CNN senior crime and justice reporter Katelyn Polantz and CNN legal analyst Jennifer Rodgers discuss former President Donald Trump’s legal team’s opposition to the Department of Justice’s two proposed candidates for special master. #CNN #News
Trump team opposes Justice Department’s special master candidates

This is a complete joke. If this was anyone else he’d be locked up and interrogated for hours. America is a damn joke.
@I. Ehrenfest 18 hours later AND… That’s right, you’ve got NOTHING.

@Jay there is literally no one who knows anything about this that says he was “well within his rights”. Jesus, what are you, dumbed down completely?
@Jay I do read and listen to people. Sources are available from both sides and I am not talking about TV shows. I fact check with many sources and apply common sense. Are you disputing Trump fanning what happened on Jan 6th or that he lost the election, then show me facts that convince you to think that way. If you aren’t disputing, you can’t argue he did preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States which was if I interpret the constitution correctly, his responsibility.
When they found the documents they should have cuffed him then. This is so Don the Con and you can’t use the rules with a lawless criminal
“i hAtE dRuMpH bEcAuSe ThE tV ToLd mE tO!!!”

When you get let go from your job, you don’t get to keep docs created while you’re there…it’s still the employer’s property….and taking it with you is theft
@Brian Byers for sure, in the eyes of us normal, non-criminal types. But he is King Donald of tRumplandia and his entitlement is beyond the ability for normal law-abiding people to grasp.
“i hAtE dRuMpH bEcAuSe ThE tV ToLd mE tO!!!”

Dozens of former Trump lawyers facing possibility of ruined careers. At this rate we will be having a lawyer shortage. Why would anyone risk their careers for this man. By the way, I love your podcasts. You guys rock with news update!
You, friend,,, are in for a very large shock, in the very near future. Mark my words.
Someone needs to shut him up and lock HIM UP FOR GOOD!
Bubba is waiting to get married to him!!!!
@TRUMP SNIPER I just love how your best insult is calling Trump a homosexual (basically a democrat/leftist).

It doesn’t matter who the department of justice nominates as a special master. Unless that special master is appointed by someone from the Trump team
The Trump team will not approve of any of them regardless of who they are. All just stall tactics.
@Horrifying Apocalypse I dont think you know how jokes work
She is engaged in a charade, she should not be on this case. The DOJ needs to take the gloves off with Trump, he should be in jail right now.
Only Trump can drive main stream media nuts by showing up in street clothes lol
@Who voted for this? Pillow! Is that you? BWHAHAHAHA! Miss your phone yet?
Hell if I commit a crime do I get to choose who goes through the evidence and chooses what the cops get to see? Disgusting fascists helping each other out.
@gerrycanyerry yerry 1 month old troll account
@ixsicness Whats the significance, midwit? Arguments are no longer valid if the account is relatively new?

For a man who always talks about being about law and order….. he sure seems to oppose the law at every turn and never cooperates!
He’s within his rights yoyo
@Ultra-Ultra-Ultra-Ultra_megaman Magaman oh okay. Says a Trump supporter. It’s a joke right?
Just Indict Trump, Hold him accountable. Let the evidence speak for itself. Let this nation heal and its people finally move on.
@M Hall They want their kids to grow up and be just like Trump.
Hey Democrats/Groomers,
1) Which imaginary crime did Trump commit?
2) After 6+ years of being suckered, how much egg have you wiped off your red faces?
Put the thief in jail where he belongs. If you stole anything you would go to jail.
This is the first time I have witnessed the bank robber trying to tell the police that he has a right to the money he stole from the bank.
except that Trump isn’t asking for the money back. he’s just asking that an impartial investigator look at the entire case. with your logic, if the bank robber had a gun and the cops took it for evidence, the robber is entitled to take his gun back because it belongs to him.
@Insidious Vidz Why are you so upset? It’s obvious they have no evidence. Stop dreaming about Trump and get on with your life. Go to work, spend time with your family but get over it already. You people are so terribly sad and depressing.
Wait. So you reject the DOJ on why they oppose a special master but don’t wanna give a reason why you’re opposing it? What????
@Thomas K he was not that successful if you look at his record, casinos went bust numerous bankruptcies, multi million $ losses.just a conman soon to be locked away
@Ken Teague
Yeah, but despite that he has managed to hold onto wealth.
I honestly cannot figure out how he has any success.
I cannot imagine any adult businessperson willing to put up with the child long enough to do any deal.
Let me get this straight…they want taxpayers to pay for the Special Master AND decide who they get for Special Master !!?? Tell them to go to HE11 !!!
@Darrell Detty so you don’t have a coherent rebuttal so personal attack. Well done.
@Chris Snyder No. Not sure the point if your question.
At what point does the DOJ bring obstruction of justice charges against a federal judge who, without jurisdiction or justification, orders a halt to a federal investigation?
“i hAtE dRuMpH bEcAuSe ThE tV ToLd mE tO!!!”

@V for Wombat Well we will see where it goes.
Good question that will have intriguing precedents if any
That’s easy! They’re objecting because the two named people have experience and integrity. The attorneys for Trump want to re-define the law according to Trumps ego.
They could care less about national security, it’s all about the grift at the end of the day.
Garland needs to end this stupidity and indict the SOB !!!
Lay off the bath salt Jesus Christ lol
Wine woman, I’d bet my life savings your husband left you… Probably for another man.
“i hAtE dRuMpH bEcAuSe ThE tV ToLd mE tO!!!”

Trump lawyer: “Your Honor, my client has a right to threaten national security and obstruct justice!”
Also, my client can declassify anything he sees fit
Here finally
“i hAtE dRuMpH bEcAuSe ThE tV ToLd mE tO!!!”

I really don’t understand why he is even getting to ask for this. It’s not like us normal people would be allowed to. This is just ridiculous and shows that rich and powerful people get treated differently.
Actually, it can be requested. I doubt the average person has need for one. But, if it is a case where one can be of service. You can request one. One of those things they do not advertise, due to the cost & delays.
Delays are the intent.
Watching this in Amsterdam and I kinda find it hard to take USA serious. How on earth can you choose you’re judge in country claiming to be a constitutional democracy? I understand that any of the two parties can object to a certain judge but then to choose your judge….
Great trias politica
Be vigilant, Democracy must be won every day. Just watch us fight for it like Americans. At the midterms we will end this by voting.
Here we go, this is what he does. Slow everything down! This is ridiculous, any other person would be behind bars and surely wouldn’t have been granted a special master.
1 Tracey Gillispie Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer