Shane Goldmacher, national political reporter for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the huge number of Trump supporters who felt they'd been defrauded by the Trump campaign, and how the campaign took advantage of the extra money. Aired on 04/06/2021.
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#ShaneGoldmacher #Trump #MSNBC
Trump Triggered Surge In Fraud Complaints: Duped Donors Misled By Repeat Charge Scam | Rachel Maddow
Give me your money so I can pay off some of the ppl I scammed in my last fund raiser. Sort of sounds like a ponzi scheme to me.
He runs a Ponzi scheme to pay off his other Ponzi scheme…
@David Ramsay True
its ok for the Tax People to rip you off, how come you never complain abt that?
@Juju Rellama So, it’s OK for someone to rip you off because you have to pay taxes? Taxes pay for your roads, schools, bridges, cops, fire stations, crews and equip etc. Why do ppl keep making excuses for The Orange Moron? He’s a criminal and a traitor.
@Juju Rellama How do the “tax people” (what a childish way of speaking…) rip you off???
Do you know what taxes are used for? Police, infrastructure and repairs, firefighting equipment and departments, municipal halls, city workers, roads and their repairs, some hospitals, etc, etc…
Without our taxes we would live with dirt roads, houses would burn to the ground, etc…
This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving people.
@Not Sure You like ashes? That’s all that’s left of my mom,
@Tessmage Tessera legal means regulated and they don’t believe in that. They’re happy to literally be ground into nothing and smile dying because they bought into this human fraud. They deserve eachother.
@Sammy4549 Democrats are well behaved, they do what they are told. you behave now or no pudding cup.
@Not Sure Like the MAGA army attacking the capitol?
@Marina K. Hello there
He’s the poster child for a grifter.
He’s certainly a child.
He is the ultimate conman
@biz man …not really, he was caught.
(I’m referring to ‘the ultimate’ – getting caught
@L Austin Speiss That doesn’t make him less of a conman. If an armed robber was caught after robbing a bank do they stop being a bank robber because they were caught?
Q: How many Trump supporters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. He just *_LIES_* and tells the dummies the bulb has already been changed and they all stand in the dark yelling how great he is.
Best MAGA burn EVER
@vincent maldon
@Binova Gurung
You sure should’ve 
Trump would never associate with these people but doesn’t mind stealing from them To him all money is green
His maggots will follow him over the precipice into the abyss.
Go worship the golden calf
@Idaho Native So without that nothing burger of a side argument. Whatchu think of being scammed?
I was not scammed. It is my opinion that when adults sign on the dotted line, they should be held accountable for that decision. A court of law can rule if it comes to suing or being sued. I do not follow the court of public opinion.
@Idaho Native how do you feel about them hiding those checked boxes amongst all that text? And the fact that a lot of people who supported him aren’t really web savvy -as such they’re prone to missing things like that? That’s not really their fault if it’s purposefully made to be confusing
We can only hope.
“I’m going to stop the steal by stealing from you”-Donald Trump.
He’s laughing at them
Love your comment lol
@My True Crime Library actually he turned Republican in 2014 … right before he decided to run
Trump is the RINO

A known and life long grifter and conman grifted and conned his supporters.. Who knew that would happen
@Deanna Elias What?! I didn’t know that one.. Jeez! There is nothing he won’t do.
There’s not one amongst us who could ever seen it coming.
@Lee Miller “Don the Con” that’s a new one for me
Every one that has known this con man for years,.knew what he was and is about. He used the media for years .That is.,Until they started reporting the truth.Then he and Cronies started. ,calling it fake news.
@Trisha Hawkins hello there
My favorite part is when he had to give back $63 million from idiots who donated AFTER he lost the election!

@Princeton Warren You’re clearly part of whatever scam that is trying to be pulled Reported.
Edit. Brand new account, yup, you’re definitely trying to scam people.
Trump’s donkeys love being ripped off by him
Lol are you the Q shaman?
@Hubert Sang Trump is the ultimate con artist, you have to give him credit for that. People follow him notwithstanding he doesn’t even try to hide it.
That’s poetic and ironic justice at it’s finest!
So now we can add that Donald Trump IS A PROFESSIONAL PICK POCKET.
@Ryan Drayton picture of what
@c. j. macq ?
@Ryan Drayton pictures of what
@Toni Olson some old man was body shaming you so I asked for pictures of him
Nobody deserves it more…yet, they still drool over him.
they were drooling before hand, he just brought a drip pan.
@mike mann songs
Trump has always been a fraud. He is still saying he won the election.
The VELT You are funny. I run into racists every day. Real, white people who still think Blacks should be slaves and have no rights. Real, white people who still use the ‘N’ word for Black people. People who learned it from their parents and are teaching it to their kids.
@Sophie Robinson I live in the south and have never seen it.I have stories from many years ago but around here we all get along just fine.
Your English skills are deplorable… No punctuation or capitals and it’s “their” delusion, not “there”…
Name one religious text that guides you to live like a civilized society, I’ll wait…
@Abelis really, wow! your so smart you must be a smart ten year old <==== forgot period ,youll have something to talk about now child .
Why is it so hard for me to wipe the smile off my face.
@Here2 Play No more sadistic than they are. That’s exactly what they get! I have no sympathy for them just like they don’t have any sympathy for anyone.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing dumb racist traitors getting scammed out of their money

@Aimless Bauer you can’t think that every single person that preferred Trump to Biden doesn’t have sympathy for anybody, that’s crazy
Trait of a simpleton.
@George Kent hello there
The saddest part – nothing shocks any longer AND this is not the biggest scandal being played out within the GOP this week.
Unprecedented scam, makes Bernie Madoff look like a choir boy, at the very least Bernie targeted the deep pockets.
@CasinoVa Beach your troll game is pure shyt. Your account is fake and you have definitely been banned for harassment multiple times
How appalling that Republican people are sickos
Magats: what? Trump wiped out my bank account??
Thank you sir, now ill give you my other bank account number. Make America Grate Again Again
But but but but but but Hunter Biden did X Y AND Z
@Vogel Vogeltje exactly

took the words right from me
Trump supporters: “Please, sir, I want some more”
@jon basa Lmao, Oliver Twist reference.
That’s what they get for not being able to see past their own benefit of backing a crook
@teehud313 … what i’m saying is – the corporate internet that all you jerks blindly embrace and love so much allows crooks like trump to FLOURISH! you trash trump, you trash the other crooks but you REFUSE to accept the fact that these crimes wouldn’t be POSSIBLE without the damned internet!
i just got screwed by the internet again, just minutes ago! there’s no one i can complain to. there’s no means for me to seek justice or to enforce the DAMNED LAW! the whole goddamned system IS CORRUPT! NOT JUST TRUMP!
@Faffy I think we have seen the true nature of the conned enough to hate them too…just because they are as thick as pigshit does not excuse their behaviour…
Real Talk
@Joy M. Hello there
And many of his donor’s claim it was the website’s fault or that he was tricked by the website. This is why I continue to play my tiny violin and not care about them.
They look at their negative balance with nsf fees and say fake news
@C S

It’s a cult… Their guru can do no wrong.
Can we get the last four years of our lives refunded?
@Big Smoke Guitar … and his healthcare plan was just 2 weeks away..
Sure, send me your name, address and bank info and I will deposit the refund into your account
@Not Sure If he does, please let me know, I have a bridge to sell. Good quality.
Real Talk

They knew he was a snake when they picked him up.
Snakes aren’t corrupt ignorant narcissists. Humans are.
The amazing 1thing is even today people are still willingly bowing down to the snake idol,and in the future as well.
Once a crook always a crook Surprised?
Once a crook always a crook Surprised?
@joy n hello there
“I love the uneducated!” keeps ringing in my ears..
It is ”I love the poorly educated”….USE IT ALL THE TIME !!!!
We tried to tell them they were being scammed, they brought this matter up a while ago! Of course I’m sure they just thought the world was picking on their fearless leader.
Fake news… for them