President Trump is threatening to veto a new defense spending bill that would include a provision to rename bases that honor Confederate generals. NBC's Carol Lee has details. Aired on 11/23/2020.
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#Trump #Confederates #MSNBC
Trump Threatens Defense Bill Veto Over Renaming Bases Honoring Confederates | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Corona is out of control, people are losing their homes, food banks are being pushed to the limit and THIS is his response.
Too bad in you live in a democrap plantation zone. You need to move.
@Jeremy Backup Democraps care more about China and all are anti-American.
@jason w You dumb f-cking idiots really got short changed on your public 101 education didn’t you. All these comments on hear are like a trip to the Grand Canyon, nothing but empty echos of the crimaly insane.
@Andromeda ….. Wow, i think you need to check your meds.
The propaganda campaign has never ended. Since 9/11 mainstream news agencies ie: CBC, BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSN and the newspaper have been egging the populace to war for oil (profits go to Globalists)….and now of late, their successful attempt at egging the populace to willingly lock-down causing bankruptcy, wear masks (which don’t stop infinitesimal virus particles anymore than a chain-link fence stops the wind), and to ultimately vaccinate the unwary public for the latest strain of the corona/cold virus (which has been mutating its way forward every winter/flu season for over 50 thousand years).
Enough of the psy-ops stuff. Its right in front of us. On our internet websites, on our newspapers, on our radios ….where is the propaganda not in our face? We have been inundated with biased, corrupted, ‘agendized’ news reporting for that last 25 years at least. CBC and the like are completely compromised and doing the bidding of the Globalists who fund these perception management ‘narratives’ 24/7.
Trying to have a reasonable conversation with someone who takes mainstream news perception management firms ‘reporting’ seriously is like attempting to talk with a parrot.
Here is material not reported on in the mainstream news department regarding Doctors who have concerns with inappropriate Covid measures and dangers of covid vaccinations:
1) Interview with Virologist/Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (in the medical field for 50 years).
2) Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments states: “There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.”
3) Evidence not Fear:
4) Doctors unite to protest inaccurate data, inappropriate Covid measures, and manipulation by C.D.C.
5) Montana Physician, Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how Covid-19 death certificates were over-inflated since late March, 2020
6) May 18/20 Collin County Commissioners discuss new, “questionable” protocol to write up Covid cases: Go to the 34th minute mark and listen to their discussion:
7) Study reveals 42% of healthy people have 19 or more living viruses: “The Blood DNA virome in 8000 humans”: So, the presence of viral material does not indicate ‘infectious disease’ or sickness.
All his doing is letting Americans know not to put him in the White House again
Our king (lol) right, God is King only
@Jarry Sciligo He’s going to pull an Edward Snowden and run to Russia
@DJS Squibbs

what a clown
It was a tragic mistake.

The devil is very much alive Trump. Satans son Trump!
Trump is fighting demons and his father’s voice calling him a ‘loser’ .
@Rebecca ..well said
@Atya Sca and we know this how?
I would be willing to bet that he’s not going to show up for the transfer of power to Biden. Trump has zero respect and zero class.
@RR ..just wait & *see what GOD IS GOING TO DO!* 🕇🕇🕇
The propaganda campaign has never ended. Since 9/11 mainstream news agencies ie: CBC, BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSN and the newspaper have been egging the populace to war for oil (profits go to Globalists)….and now, of late, their successful attempt at egging the populace to willingly lock-down causing bankruptcy, wear masks (which don’t stop infinitesimal virus particles anymore than a chain-link fence stops the wind), and to ultimately vaccinate the unwary public. This latest strain of the corona/cold virus (which has been mutating its way forward every winter/flu season for over 50 thousand years) will always threaten the elderly immune-compromised.
Enough of the psy-ops stuff. Its right in front of us. On our internet websites, on our newspapers, on our radios ….where is the propaganda not in our face? We have been inundated with biased, corrupted, ‘agendized’ news reporting for that last 25 years at least. CBC and the like are completely compromised and doing the bidding of the Globalists who fund these perception management ‘narratives’ 24/7.
Trying to have a reasonable conversation with someone who takes mainstream news perception management firms ‘reporting’ seriously is like attempting to talk with a parrot.
Here is material not reported on in the mainstream news department regarding Doctors who have concerns with inappropriate Covid measures and dangers of covid vaccinations:
1) Interview with Virologist/Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (in the medical field for 50 years).
2) Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments states: “There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.”
3) Evidence not Fear:
4) Doctors unite to protest inaccurate data, inappropriate Covid measures, and manipulation by C.D.C.
5) Montana Physician, Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how Covid-19 death certificates were over-inflated since late March, 2020
6) May 18/20 Collin County Commissioners discuss new, “questionable” protocol to write up Covid cases: Go to the 34th minute mark and listen to their discussion:
7) Study reveals 42% of healthy people have 19 or more living viruses: “The Blood DNA virome in 8000 humans”: So, the presence of viral material does not indicate ‘infectious disease’ or sickness.
trump cares more about dead confederates than living Americans.
@Thorvarg Remember Drump has no Money!
Trump cares more about dead traitors than about living Americans.
I corrected the sentence for you.
Then wonder why blacks won’t vote for him, wants to honor the people who was in favor of keeping them in slaves. Ha
The propaganda campaign has never ended. Since 9/11 mainstream news agencies ie: CBC, BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSN and the newspaper have been egging the populace to war for oil (profits go to Globalists)….and now, of late, their successful attempt at egging the populace to willingly lock-down causing bankruptcy, wear masks (which don’t stop infinitesimal virus particles anymore than a chain-link fence stops the wind), and to ultimately vaccinate the unwary public. This latest strain of the corona/cold virus (which has been mutating its way forward every winter/flu season for over 50 thousand years) will always threaten the elderly immune-compromised.
Enough of the psy-ops stuff. Its right in front of us. On our internet websites, on our newspapers, on our radios ….where is the propaganda not in our face? We have been inundated with biased, corrupted, ‘agendized’ news reporting for that last 25 years at least. CBC and the like are completely compromised and doing the bidding of the Globalists who fund these perception management ‘narratives’ 24/7.
Trying to have a reasonable conversation with someone who takes mainstream news perception management firms ‘reporting’ seriously is like attempting to talk with a parrot.
Here is material not reported on in the mainstream news department regarding Doctors who have concerns with inappropriate Covid measures and dangers of covid vaccinations:
1) Interview with Virologist/Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (in the medical field for 50 years).
2) Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP, CEO and medical director of Western Medical Assessments states: “There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.”
3) Evidence not Fear:
4) Doctors unite to protest inaccurate data, inappropriate Covid measures, and manipulation by C.D.C.
5) Montana Physician, Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how Covid-19 death certificates were over-inflated since late March, 2020
6) May 18/20 Collin County Commissioners discuss new, “questionable” protocol to write up Covid cases: Go to the 34th minute mark and listen to their discussion:
7) Study reveals 42% of healthy people have 19 or more living viruses: “The Blood DNA virome in 8000 humans”: So, the presence of viral material does not indicate ‘infectious disease’ or sickness.
@maagykDead Presidents means the US paper money. Each note has a picture of some former (and so a dead one) President.
It was just sarcasm by me.
Biden is gonna have a lot of EO’s on day one. It will take a while to undo what Trump has done.
Biden change this in executive order.
If anyone doubts that Trump is a racist. Here’s your proof.
@ROBIN HOOD too many cultist like yourself!
i still don’t think he is a full blown racist but a narcissist who wants to be loved it just so happens that racist people love him so he wants to appease them
The voter suppression is a HINT also
@ROBIN HOOD The real snowflakes are those who allowed their own brainwashing.
It’s all about courting white nationalist who make up a large portion of Trump’s base.
Here’s Trump, salting the earth and poisoning the wells before he has to go.
@Christine Zerkel i honestly believe that’s true!
@RR Great comment
@Christine Zerkel He’ll get his when SDNY comes to get him. He’s facing some serious time in Riker’s if he’s convicted. Campaign funds went to paying off Stormy Daniels and other women who came forward during his 2016 campaign. Then he used money from his “veterans charity” as a slush fund to pay off Cohen. That so-called charity of his NEVER helped a single veteran. He just made it as a tax shelter. Yeah, he could go away for a VERY long time. From what I’ve heard, the judge he’s likely to get isn’t a fan of his, either.
Also, SDNY has subpoenaed his tax returns for the last 8 years, investigating him for state level tax evasion charges.
The last temper tantrum of the great orange baby!

