Dr. Lloyd Minor, the Dean of the Stanford School of Medicine joins to discuss the importance of coronavirus testing. Aired on 05/15/2020.
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Trump: Testing May Be Overrated. Experts: Testing Is Critical. | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
More testing = more truth = more bad press for Trump. Therefore he will try to destroy the value of testing
There is no value in testing because virusesarenotcontagious.com
totally agree
@Jeff G. No
The US is currently 39th in the world for tests per capita. Don’t let Donalds lies fool you into believing the US ‘leads the world’ for testing, it just doesn’t.
@Football Nerd the US leads the world in infection
dont get it, why did no one ask him how many times a day does he get tested overratedly?
@Kiss Kiss
He wants those tests.
Not wearing the mask is no big deal in front of a camera, but it is sure impressive to his base.
Get a clue, Trump LIVES on Zithroquine.
@surely you joke, mein failüre More like some fool shouts at that brave person.
. . That’s a nasty question, sit down !
@Tom Evans He’s not brave. He lies constantly. You can see how craven he is by the way he tests everyone around him but claims testing is not necessary for ordinary Americans.
Instead of a leader we get bozo the clown.
Randy Couch “Jeffery Epstein is a terrific guy who loves the young girls as much as I do “ Donald J Trump
Moron one too
He is a leader, of other clowns
@Mike Urashevich It’s not sarcasm it fact. Why is it that all the TRUMP haters talk hateful about everything they speak .My guess is they just don’t know any better. TRUMP 2020 like I said there’s nothing you democrats can do about it.
@Peaceful Sandwich
We don’t always get what we want, but we have the option to vote for what we need: the truth spoken, experience and an educated proven successful person who genuinely cares for the health and welfare of America-Biden.
Or, a lieing, afraid of the truth, non-performing, lack of experience, and not all that successful of an honest businessman, show-man host, cahos driven, boasting self-serving rude, doesn’t care about the American people trump.
And, those who prattle on about Biden’s speech stuttering, get over it! Millions of Americans have the same problem, and grow up with bullying and ignorant people making fun of them, and Biden is a stronger better person having lived through it.
The fact we are just letting him do anything he wants is even more jarring to me
If he succeeds in taking over the government and remaining in power indefinitely he will dwarf the carnage and death that Hitler achieved. The world should be very afraid of this man. He is consumed with hatred, vengeance and greed and he completely lacks empathy.
@George Brousseau The perfect American patriot then?
@Kat Fox we get phsysical and overthrow this corrupt regime…hypothetically of course
@Randy Couch The states pay the federal government billions of dollars a year to do stuff like keep the National stockpile ready and current. Maybe the states shoulsd stop paying the feds any money, as a matter of fact it should be every state for themselves since the blue states pay more into the kitty than the red states do. California will do just fine without all those freeloading red states sucking out more than they put in.
Exactly, he needs to be removed and the sooner the better….how many people have to get sick and/or die before this man is put out to pasture….
This country is in so much trouble. We need to prepare for a second wave.
@Mary Lynne You are the one who is irrational and you show that with your answer
. @Eli Dicken sry I don’t understand sheep’s language
UkuraciUsername youre not great at English, Yuri…its
Maybe if you play pretend a little harder Russia will be Great Again when you wake up tomorrow?
@UkuraciUsername anyone who has suffered covid 19 doesn’t mistake it with the flu. Pneumonia may be close but its still not the same thing. I’m certain that trained professionals won’t be mistaking moderate to severe cases as mere flu.
Honestly don’t believe everything you read, listen to the people who have already been ill
we’re still in the first wave, still pulling 20k plus every day, still 1k+ deaths every day, and while the Northeast has seen a steady decline because they closed everything down realistically the South is on a steady climb and everywhere else is leveled out with a steady up a day down a day.
@Eco-Forest Products the Republicans want to end the furlough, get all businesses free from liability for outbreaks and notification and make it so people go back to work or lose unemployment. Meanwhile if 80% doesn’t come back to pre shut down spending, a large percentage of small businesses will be bankrupt by November. Any new stimulus money for regular people will be borrowed against their social security, adding years onto the retirement age.
Overrated but he’s getting tested multiple times a day
That shows how stupid it is to test the healthy because tomorrow you can be exposed ? The President is possibly exposed everyday so he is tested .
@Gilly 1 there is no vaccine for SARS it kills 1 in 10 odd of a vaccine for this covid virus nil if they do it will be a miracle just thank God it’s not as deadly..
@Caged because they are potentially exposed to the virus at work . common sense goes a long way
He’d say he doesn’t want to be tested, its only ppl around him want him tested, just to satisfy ppl.
@C Goff
Same promise like Border Wall paid by Mexico. Election is coming. More false promises in the horizon.
Trump’s motto : Promise First who cares Later.
and, other countries are not paying the tariffs.
Promise first and his supporters have the same memory as him. They can only remember the current ???? that he blurted out
No wall, no replacement for Obamacare, no coal jobs coming back, American jobs still going overseas. All empty promises that people should have seen through from the beginning. Donald Trump is only concerned about Donald Trump.
No insult is unfair to trump.
No amount of contempt is enough.
No but it’s unfair on the insults. How would you feel being associated with trump. I feel sorry for insults every where.
@Dump Trump No amount of corona virus is enough for Combover Caligula. Then again, can a virus catch a virus?
Testing is overrated so let’s all stick our heads in the sand and everything will be just peachy.
The US is currently 39th in the world for tests per capita. Don’t let Donalds lies fool you into believing the US ‘leads the world’ for testing, it just doesn’t.
“Convince a fool against his will,
He’s of the same opinion still.” [old saying]
That was my dad’s saying, but he said “man” instead of “fool.” He meant “fool,” though.
The US is currently 39th in the world for tests per capita. Don’t let Donalds lies fool you into believing the US ‘leads the world’ for testing, it just doesn’t.
Vote him out, Lock him and his family UP !!!!!!!
Go uncle Joe in 2020!!
@Jörgen Larsson i applaud you, its a shame that Americans care more about being able to go out and socialize then keep people safe. If Trump dosnt care enough to help us then its our job as Americans to try and keep each other safe from this virus.
@UkuraciUsername you act like your kids can’t get an education at home! You know why the US shut down and may continue to be shut down, its because whiny impatient people like you can’t follow directions and the virus is dpreading and people are getting sick. Other countries can reopen because they have this issues under control. But people continue to listen and follow Trump and the USA is falling behind. Do no other countries are not selfish they were prepared and they listen unlike the US
Obummer will be hung for treason!
@Jörgen Larsson perhaps u should really be concerned how a kid would die…it is not from a bat soup…
Trump’s psychological exam: Testing is overrated.
The US is currently 39th in the world for tests per capita. Don’t let Donalds lies fool you into believing the US ‘leads the world’ for testing, it just doesn’t.
Step one: Deny. Step two: Blame others. Step three: Distract. What about a war?

