Rachel Maddow reports on Donald Trump's announced intention to install U.S. ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, as his new director of national intelligence, despite Grenell's total lack of intelligence experience. Aired on 02/19/20.
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Trump To Install Loyalist With No Intelligence Experience As DNI | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Someone with no experience? So, what else is new? /yawn
Wouldn’t Mcconell be singing quite a tune if this was president Obama?
Rob Lee
Mcconartist will be blocking anyone recommended by Obama, especially a person who is more qualified than Moscow Mitch.
@Victor Zhang
Too late…he already did…Merrick Garland!!
What happened to security clearances requirements?? WTF ?
@Gemstone Fizzy I am shocked! Mr. Welch should be viewed as a hero of the right wing conspiracy-mongers. How dare you say such insulting things about one of your own kind? Just because the pizza joint has no basement in this plane of existence is not proof of innocence. If Welch had been able to open the magic portal he could have saved all those children, and here you are degrading his reputation. You can’t be a real Trump fan and say such disgusting things. Stop posting right now ans start researching how to open the magic portal to the basement. Hurry up, those fictitious children are waiting for you. Perhaps you lack Welch’s courage to act on his convictions? LOL, he now has real convictions and a sentence to match.
Security clearances for kitchen staff,maintenance staff who else would you want ?
Security Clearances don’t matter! He put Jared in after lying and failing the clearances many times!
Son’t worry if he can’t get security clearance Trump will just make him ‘Acting” director of national intelligence.
Dan Cardoza in the trump administration intelligence is not a prerequisite lol
Hey, let’s just employ the most loyal and not the most qualified!
@Mine Finder
Well yeah, for sure!
Yes, and specifically loyal NOT to the country but to one man who thinks getting into the Oval Office makes him sole owner and absolute monarch of the USA. I care more for the future of this nation than for any party or candidate. By MAGA standards, that means I’m unpatriotic. They have no clue how Orwellian they are.
@tea42 How about someone qualified and loyal to their station?
@Armadio …and that would be who?
@tea42 Buggered if i know. They all seem to be inept. Kushner just more publicly so
And they complained about Hunter Biden never having any experience. Hypocrisy much?!
@Patriot Trump has said Democrats have always been in favor of border security and barriers until he got elected. Are you calling Trump a liar?
@Patriot Obama deported more illegal immigrants than any other president. Obama and Dems built the wall Trump is now renovating so……
@Patriot Because he’s inexperienced and used his position and relationship to the president to get a plush government job. Same as Hunter Biden used Joe Biden VP so he could work for Burisma. Nepotism
The Judiciary, The Intelligence Agencies , The Military will be next… It’s straight out of Hitlers handbook.
@Worm arghhh…nevermind.
@Neil H.G. That describes you perfectly! “NEVERMIND”
@Worm Look just because #45 may have some Jewish supporters (just like every other candidate) doesn’t mean that when I criticize #45 that I’m antisemitic. Other dictators have followed patterns similar to Hitler and #45, so it’s the patterns that are important. I suspect that #45 may not be able to see what is happening but Bannon, Miller and others may be able to.
I don’t hate #45 and yes you could describe me as a “never trumper” – something that I am quite comfortable with.
@Neil H.G. ” a place were upper class people stay ,with no jews, no blacks and no gays” 1978 song by Dr Buzzards savanna band.
Naturally Trump has installed this questionable person. He will fit well with all the other imbeciles Trump has assembled.
@spliffsperlunk Your comment is ridiculous and laughable and has nothing to do with what we discuss here. Try again and good luck with that!
@Gemstone Fizzy Give us more conspiracy theories, so we can laugh more times. Did Donald tell you these lies or maybe the ridiculous clowns on Fox? I suggest you check facts before you make a fool of yourself on comment boards .Donald´s supporters are the stupid part of the American people, so easy to lie to and to manipulate. Donald loves his naive, primitive cult, he needs them to be reelected. Don’t you realize he is using you, don’t let this charlatan take over your brain.Would you say he has done anything to improve the lives of the people? If so, what? Tax cuts for the rich?
They can contribute to the drooling swamp
There is no intelligence in this administration.
They all work for Putin.
Nora Fox Not sure about that ..where the is smoke there is fire .
Economy humming, stock market has doubled. More jobs available than people to take them. Main stream media have become total babbling idiots. Everything they say or predict is always totally wrong. Trump wins.
@Greg Gibbs little reason for you to state the obvious then.
Well folks, how do you feel about the possibility that we are going to have a head of Intel that doesn’t know squat about prevention another 911 and other terrorist actions, enemies hacking the grids, cyberspace, nuclear power/ weapons, water, food,- besides the election. You would think that one should be imminently qualified for the job by having a lot of good years of related experience in other high profile national security jobs.
@Droppin Deuces EXACTLY..
@Joseph What is your definition of communism? It is clear you have zero knowledge of different political ideologies. Your comment is a complete, ridiculous, uneducated, imbecile one. Educate yourself because it is completely obvious that you nothing about anything. Good heavens and holy simplicity1. You are obviously supporting a lying, corrupt, anti America fascist, a dictator wannabe, who “hire the best people”. One after the other goes to jail and authorities are populated with complete incompetent, ignorant, people, but loyal to the dictator Donald and that is the only thing that iself-rving maniac care about, not America. The guy he appointed for this very important job is deeply unqualified and there for a security risk not only for America, but for the entire world.and very disliked in Germany as ambassador to that country. I can’t say other than that you are a deeply ignorant and misinformed person. Educate yourself for heavens sake!
” Great Job Brownie ”
Like putting an oil magnate in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency.
