Trump takes aim at China over Hong Kong

President Donald Trump followed through on a threat to revoke the United States' special relationship with Hong Kong, which has in the past exempted the city from certain tariffs, among other privileges.

#CNN #News

Trump takes aim at China over Hong Kong


    1. @Ver Coda Thank you for letting me know. I was so disappointed to hear that Aussie’s were being fooled by him.

    1. China should have left Hong Kong as it was – an autonomous region of China, but no they are greedy and power hungry.

    2. @MW M the death rate is around 1% you just have to do the math. 5.95 million ppl sick at this time by your logic 3.45 million ppl will die in the next 3 weeks given the duration of the illness

    3. the best has yet to come . Wait until you see what Trump will do to the deepstate pedophile traffickers

  1. Here come the comments from avid CNN viewers about how they can possibly disagree/bash Trump for this 😲😶

    1. Silverfirefly1 so when China massacred it’s own people on June 4th, 1989 in Tiananmen Square was this the true successful form of communism you were mentioning???

    2. @King Of Truth You are confused, probably from trolling too many people at once.
      Donald just threw the people that live in HK to the Chinese. If you think I like China any more than you do then you’ve missed the point.

    3. Silverfirefly1 you missed the point that trump isn’t trying to start a war which is why he did that!!

    4. @Erathen It’s the last nail in the coffin of free HK. I hope that donald understands the price they will pay on the ground there, because his supporters do not.

    5. Trump also sanctioned the Chinese communists who helped imprison the millions of Muslims in XinJiang, where ethnic genocide is underway. The world has done nothing, only Trump has taken action.

    1. @TimPOOLisNoFool Trump is the best POTUS in the past 100 years at least. he is exactly what we need right now. Trump is exposing the Left for what they are. Liars, thieves, parasites and destroyers.

    2. Old Wong lol…. China can create as many laws as they want. US can create as many laws as they want. But hey… if US laws are more effective and affect china’s interest, then that’s too bad. 😃 this is US internal interest… btw, US is just following China to treat Hong Kong as part of China. No special treatment.

    3. Gooey 911 You don’t seem to be American with your horrible spelling there. Also, no person in their right mind would listen to a sports star for political advice. You seem like Wumao to me.

    4. yo dasxi exactly, so it is only fair that we treat it like the rest of Hong Kong

    1. @Simon Nielsen In all honesty though, the CCP’s story has begun to unravel. It’s fair to change our minds on that. We’re not the only ones either. 5 eyes doesn’t hold a favorable view of what they’ve done

    2. Old Wong And who are you? How exactly did you manage to access YouTube when your country bans it in your area? Winnie the Pooh must’ve sent you.

  2. A little late don’t you think for “any action whatsoever”…
    A better strategy would have been to use this in advance as “a leverage stick” to prevent China from making Hong Kong “Just like China” to begin with…

    1. It punished China. There is little we can do other than encourage refugees to come over to the US from HK. It is important that we cut off the benefits of US capital markets.

    2. Hong Kong people with money should move out, there a lot place welcome them: Singapore, Canada, Australia etc..etc..

    3. Most HK people support this move, if hK is longer separate from China’s laws and suppression, then they should not hold favorable trade and military partnerships.

  3. What is the problem with Nokia or Ericsson ! Security risk of course Huawei is a security risk to the world !

  4. Finally something good from Trump. I 100 % agree. A conflict with the CCP is long overdue.

    1. @Joseph Price All we have to do is ban all Chinese products and there would be a Revolution in China by the end of the week.

  5. How nice it would have been if Hussein Osama had have done that instead of taking payoffs

    1. *The guy hasn’t been president since 2016. Your daddy Trump has 136K dead on his watch. Nice logic, Trumpanzee*

    1. LOL bruh some people selling BBQ smoker for $15000. The average person can’t afford stuff made in USA lol

    2. @Don K Trump is going to start a civil war in China. I am ROFLMAO watching him do it. The ChiComs are too stupid to see it coming.

    3. @Strange 7s Crap made in China is way more expensive because of how often it has to be replaced

  6. Sidenote: You still have reporters in Hong Kong? If you care for their lives get them out! Unless your okay with only reporting stories the CCP finds favorable.. oh, wait this is CNN, Communist News Network, you guys lost all credibility years ago, I guess the CCP has yet another propaganda wing.

  7. Other Chinese cities are all doing just fine without these “special treatments” that benefit the US as well.

    1. other chinese cities are accustomed to their censorship and suppression, there is no hope for those regions. HK people are free and share democratic values and ethics.

    2. @Kate100294764 Hong Kong was an ancient city of China taken by the British army by force. Hong Kong was always a colony from the UK and its citizens never ever had the same level of citizenship as the Britons. Hongkongers never voted or elected any representative for the British parliament. The UK legacy to the people of HK was only a divided city among people super-rich and super-poor. So, How can you say they were free and share democratic values………. Perdon me, this was always a lie!!

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