@It Was A Good Idea At The Time lol
THIS is what he focuses on, on his way out. An easy read.
If you think “‘roid rage” is bad, this is a psychopathic rage. He will destroy the US in spite if he can – Article 25?
sorry, mad king donald has a big jar of all the republican’s balls.
(perhaps they should borrow a pair from the females in the house…)
If they were going to do that it would have been 4 years ago. Even his GSA is refusing to release transition authority (and she’s in clear violation of the law by obstructing it).
Trump looks so miserable…Karma is real and he’s getting his butt whipped
Pence is a coward. He will never start anything against Trump. Some in his administration are standing up to him last minute. They probably already figured Trump is not going to steal this election. Game over…
I would never trust anyone in his administration. They’re all a bunch of enablers and liers. He appointed them because he knew what he was getting. The better ones left or were fired.
It doesn’t matter. He is a lame duck president. Let him ruin what he wants. It will only hurt his party going forward.
Enough is enough already. Get him out! He’s killing people everyday!
@Roger Jones ah yes, a cult response. “All forms of media outside our group are untrostworthy or evil”. Thats you
@Carlos Santiago When is being Supporter of The United Stated President outside the media. YOUR THE CULT , THE MEDIA IS THE CULT LEADER. SHUT UP AND LOCK DOWN LIKE YOU WAS TOLD COMMIE
@Roger Jones thanks for proving my point by getting crass and deffensive. Also Trump just conceded the election byeeeee.
@Michael Garcia time has told..? you lost, you’ll be aight.
@Carlos Santiago No he dident , He has no choice but to accept the states Certification… No concede
Siding with Confederates….Trump is trying really hard to be a second John Tyler. Look up their comparisons.
I would be willing to bet that he’s not going to show up for the transfer of power to Biden. Trump has zero respect and zero class.
Well said!!!!
I don’t believe he will attend. That would require ‘class’, which he is void of.
Golfing while thousands die daily. Don the Con strikes again.
and not just the poor (whom he hates) but also HIS FOLLOWERS AND ENABLERS (whom he also hates)! SMH
How they keep this delusion going is beyond reason…
“During the campaign?” The campaign is OVER.
In 60 days we will have a president who doesn’t fire ANYBODY via Twitter.
and those trump flags will see the garbage sooner than later
This is all about vengence and revenge: the tools of petty pathetic losers.
Wish I could go to the inauguration and the streets are so full, you can see the crowds for miles. I doubt Trump will appear. What a disgrace for his legacy and his administration. I wonder if any Republicans will show up.
I’ve never seen so many SPINELESS REPUBLICANS in any Administration. This one take the cake.
The ONLY good thing about Trump is that he’s so unbelievably incompetent that every move he makes is easily undone.
Easily undone well I would be worried how deep he gutted all the government agencies. There is the debt Covid, yes but I bet everyone will be surprised when they look at his First 3 yr numbers. Won’t be good!