, right now. Remember: This all would have worked if Aunty Hilly just would have campaigned in Wisconsin! She was a shoe-in . 98% chance of her victory as of Nov 7th 2016. Buckle up, it is gonna be a rough ride!
@Frisky Bottomsuuater Im not telling myself thats what the trump team released themselves. Thank you for calling me sunshine though but the sunshine is brought into my life by reading the trumpian comments. They are soooo very entertaining. And Aunty Hilly!!! ARE YOU 6 YEARS OLD?
@chris leonard Ahhhhhh, the truth is getting you all upset! That is quite natural, it is the start of the healing process. You should be fully cured by Jan 2025 when Trump leaves office and Pence is sworn in.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater I am not upset. In fact the opposite. It is great fun trying to understand the mind of a trumper. It isn’t easy thats true but it is fun.
@chris leonard Now you are lying. Soon you will understand much, much more than you ever suspected to be possible! In that time of self discovery you will have to make a decision: either to accept the facts as truth, that being that Trump was set up by the obama/clinton crime syndicate. Or: Push the truth way down and wall it off. A stunted and angry little man who burns at the thought and reality of another 4 year term for The Donald. Red Pill/Blue Pill, christoph. Chooose wisely.
Thought he’s to busy to watch. I’d love to be a fly in the White House.
You wouldn’t wanna be a fly there matey. Most of them hover around his rancid underpants due to his incessant soiling of himself.
@BubbaTheBulldog Why so nasty Bubba? Do you feel brave now?
Coming from an angler that’s a bit puzzling!
@Badgersj And that’s funny!!!!
What is he doing he shouldn’t even have a impeachment hearing he should be dragged out of the White House end of story
Trapped by their own hatred.
His only personal interest in this was to investigate Biden for 2016 trip. But, you say they already investigated it. Really? Who did that checking: Comey, Strzok, Paige, McCane. All who have been fired, disgraced, exposed for not doing their jobs and bias ethics at work. Trump is there to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians and Joe is not above the law. Sorry, if you don’t like rooting out corruption, but I support it. Joe/Son DID shady stuff and Trump is the only guy who can check it out. Look at the whole picture like I just laid it out – and stop allowing yourself to be subjected to 100% bias one-sided views in politics.
Thought he wasn’t watching 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣
“The president is attacking you on Twitter” is something I never thought I’d hear during something as formal as an impeachment hearing. Oh god, the future is now.
@Admin Fenzexpo She is not “attacking him”, she is witness in a serious legal proceeding, whose job it is to present the truth, as she knows it. If Trump is innocent, this same legal proceeding could clear his name. That Tweet can be viewed as witness intimidation, which is a crime.
But this is the first i heard of the “acid attack”, but things seem questionable, according to your timetable here. In general, I have heard of the US supporting women’s movements, with the notion that it helps promote democracy, and peaceful actions.
yurei8 What is she a witness of exactly she has no firsthand knowledge in anything
@Amos Firsthand knowledge = Ambassador Sondland and David Holmes. 🤔
@Amos Which is why Trump’s refusal to let people with firsthand knowledge testify is Obstruction of Justice, a crime. It was done subsequent, to the release of the Mueller Report, also during the Mueller investigation, with 10 instances cited, and now during the actual impeachment inquiry. Each instance is a separate count. And obstruction, puts him in violation of his Oath of Office.
Yovanovitch has information, that may tie into the bigger picture. The evidence will show that it was bigger, than just a phone call. Often, an accused will say, ‘what you think I said, was not what i really meant’. But also, the actions around the situation, show intent, or things to confirm the meaning of those words. Like moving the notes of the phone call, away from other routine records. It is not proof, but it is evidence.
Roger Stone has just been “stoned” with guilty verdicts. Talk about another one of “Trump’s best people” slithering to the bottom of the Trump sewer! 😠🐍
@Huh? I have now talked to you once and know far more than I need to. Good bye.
Another example of Trumptard DumSheepitus…Sad misinformed & DELUSIONAL YOU ARE. 🙉🙈🙊
She served America for over 3 decades. And what about himself
@Thien Le
Now that you eaten your own balls, and you’ve
transgendered, and symbolically self-identified
as three pieces of turd …. I can’t help you.
@yknot000 yes the democrats target your kind
The most damning thing against her isnt a tweet from trump… its from the phone call that you morons basically forced Trump to release. The president of Ukraine saying she supported the old/corrupt president and would not accept him. and then you wonder why Trump dumped her…..
and we have to hear the media spin and Congressmen Hecks fake crocodile tears dribbling down to his vagina
President Zelenskyy: On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have
any additional information that you can provide ·to us, it would
be very helpful · for the investigation to make· sure that we
administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador
to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name
was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one. who told
me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree·with you 100%.
Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the
previous President and she was on his· side. She would not accept
me as a new President· well enough.
WOW!!! Did you see how EXCITED Shitf got? His eyes got so BIG and WIDE and RADIANT! I bet that his tiny pecker was at half chub!
“Marie Yovanovich didn’t care when the Bidens made millions from Ukraine. She only cared when Trump started asking about it.”
Why did Schiff read that tweet? It seemed so trivial and silly.