TMZ obtained video of Former President Donald Trump giving a speech at a Mar-a-Lago wedding where he continued to push lies about the 2020 election.
#DonaldTrump #ErinBurnettOutFront #CNN
TMZ obtained video of Former President Donald Trump giving a speech at a Mar-a-Lago wedding where he continued to push lies about the 2020 election.
#DonaldTrump #ErinBurnettOutFront #CNN
Keep on saying it!!
Greatest hits tour
America to Trump:

“I wish I could quit you.”
Trying desperately to be relevant again. Funny but sad and pathetic too.

@Mom Of4Kids

So you’ve never listened to Trump try to speak? A con-man tossing a word salad pretty much describes Donny. “Covfefe?”
@V S
Nope, even Trump’s hard core Koolaid guzzlers are leaving Cult45.
@Wrong Hole Seriously? Still defending this sorry excuse for a human being after being the main reason 550.000 people died due to his pathetic response?
This so reminds me of a furturama episode where Calculon says to the married couple that its there day, then starts singing “who’s singing at your wedding, its Calculon, its Calculon, its Caculoann”
Lmao bravo sir
LOL! I hear his voice perfectly.
Don’t compare David Dechovny to trump.
Biden spread misinformation about the intervention of Russia in the election, without any evidences…CNN: “That’s fine. No need for Fact Checks”.
This comment needs to go to the top.
God save me
and everyone 

in the world
Repent. The end is nigh.
There’s nothing like a bit of sedition to make your wedding day truly special.
@Dan you would prob invite Capitol Rioters to your wedding I’m sure
@Dawn Sullivan Grow some manners. Your comment absolutely had nothing to do at all with the original exchange. You just decided to find somebody that you could, in the former officeholder’s favorite word, be “nasty” to.
One is so sorry that apparently the only emotion that you are capable of expressing yourself in is hatred and vitriol for no reason whatsoever other than to be desperately contrary.
NRN EOD – One does not engage in further discourse with those who present such infantile behavior.
‘bye now
So now telling the truth is “sedition.” LOL.
@Queens Rule – you need to pass on that advice to CNN. They can’t be bothered to report from the immigration facilities because the dear leader Biden has not given permission but you leftists are wasting time on trump speaking at a private wedding?
what a nice guy, he gave them all the greatest hits!
Don’t you mean the greatest lies?
including a “sir” story
@Dawn Sullivan another middle-aged woman with “Daddy Issues.” Sad, very very sad.
@Jean Griffith Biden needs to be locked up!
Na he’s the goat hold yourselves to the same standard you hold trump lol anyone against him will lose
@JenO for what? Saving American democracy?
@Richard Reese I’d argue that “tds” is actually a symptom that his own supporters suffer from. .. a lot of y’all actually believed he’d still be inaugurated after losing the election lol
Bass player back there ready!
Bass player says “Can we start playing Dancing Queen?” Or bass player says “Can we just get paid and leave?”
when you try to impress your boss and get a raise in the newsroom
“Do you miss me yet”. I can’t even…
Don’t miss the stench he had, that’s for sure.
Yeah we do
@Jonas P lol
@alinson rabell.8 you would miss him.. you had to edit a 3 word comment
He’s like that kid that graduates high school but still hangs around the parties
@Boom ds Graduate?? Trump never graduated from anywhere. He is so ashamed of the fact that Americans FIRED HIM, that he’ll never stop lying about it.
Groom to wife, you said Jon Stewart was going to do the comedy, The Bride, he said he was Jon Stewart.
Why have your wedding at the BIG TENT if you didn’t what to see the clown act?
An about me toast to y’all bride and groom!
Geez he was hired there as the wedding singer, not to be pushing that BS lol
Mozel tov!

Make sure the headline says “Lies”, you gotta keep up the gaslighting
You should have heard him at my son’s cub scout meeting.
He told all of us very clearly that he would not be a good loser. Many times.
The couple, just starting their lives together, subjected to the big lie. That’s bad juju and completely tasteless. I would demand a refund.
POV: it’s your wedding and the best man had to cancel last minute so you hire a local lunatic and hope for the best