Trump is deflecting all blame amid the coronavirus pandemic response and renewed his fight with several states and governors as the death toll soars. Aired on 04/17/2020.
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Trump Tells Three States To 'LIBERATE' As U.S. Death Toll Tops 36,000 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
I love Cuomo’s reaction. What does he want…a bouquet. I’ve said thank you. But, it’s your job. Good for Governor Cuomo.
Love Cuomo,for doing his job for the people ,with God is watching over him !!!!
The truth
I am positive that this isn’t the first time that Trump has demanded praise for merely doing his job… or for actually fulfilling his obligations.
annmarieknapp It’s funny how all the dems give Cuomo a free pass for FAILING miserably at his job for the state being so unprepared for this. Oh what a wonderful leader he was not buying any ventilators for the stock pile 5 years ago when he was warned. Fantastic job indeed
annmarieknapp he is a doucebag….
Omg wth is happening ? Omg inciting riots. I’m just in tears. This is to much. He needs to be committed he’s insane
Em D and you’re brainwashed
Trump should have been removed.
Lock him up
Yeahhh time to revolt as per president order

Yup he’s insane, and leaders like this are dangerous evil men. But don’t lose hope, THATS WHAT HE WANTS. Stay strong, take care of yourself and the people you love.
Trump knows he is probably going to get creamed in November and it’s driving him mad. Monday he will take it all back and try to spin another web of lies. He likes to push your buttons. Don’t fall for it.
My understanding didn’t change since he was rallying, he’s a fraud.
Trump 2020 get used to it
@Steven Davis Yessir
When is someone going to declare him unfit… cowards
I thought that the Concress and the US people have the right to remove a President if they are not doing as they should, like killing of our people if he opens the US. Look at the rest of the world, they’re still on lock down and most had it way before we did. Just a thought.
This is ALL on #MoscowMitch 100%, and the imbeciles who keep electing him to the senate.
The real reason he’s survived the 25th Amendment is that he only has a partially staffed cabinet, appointing “acting” officials in the few positions that are filled at all. This is the problem with a gov’t of “norms” vs. laws.
The Republicans would lose their puppet. The guy doing one outrageous thing after the other…nicely distracting from all the vile things they do in the background…
what would be done if the president fell in a coma or became psychotic? does the 25th amendment protect us from a madman in the white house? we are a country without a leader. a ship in a deadly storm with no captain. an army with no general. our president lives in an alternate reality. Danger. Red Alert.
Trump reminds me of something my father used to say : He’d lie when the truth would work better.
Well put
Thats another hallmark trait of a malignant narcissist. Im so sorry to anyone thats had one in their life.
They’ve lied that much they believe it themselves.
3:10 .. “Mostly Its Cotton” I will use that for life.
Let me guess you’re a Obama supporter?
So, the same day he says, “it’s up to the governors”, he tweets, “liberate these states”. Pretty good from a guy who says he has total authority, but accepts no responsibility. This is a so-called President.
“So, with that let’s check in on the real world”
That is EXACTLY what this Twilight Zone BS feels like everyday now.
A nightmare of stupidity & greed that we can’t wake up from.
@Sheik Yo Booty ..exactly!
The treasonous little mushroom dk pussygrabber DRUMPF is a national security threat ,,, PUTIN ck holster POS
@Sheik Yo Booty TDS
He needs locking up he’s insane
sheila harvey insane ? Didn’t see Nancy cuntlosie in the video
@jerry t

