Over the past week, Trump has told associates he is eager to launch another presidential campaign as early as this month to capitalize on President Joe Biden’s increasingly dismal poll numbers and put his potential GOP rivals on notice. #CNN #News
Trump told associates he’s eager to launch run this month

He can’t run when you weigh over 300 Lbs , maybe he can have someone run for him and then tell his lies that he ran ten miles in three hours .
About right
His story of his non truth!
@Kip Allen

that’s hilarious.
@J L

@J L I’m going for 300. Just my opinion.
@Debbie Stinnett you can google the weight its not that hard
I wonder if trump’s wanted announcement, is due to his declining popularity! Lol. Too late donnie boy, the party’s over!
“I know they have weapons, they’re not to hurt me.”-Donald J. Trump
@Jason M no it was hyperbole, and not representative of the whole crowd
And the grift goes on…just like my love everlastin’ oOoooh
@Drew P Knutz Your last name explains your rebuttal here
He’s going to run as a assumed measure of protection against the law. If he’s arrested he can say it’s a conspiracy
My Attorneys Got Arrested

@Jackson Drake so what’s Biden’s current approval. All polls say Trump would beat him head to head.
@Jackson Drake you forgot about the other half of the country sir.
Trump needs to be indicted and fast, the Department of Justice needs to act. Our Democracy is in grave danger.
120 days before midterms ….
Welcome back president trump
@D P keep dreaming lol
What a total clown. Easy fix; all media companies should 100% ignore his campaign and not even cover it or mention his name at all until after 2025
@Frankie Byrbe Well yeah. He’s a wanna be dictator. Someone has to say something
Guys. You know Trump won’t be able to run right? I mean even if he did, he can’t beat Biden. Let alone Desantis
If nothing happens with all this drama and he launches his campaign! It’s gonna boost his support a lot more than if this never happened
Wonderful, the entire world was running smoother under his watch .., Tell me different ?
It’s sad you actually believe that.
“Fairly courageous compared to the rest of the Republican party” is a pretty low bar at the moment…
@BlueByYou07 VOTE GA BLUE !
@Cryst C O Yeah that trumpie was such a smooth talker! haha
@Orange Monster He’s living rent free in your head.
hahahaha who cares
“I heard the president say something to the effect of.” What is that?
“C’mon Man’
1 Ghetto Trippin Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
1) He can start his Super Pac to do some serious grift & 2) Most importantly, he wants to announce before he’s indicted so he can cry witch-hunt. Merrick Garland – where are YOU??? Indict him know and add more indictments later.
@FBI duty no
Prayers for current President Biden who seems sensible, compassionate and no daily drama…
@lemurian chick Too right
But no one cares because they think he is too old and that he sets the price of oil. This is the respect (remember respect your elders?) for bringing children into the world. They would rather believe Trump’s lies.
Pray for his dementia ,ITs getting worse and prayers arent working so well
He’s also not threaten his attorney general on Twitter too.
He’s running early because he has an alleged wire fraud charge on him. He has to show he’s spending money on his campaign.
For God’s sake-where is your AG?Asking”Where’s Garland?”each day since he was appointed 2020 >about as useful as playing”Where’s Waldo?”!!!
USA deserves better!

Garland doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude.
They sure are going above and beyond to cover up their wrongdoings! ):
Kind of like the Democrats.
Smart move. It’s so early; but he believes If he starts running from now, he’ll be elected before the election even takes place. Lol. “
I’m between both ages. I’m tired of listening to older panelists regurgitate the same fear and doubt. This conversation made of a younger generation is certainly refreshing.
1 G Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He is completely detached from reality.
2021 – Attempts to incite a coup.
2022 – I’m running again.
Only Donnie would lack the self-awareness to do that

My god the US is screweddd
@S.D. CAt least Trump can complete a full sentence. Unlike bumbling Biden. And how is Trump a traitor and a fraud. He was never this stuff until he ran for office. Let’s Go Brandon
We should make up a fake thing called “Grand Supreme Leader of the Universe” and tell him its the biggest best thing ever!! Let him campaign 24/7/365 for that!! So he can have his tiny mushroom chubby everyday and leave the rest of us the FREAK ALONE!!!!!!!!