During his first appearance in public since the riot at the U.S. Capitol, the president took no responsibility for the violence that took place. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 1/13/2021.
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#USCapitol #Trump #MSNBC
Trump Takes No Responsibility For Riot At U.S. Capitol | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I really don’t want to have to listen to his nauseating voice ever again!
So true

@The Truth Hurts You! The only ones i see obsessed with trump are his delusional followers, they say and I quote from the FBI report “Stop calling this a march, or rally, or a protest. Go there ready for war. We get our President or we die.”…
Ahem ; when we finally stop hearing that vile voice
@Eleanor McCarthy
True true true true
Now we get to listen to Biden! The most painful human being on earth to listen to.
Did anyone actually think he would take responsibility? Come on now.
grin chi out with the oxygen, try not to feed the trolls
@alicia mcdonald Oh, you mean he will win like the over SIXTY court cases he LOST about the election?! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
@grin chi You don’t believe that crap for a second. Just trolling for the bites.
I thought he’d be proud of it
That’s the catch, a person with severe NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) will never take responsibility in a negative way even though they know in their mind it’s the right thing to do…not even on their death beds. It just don’t happen. The only way to deal with a narcissist is shutting them down, going “no contact”.
I remember in order save face trump got a sharpie a falsely drew out the path of a hurricane. It was so cartoonish that someone would attempt such a thing.
He spent the past two months trying to “Sharpie” in an election victory.
Well, ya know…nobody knows more about wind than a guy who pitches beans from the Resolute Desk.
That’s actually so true. I don’t think I’ve seen something so cartoonish play out in real life. I would compare it to a cartoon character pulling the yellow lines of a road to get the other cartoon character to change the directory of that cartoon character’s path.
Maybe he should get a map of the protest march and then sharpie in the Capitol and act like they got a permit
Yoh wow
oh yes
“I take NO responsibility “ mantra from Republicans!
You haven’t seen anything yet. Gerard Vriend. This is a two edge sword.
@Shiloh Saves what do you mean? Republicans are going to do more damage?
Toh wow
oh yes
@Gerard Vriend like the Democratics didn’t destroy city after city after city this summer…
@Rodney Bean yes they did, didn’t they? Or was it that some people like the umbrella man started the demolition so others could enter shops.
Just like now there where people with orders from Bonespurs to instigate riots!
Russian military use this tactics. But sinds Bonespurs called with Putin every week that is no wonder
Please stop giving Conald J Swamp more oxygen. Don’t show him or quote his lies. Crazy does what crazies do.
Exactly.Ask a Crazy Man his Opinion on Something , he will love talking about all kinds of S#!t
@N 827 how’re you supposed to win from prison lol
@N 827 How did we cheat??? We cast our ballots just like you did. You all sound like 3rd graders who just lost a game of Dodgeball.
@N 827 we will see…january 20
@Elaine Walls Wow you are super stupid. You know you cheated. This is far from over!
The people , the courts , God, have spoken. Pack up, and get out.
@N 827 “WE ARE GOING NOWHERE”. Truer words have never come from a trumper
@N 827 hmmmm sounds like a threat
@N 827 Some individuals (I can’t really call them humans) have nothing but s**f for brains. And you are a classic example of that!
@Tabatha Sheffroth you will see stupid
@N 827 You are correct in that at least. I see stupid every time l read one of your posts.
Between he’s words he continues to tell he’s mob to continue
Insignificant, illegitimate, corrupt cheating Joe and his racist, looting, cheating voters won NOTHING!! Trump and his supporters are going nowhere. We have only just begun. You will see!
@N 827 except jail that is.
Trump & his supporters are going nowhere. Well once Joe Biden takes office come January 20th as the 46th President. Then maybe Trump & supporters will finally contribute to our Country instead of tearing it down
Exactly what I thought
Toh wow
oh yes
when the lying begins the dying begins
the republican kissed trumps butt for 5 years never forget that !
And Democrats who organized and supported riots and violence for the last 5. We WONT forget that.
Yoh wow
oh yes
@First Last interesting comment
“We want our President, or you die” is one of many chats. These people are vile to say the least.
Every single person who was there needs to be charged with five counts of felony murder. Period—the end!
@Mrs. Karlous Miller These people are still out there, just gone to ground, and they have supporters in and out of legislative bodies. That chant tells everything, they don’t care one bit about our democratic process or law and order, they want their dictator-god in power because they believe he gives them power. American fascism, and it must be stopped, hard.
‘Many people thought the speech was perfect’. People like Pol Pot, Steven Miller, Alex Jones, Mussolini.
Make the lie big,
Make it simple
Keep saying it, And
eventually they will believe it”
republicans supporters!!!!
Hitler would’ve called it perfect too
I’m not supporting Alex Jones, but even Jones “hates trump even more then he hate Hilary”, or so he says. Source: his latest appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience
Don’t forget Putin. Pretty sure he LOVED the continued calls to violence.
He doesn’t take responsibility for Eric either.
To be fair, who would?
“Never interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves…”
It’s going to be glorious
And still making silent threats, People are hurt and in Pain because you Lost FOH LOSERS
He is creepy. During tender time. Eww he is so gross.
@The Truth Hurts You! it is becoming clearly more obvious that Trump is a delusional nutjob who incited an armed coup. Which makes you a supporter of sedition
@The Truth Hurts You! <-------- Account created: Dec. 2, 2020. Yet another post-election Trumpbot coward that won't use a real account. SURPRISE.

Get a life troll. Grow the fock up you twit.
@The Highway Man You’re a brainless twit.
@Choc Late She’s looking for money you moron.
From Captain America: The Winter Soldier…
Falcon: Hey Cap, how do we know who the bad guys are?
Capt. America: They’re the ones storming the U.S. Capitol!
“Responsibility” would require a level of maturity he simply is devoid of.
@First Last no, they weren’t politically motivated they were taken over law enforcement policy of killing Americans.
Big difference.
@A Bucket Of Water I thought attacks on federal buildings is ‘peaceful protesting’
@__ You forgot the elephant in the room. This is the same fool who takes NO responsibility for the lack of response for Covid, an inaction that to date, has cost the US 400,000 lives & counting. Takes zero responsibility for being the cause of unbelievable carnage & the stripping of the core values of US democracy with his seditious speech to these domestic terrorists.
@First Last Are you seriously trying to defend what happened on Capital Hill? This was a mob attack, they attacked law enforcement officers resulting in one being murdered and numerous attacks on others while invading the sacred house of Congress. Not one other developed civilized country in the world has been subject to this, not one. Shameful effort, global disgrace.
@First Last at this point I simply will agree to disagree with you and bid you a good day.

Who the f#
Fox and Friends?
8chan, /pol, stormfront, KKK, ghost of general Lee, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.
Do you live in a cave?
@Tony Rock sarcasm my man
The yes men and bootlickers that haven’t resigned yet.
Trump droning on & on about his perfect presidency that almost brought down the Capitol.
“I take no responsibility” is the Trump Family Motto.