@Greg Gibbs You are deeply mistaken. Like all decent countries in the world Obama wanted to protect America and its people from being poisoned from toxic water and air and to protect the environment. But you don’t care if people die, do you? Fossil fuel is out, it will and is more and more replaced with clean energy and you cannot stop the development. 15% of coal mines have gone bankrupt and more to come. Hundreds of cities are smart and realize they have to replace fossil fuel with other energy sources like solar cells and windmills. And they do so to make their companies survive. There will be no money in fossil fuel. Try to understand that. Windmills do NOT cause cancer as the lying, ridiculous, manipulating, disgusting Donald makes his stupid fans believe.Those who work in dirty coal mines and other environmental dirty industries should understand that they cannot stop development. If they have any brain to think with they would be smart to reeducate themselves. One day soon they will have no job..You can’t stop the world from changing, it always has.
@M A No there will not be a WWIII. World wars are groups of nations fighting other groups of nations. Trump has fixed it so we have no allies. If we fight it will be just us.
vsedai Good Point
Curious who’s gonna replace that ‘wunderkind’ here in Germany.
..hopefully someone less annoying than he was.
I’m not holding my breath.
Maybe we’ll get the newly honored Rush Limbaugh, haha
@Daniel D
For the time being, he’s probably in cancer treatment, but a choice like that would sort of comply with Trump’s MO
@Damian Müller-Nordhorn part of me wants to make a joke along the lines of “a cancer isn’t bothered by getting cancer” but I am trying to be less crude this year.
He…..knows…..the……best………(sigh)…. people. The GOP must have finally lost the last microscopic shred of integrity. They are lost.
Well there goes any warning of foreign interference in our elections – thanks Republicans – thanks a lot.
Of course…
We’ve just gotta know, once again this year especially from this point forward, that there will definitely be Russian interference in our elections.
he almost has his legion of doom.
..or Legion Of Dumb…
Grenell was the kind of ambassador nobody likes, zero diplomatic skills. He behaved like the new manager in a company after a hostile take over. Grenell mostly was ignored, did not appear on German Television except in the beginning. Journalists would avoid him, would not ask him or quote his comments. German politicians would not consult him or ask him questions. He thought his job was to give the German government the orders of Donald Trump. His respect among German diplomats was zero, his respect among the German government was zero, his influence was not zero but negative. He got not connected to German society or any social group at all, got no invitations to big events, while every other ambassador gets it. Whatever he did, the response was the opposite most of the time. We will miss him as much as a second butthole, a third leg, or herpes. Grenell had no qualifications for the job nor does he have the natural skills needed for the job. Grenell lowered the bar for this job significantly, we don´t expect the futures ambassador to be more than a cardboard figure in the American embassy. But it won´t matter if there is no ambassador at all, the job got useless.
Adam Abele
Thank you.
From your description of Grenell, he’s even worse than I thought.
Adam Abele…good to know…

Richard Grenell’s time in Germany was a disgrace for US foreign policy, very negatively impacting US politics in Europe and fundamentally damaging the reputation of the United States Foreign Service in Europe.
There has not been a more controversial US ambassador in Germany since WWII. He actively pushed the far right in German speaking countries and treated one of the most reliable US allies like an antique Roman vasal state, including openly threatening and offending the German ferderal government and strongly threatening the overall German industry and banking sector if they do not comply with his ideas. (A quick Google translate of his German language Wikipedia article is eye opening if you are not aware of details, his English Wikipedia article appears a little sanitized….)
This is an highly disturbing individual and it cannot be overstated how much damage he has done to US-German relations. He massively caused an negative effect on the public perception of the US and especially of US conservatives under Trump..
Looks like nobody cares…..
Nobody takes you seriously…..
Could you cite the sources that informed you of Grenells’s ‘disgrace’ in Germany? Did he conspire to smear the President? Did He help launder Soros cash? Did he forbid the visa’s of German prosecutors who had dirt on Obama? Did he cry on command in front of a congressional committee? Just asking
Yep… Trump standards… hire corrupt toadies… competent capable people are a threat to incompetent losers like Trump and co….
@I was born free in America not Oceania
Me: German citzen
Duche keeps hiring anyone willing to stay on their knees and swallow him
SAD! Country is going down the pipes as well!
You know about being on your knees and swallowing from experience?
“I know the least qualified people.”
I thought there was a time limit for when someone can be an ‘Acting’ official…. where is the Senate
Trump can hardly find them when he’s looking their so far up his a**.
No background for the job?
Must be a recommendation of Jared’s.
There ya go. This is a Russian take over of our country.
Not yet!!!
*We the People*
@Yve Bella maybe if we can survive until next January. If the traitorous GOP hasn’t given our election ballots to the Russians already.
Grenell, like Trump, works for lsraeI. Do a twitter search “@RichardGrenell israel” or go check out the ZOA’s twitter feed today @ZOA_National where they praise Grenell for being such a huge supporter of lsraeI. Google “Lev Parnas lsraeI” in fact google any Trump loyalist w/ “Israel” and you’ll see the real collusion is not with Russia. There were Russians involved, not Putin or the Russian Government. The Russians involved are all dual-lsraeIi citizens who want Trump in office so he could: move US embassy to Jerusalem
End Iran Deal
Illegally Grant lsraeI the Golan Heights (aka Trump heights) for Zionist run Genie Energy
Pardon Zionist Criminals
Present a bogus Peace Plan (written by Netanyahu) so they can expand the illegal settlements
Make it illegal to protest/criticize lsraeI
Start a war with Iran…which will be a
after the election and Grenell was put in place to help False/Flag us into that war.