Wrap him up, Wrap him up, Wrap him up!
“Mostly it’s cotton”
Good to see that Ivy League education at work
@Edwin Ruiz I don’t hate Trump. But he is INCOMPETENT!
It’s abundantly clear that Trump has had no education at all. All he has to do is to say words for a few seconds.
I thought I was the only one who caught that lmao 3:10 .. “Mostly Its Cotton” I will use that for life.
He had to consult his experts to figure out what material it was. “And it’s attached to Sticks beautiful wooden sticks sometimes cardboard sticks we’re making sticks, lots of sticks to attach the cotton too.”
@Surfhead You’re funny! Needed a laugh with all these comments on whether Trump is doing his job. He really has no common sense!
Somebody needs to take him out, seriously!
No you do it!! You made the suggestion so you do it
We do that by voting here in America. Make it a priority.
@M Supreme Goddess Islam I wasn’t aware of any Goddesses in Islam
This is criminal, I’m going to do my part to LIBERATE him from the office of PRESIDENT in Nov.
That’s the way to do it. I’m going to have an election party.
Suuuuuuuureee u r
U no your rich
@Steven Davis why hate that’s all I see people yelling and screaming over money all of them trumps people Pelosi people all of them it’s hard to no who’s bad
Americans need to practice critical thinking. Turn the TV off
Bill Flyer

!! No I am not! Sorry! But I never claimed to be. I bet you understood it though. Just laugh! 
@Daniel Stevens, Never underestimate the embraced ignorance of much of the American people. Sadly, that goes for both sides. We could be so much better….but….hey, let’s watch Netflix and get high instead.
mclarenV12 you must be for abortion!
mclarenV12 ouch! Wow! 350 million people are disposable because they are Americans and you know every single one of them I’m sure… so, you would know….smh… too bad…I love NIN… watch leftist media everyday.
For you evangelicals is there any of the Ten Commandments this guy hasn’t violated
@Boudica Pathetic but true.
@Kafkasdrag Manually fulfilled prophesies.

@PAT MORAN idiota
Vee Cee he himself can’t just say ok drop a bomb on these guys today. There’s a lot more people it has to be okay with. So why not call all of them out on this. He has NOT killed anyone himself!
Trump really pushes the limits on how much I can truly dislike someone. He’s an orange child in an expensive suit and nothing more.
Amazing what bad reporting can do.
@Mark Garin should we follow only conservative sources? Is that the proposed fix?
@Brianne Llewellyn that’s not the issue…there’s news… information we should have…and then there’s bull crap opinionated that’s presented as fact or worse plausible truth to support an agenda. And they’ve been doing it so long….they no longer know what the truth is.
He is a terrible human.
When they say vote like your life is on the line this is what they mean.
Is your mouth on the line? Your sick.
@James Bell your taking it the wrong way
We’ve got to get him out of office in November.
He’s trying to win again
To do that he have open all
The city’s and he doesn’t care about us or what we think about him
He’s attacking Cuomo because his ratings are very professional then his
@Charmaine Gayle From the beginning, he’s tried to downplay the virus and was against the shut down. He’s losing billions of dollars on his hotels and golf courses – which, by the way is where he spent last Easter (playing golf at his property in Florida) Remember how he thought that opening the country at Easter was such a great idea? I couldn’t stand listening to him talking about Easter as if he cared about churches being empty…. Trump Golf Courses were empty!~ And, remember the day he said… “there will be death” … Google ‘Trump losing money because of shutdown’. He’s already lost more than a billion on his hotels and golf courses and the sale of his Washington Trump hotel is also on hold. Here’s just one article.
He acts like Obama had a side hustle on him and he can’t get over it. I’ve never seen a man so jealous of another in my life.
Josh Van Ness how do you know??
James Gravil that’s just because Obama cashed and kept his paycheck! Just saying.
Karen Maples close .. its a rat.
Rustic Roots it’s not just this clip. It’s all his conferences. He will lie right to your face. Says one thing one day.. the next says he didn’t say it. All on recordings. And his fans just cheer. He’s been a con his whole life. Here in NY we have seen it for years long before the presidency. It’s bizarre people believe him.
Michael Webb But he acts jealous. It’s bizarre. Always comparing himself to him. Can’t stop talking about Him. If it were ANYBODY else the people would find it weird. People overlook his strange ways all the time. It’s getting worse.
And yet his zombies are still believers!
“There are lots of tests, beautiful tests, wonderful tests. I built them myself.”
LOLLLLLLL. Great one! Bet he does have an interest monetarily any anything he hawks. Snake oil salesmen usually do.
“No tourists, nothing to look at.”
Bit like Trump’s inauguration, then.