nuclearcasserole nope it’s going to be China . Writings all over the wall the little tiny bit of it he got built!
@Koochieku Bear you see… they deleted my comments. So what will you beleve
UkuraciUsername I still see your comment
so I have no idea wth you’re talking about
but keep blaming Obama, just like your dictator…that seems to NOT be working in your favor 

UkuraciUsername sir wake up it’s time for your medicine
If testing is overrated, then no need to test at the White House.
@Eli Dicken you need to catch up . California just had an election . Check out the results .
@Eli Dicken you’re confused .
thomas fletcher nah, Im not confused at all. And I dont need to play pretend on the internet because my country sucks that bad.
But we know who does, huh?
Poor Yuris.

thomas fletcher Rs hold 6 out of 53 seats in Cali and lost 7 in 2018.
Maybe more pretend can save poor Puppet and keep Biden from coming for poor Russia next year?
double double word
Little Donnie says, “Testing may be overrated.”
This coming from a person that gets tested EVERYDAY!
@Raivan Talley No, that’s not what I said.
@Cesare Antonio it’s difficult keeping up with all those lies!
Yes, he’s a complete callous hypocrite.
And your point??
Half the country will vote for him anyway.
That’s the scary thing.
Truth over facts https://youtu.be/jMeC1bsOVTA
@Leo Wilke clueless
If testing is so over-rated, why does the president and all the staff seem to think its VERY IMPORTANT.
Or is that just for them?
@Football Nerd and 1/2 of the tests aren’t even reliable and I BET the ORANGE POTUS

Football Nerd the only thing the US leads in is people incarcerated and abject dummies.
@Vicki D My mother works in a NY emergency room and they arent testing at all unless you’re sick and look it. They sent out an email for them to go to a local grocery store for testing. We got there 1000 people plus the 300 folks shopping, testing, and working in the store. I just left.
@Football Nerd Trump made sure that the US “leads the world” in confirmed cases and deaths. Imbecilic fool.
The important humans have to stay alive till Nov so they can continue to do a tremendous job. Hahahahaha
Trump after his fraudulent tax return is shown to the public: “Tax returns and the IRS is overrated.”
Nah, he’ll just blame Obama for his tax fraud. You know he will.
Yeah Obama picked up extra money working part time at H&R Block.
Well as someone still waiting foe my stimulus payment – The IRS is overrated!
…”are” overrated.
@Gilly 1 Go to the IRS website and you can check on the delivery date
If you like your plan you can keep your plan and keep your doctor too! Until you do away with lobbyist your not going to have affordable insurance. Hospitals sticks to the insurance companies ,the insurance companies don’t care because they are sticking to the consumer, doctors and politicians are making a killing off of the lobbyist. It does not matter who’s president until you stop the cycle your premiums are going to skyrocket.
This guy is a freaking Genius: LESS TESTING, LESS CASES! problem solved…
@Mustang 66 Yeah Bro, well said!
But all the dead american bodyes keep comming
… has Trump had his shot of disinfectant yet?
@touchwood108 no, but I wish he would hurry up….. LMAO

That’s genius less text less case
His just angry because his KKK rallies can’t happen
But they are happening on the streets he’s just not there. White racist trumpturd “well armed militia” nuts bursting into government buildings armed to the hilt. White privilege. Imagine blacks or Hispanics or especially Muslims doin that
JVS 3 then by your logic minorities like myself should become responsible gun owners to defend ourselves. since we are apparently a bigger victim
That is absolutely true. I wonder when he’ll take the risk of holding a rally? I wonder if he’ll dare.