Trump To Campaign For GOP Senators Ahead Of Georgia Runoff | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president is headed to Georgia on Monday ahead of the Senate runoffs in the state. Reporter Greg Bluestein joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 01/04/2021.
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#GeorgiaRunoff #Trump #MSNBC

Trump To Campaign For GOP Senators Ahead Of Georgia Runoff | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump To Campaign For GOP Senators Ahead Of Georgia Runoff | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Nice. A fitting title indeed. Both parodic and ridiculous. With Adolf Stinker as a pseudonym? (Cf Tex Avery’s wolf in Blitz Wolf) 🥴

    1. Trump is not a traitor, but he is a willing ‘fifth columnist’ for Russia. His actions have only weakened USA and assisted Russia become the lead strategic power internationally.

    2. @Max the maltipoo you’re right… you have to be intelligent and possess something to be a traitor…. dementia donny is simply so clueless, incompetent and ignorant of the process of government and the laws governing that he’s just dangeriously reckless… and yes, still should be held accountable along with those that stood by and enabled him by doing nothing

  1. “The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for some votes to steal; he was out of his mind and way behind and lookin’ to make a deal.”

    1. Vote against Dem for defund police & shut down business – Wife beater Warnock and China Assoff & China Hunter Biden….

    2. @UCxNjJdvJLlfSvM1DrtceYfw it’s a proven fact that anyone claiming of wide-spread fraud (which has been proven nonexistent) is part of a campaign to undermine American democracy, freedom, our constitution and our elections. It’s highly anti American and unpatriotic.
      that means YOU are an anti American…. indisputable FACT

    3. @Peppa Pig you mean like all of Dementia Donny’s meltdowns on twitter? Hannity’s children retorts, Alex Jones drama queen tantrums?
      seriously….. the irony of your comment. Get a grip you anti American. (not an opinion, not an insult… an indisputable FACT)

  2. Why? All he will say is , oh woah is me. Pity me, the election was rigged and stolen.
    Give me a break.
    He just needs to stop already.

    1. …Vote against Dem for defund police & shut down business – Wife beater Warnock and China Assoff & China Hunter Biden

  3. He just publically broke Georgia Election Law! Now hes allowed to go out and brag about it! Well that is just, “shocking”, “disturbing”, and “an historical first”. NO it’s a crime that requires cuffs and a trial! Not a celebration of escaping Justice and encouraging others to do the same!

    1. and that’s the problem… it started out with baby steps of inappropriate and suggestions of corruption…. no one did anything… and he kept moving the goalpost… it got worse and worse until the blatant corruption, lies and fraud were not even hidden…. he’s never held accountable

    1. Start by making it illegal for a lobbyist to become a legislator or serve in any other branch of government and also illegal for a public servant to later become a lobbyist. I thought Sen. Cruz and AOC were going to work on this type of legislation. I know he is terribly busy right now but what is she doing to keep her from keeping her promise?

  4. So basically Diaper Don is going down to Georgia to spread more disinformation and raise more money for himself…

  5. Trump has had enough interactions in GA with that recently phone call. Let Georgians decide their election!

    1. GA needs to defy the totalitarian DEmocratic Party. They need to vote against communist Ossoff (who gets paid from a CCP owned company) and left wing racist Warnock.

    2. @W.E. Rob buwhahahahahahaha….. someone forget to take their meds…. but in reality, can’t afford them, so just walks around with a tin foil cap.
      No wonder you’re low income and live in a trailer

  6. If those 2 seats are lost by Republicans, it will lead to an implosion of the GOP. I can’t wait for that to happen.

  7. The rally will be about him! He could care less about those Senators!! He should be arrested for extortion!!

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