U.S. President Donald Trump has arrived at the courthouse, where he is surrendering for arraignment on criminal charges.
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Who cares
You. After all, you watched it
@nie wissen and commented
Is that a comb over.
This just makes me smile.
That’s because your brain is filled with mush…
Can’t believe this is actually happening
Its like its a Holiday we waited all year to come!
Trump is back……..
Will Civil War start i USA?
from president to prisoner.
lmfao you realize it’s a court appearance right, then he’s going home? And delivering a speech tonight? Educate yourself before you talk please
is this for the murder he had done back in 2019?
Why don’t you look into the Clin ton Dea th count??? It’s in the hundreds..
What murder was this? Llllmmfffaaaoooo
Apparently he messed himself and they wouldnt let him change. can you imagine them forcing a dumb criminal to sit in their own messed pants? This gets better by the hour!
the witch hunt is real.
There has to be in order to nail this guy. He is just too corrupt and too powerful. Glad they are finally taking this guy down. The dude has a lot to answer for.
TRUMP 2024
and am I supposed to care?
Not Guilty.