NBC's Shannon Pettypiece discusses the latest on Trump's trip to California amid the wildfires. Aired on 09/14/2020.
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Trump To Receive Wildfire Briefing In California And Meet With Gov. Gavin Newsom | MTP Daily | MSNBC
I hope t’rump brought enough rakes.

@The Wiz Imma just leave this here:
“I see again the forest fires are starting,” he said at a Pennsylvania rally on Thursday, according to Politico. “They’re starting again in California. I said, you gotta clean your floors, you gotta clean your forests — there are many, many years of leaves and broken trees and they’re like, like, so flammable, you touch them and it goes up.”
“Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it because they don’t listen to us,” he added.
Of the 33 million acres of forest in California, 57 percent is managed by the federal government, 40 percent by private landowners, including families, and *three percent by the state,* according to the University of California’s Forest Research and Outreach center.
They aren’t voting for him so he doesn’t care. He is more than happy to do a Bush fly over of New Orleans if they aren’t voting for him. Yet more of Trump’s America and true insight of what Trump thinks of the country and it’s people. Another reason for someone who is not a political zombie to not vote for him, if a hurricane hit Mississippi and Obama made it clear he could care less about the people and the destruction because it is a Republican state he could lose my incentive to vote for him just on that.
@Ro G ah helloo!! Trump is right, and the problem is on state and federal land in cali. Trump has already doubled management money, and newsom acknowledged that cali has done a poor job managing the forests. Will politico report that, cause it is a fact
@Ro G I am relating what I just saw at a presser. If I link it, and state it as fact cause “news says so” , lol, would it seem more official to you?
@The Notorious N.O.E. did he start them?
He will just talk nice to his face and then disrespect him on Twitter and lie about the conversation as he ALWAYS does..
I think that depends on whether the guy has any common sense.Popular consensus says the Govornor is a fool.
@Mark Bell Yeah, 57% of the lands on fire up 7 down the west coast are federally owned, asshat. We need to remove Trump as well. other lands are owned by Tribal authorities & privately owned. Read more, talk less.
“some fires are in Democratic run states so we are going to let the burn” they started the fires on purpose to hurt my chances at being president just like covid and Russians in my tower” some people say
If you haven’t been to a mental health expert, find one!
Democrats are just so stupid it would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pitiful..
@Pay attention the emperor has only issued “forest management” as the next official blame phrase but “seek help, you’re mentally ill” and “stupid” and “moron” and, of course, “loser” are still popular war cries from his Republican noblemen
@SoCal Surfer16 Really, Dems are stupid but wasn’t it daddy Trump that said there wouldn’t be fires in cali if they swept the forest like you would sweep a floor. Talk about stupid but then can’t expect much from a republican bootlicker.
Trump just doubled forestry management money for cali. You are being poorly educated on issues by msnbc
lol this was an actual unbiased report by msnbc
Trump will want to drop a nuke to blow out the flames. Like he wanted to nuke a hurricane.
@spangler generator”They will pee on your head”
You people and your urine fetishes. Cohen writes about Trump golden showers in Vegas. Steele Dossier said Trump had golden showers in Russia and now you come with this.
@Raging Monk wow! You will believe any conspiracy out there. Flat earth, steele dossier, moon landing was faked, Russian collusion, bigfoot ext……
@spangler generator Republican led Senate Intelligence Report said the Trump Campaign worked with Konstantin Kilimnik (Russian Intelligence) and Oleg Deripaska (Putin’s friend) during the 2016 election. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf
@Raging Monk I here bigfoot got Hillary’s emails and gave them to Putin…do you understand how crazy you guys look? MSM is your shepherd and your peers assure uniformity of conformity.
@spangler generator “The US Justice Department in 2017 took secret steps to curtail the special counsel investigation into Russian election interference and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, former law enforcement officials told The New York Times.
According to the newspaper, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had ordered former special counsel Robert Mueller to examine “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government” and Trump’s campaign, but former law enforcement officials said that privately, Rosenstein told Mueller to conduct only a criminal investigation.” https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/30/politics/trump-russia-investigation-rod-rosenstein/index.html
Trump Just declared the city of “Pleasure” a disaster zone !
Briefing? he’s too stupid to have a real briefing. Just give him a piece of paper with some crayola orange flames on it.

Tooooo funnyyyy!!
Maybe a little Play-doh, if he’s extra special good.
Very funny! The only briefs he likes are the ones he wears.
James Drynan hangliders more like
The blue coast was loud and clear . no Fed help
Ole Bunker boy will never leave the sight of his escape plane.
Well that crazy women at the convention (Jr’s new gf) ws once married to Newsom. So i heard.
Trump control forest management on federal lands where most of these fires are happening. He is attacking himself now?
Wildfires : Shall go out and rake the ground again like the Swedes ?
So, now he’s going to charge the whole trip to us taxpayers when 99% of it was campaigning.
@qibli, and when Alchy Joe, comes out of his basement the US taxpayer pays the bill. You’re complaining? You don’t pay any taxes. Your Section 8 swamp trailer, welfare payment, SNAP, EBT cards, cell phone, all given to you at the tax payers expense.
The stock market is where the 1% puts loads of their wealth. That is all he cares about. He loves the 1%, the other 99% are disposable and replacable labor. If the virus is no longer an issue, how come no-one gets to go near to Trump without a mask. In a Youtube video I heard one of his security officers shout “put your mask on!!” at a sheriff who was nearing Trump to be given an autograph that Trump told him he could sell on ebay for $10,000 . https://youtu.be/vwLhv_rnI4A Tax payers are paying for his campaign and who knows what the donations have been used for.
B Heinric I hope you enjoy being wrong, because you’re very, very good at it!
Trump brought plenty of rakesvto throw at the affected
Lying Donnie is getting fitted for a straitjacket November 4th
Lying Kamala and Hidin’ Biden will be fitted behind bars and Trump will drain the swamp
He’s going to get a Silence of the Lamb mask tomorrow I hope
Maybe California should clear out all the dead trees instead of hugging them.
The president of the United states is a monster and a traitor!
Fortunately opinions vary.
At least you didn’t call him a trader like most uneducated liberals
@Trudy Saint Clair He “trades” taxpayer money and billion dollar foreign loans for personal political favors.What a bad boy.
One mans “climate change” is another mans arson.
Trump knows.
It will go away by November when it’s cooler. -Trump, on his presidency.