CNN's Gary Tuchman speaks to Trump supporters at the President's rally in Sanford, Florida, about masks and the coronavirus.
#CNN #News
CNN's Gary Tuchman speaks to Trump supporters at the President's rally in Sanford, Florida, about masks and the coronavirus.
#CNN #News
His supporters have zero reasoning capacity.
@Jim Barry I’ve never been called a whimp in person….. I wonder if your thoughts would change outside the internet?
@Buzz l’Eclair moron
They don’t even know what you mean by that haha
@David Carter ….your statement makes no sense, which of course, is typical of a Trump cultist who cannot think.
you have 0 brain cells if u vote for 47 years of failure biden
Trump should have as many rallies as he can between now and say…..3-4 days before election!
i agree. stupid people will get what they ask for.
@Muuri soras
*Can’t fix stupid but the hats make it easier to identify.*
Trump did say he loves the poorly educated! I see why !
Trump voter’s are easy to con!
– It is an airborne disease.
– The width of the virus is 125 nanometers wide. (One nanometer = one millionth of a millimeter).
– Ever notice if you wear your face diaper and sunglasses, your sunglasses fog up?
– Surgical and N 95 face diapers are better, but won’t fully protect, and we were advised to reserve those face diapers for medical personnel anyway when they were in short supply.
– Hospitals are incentivized to inflate the number.
– Cloth onesies now being used by Dems to politicize and cause division, just like the riots. A true leader would have used these tragedies to unify the nation, rather than divide it.
– Power hungry Dems who are the most vocal about face diapers are the ones caught in public not wearing their onesie. The list includes Pelosi, Gov. Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Feinstein, that MI governor’s husband…the list goes on.
– MI and NY governors shipped sick patients to nursing homes and now punishing their citizens for their own mistakes by forcing draconian policies down their throats and effectively keeping them under house arrest.
– The remedy has been worse than the sickness. How many small businesses have gone bankrupt, how many people lost their jobs, how many depressed people turned to drugs and committed suicide?
– Your chances of dying from this disease is 0.04%. Your chances of dying from a car accident is 0.97%.
– Trump is right – focus on the cure and therapeutics. Not the rate of infection.
– Wash your hands, don’t spit on people, and don’t let this stop you from living your life.

Donald Trump: the Vaccine will be ready before the Election day….
@Baby Boo that’s right you tell em baby baby boo. Jesus said know the truth and truth shall set you free.
@Black Panther if you live in fear of a 99% survival rate and think you need a vaccine you are truly willfully blind or just a liar but you most definitely overall are lost.
Jesus can help you
Rhonda Santos isn’t just playing a fool… He really is one
Using a woman’s first name as some kind of childish insult shows your sexism. Trump 2020.
@Gorilla Lives Matter, RIP Harambe supporting Trump shows you’re stupid and have trouble paying attention
He also slept at a Holiday Inn last night.
It’s Florida. What’s so hard to believe?

@howie bockslytner Biden supporters embrace free health care for illegal aliens and bans on private insurance. I cannot think of a more brain-dead policy.
They would drink poison if he asked
@Reid Elson it seems y’all drank some kind of kool aid
Runa Rumiñahui A superb idea.
Then I hope he does ask.
@ChickenCop and yet all are the ones poisoning our country with your liberal views
– It is an airborne disease.
– The width of the virus is 125 nanometers wide. (One nanometer = one millionth of a millimeter).
– Ever notice if you wear your face diaper and sunglasses, your sunglasses fog up?
– Surgical and N 95 face diapers are better, but won’t fully protect, and we were advised to reserve those face diapers for medical personnel anyway when they were in short supply.
– Hospitals are incentivized to inflate the number.
– Cloth onesies now being used by Dems to politicize and cause division, just like the riots. A true leader would have used these tragedies to unify the nation, rather than divide it.
– Power hungry Dems who are the most vocal about face diapers are the ones caught in public not wearing their onesie. The list includes Pelosi, Gov. Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Feinstein, that MI governor’s husband…the list goes on.
– MI and NY governors shipped sick patients to nursing homes and now punishing their citizens for their own mistakes by forcing draconian policies down their throats and effectively keeping them under house arrest.
– The remedy has been worse than the sickness. How many small businesses have gone bankrupt, how many people lost their jobs, how many depressed people turned to drugs and committed suicide?
– Your chances of dying from this disease is 0.04%. Your chances of dying from a car accident is 0.97%.
– Trump is right – focus on the cure and therapeutics. Not the rate of infection.
– Wash your hands, don’t spit on people, and don’t let this stop you from living your life.

These people would have been very happy living in Germany in 1939. Same mentality.
These people are arrogant and if you observe they all have these in common ,they have false superiority, self centered , willfully ignorant , lack retrospect and most of them have miserable lifes and its side effects are venting on other for their failures. I personally have friends (20 yrs of friendship) who are trump supporters and have same hypocritical and narcissistic mentality. I only know thier true color after Trump ran for office.
@S Hall All indicators? Like how about examples then? His results have been amazing even if you don’t like his personality.
@bobwatters One is Revolution well Trump’s one is de-evolution ,dumbing down.
@ashwin kumaar So you want a revolution?
These individuals are completely insame!? U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E!
@Cadillac Kadafi LOL… grammar Nazis?! LOL… You r funny!
@ANDREv .:. The death rate for someone my age, with no preexisting conditions and in good shape is so low it’s not even relevant. I am more likely to die from a lighting strike. Should I lock myself down from lighting strikes as well? Bring a lightning rod with me everywhere I go?
@Cadillac Kadafi oh dear my mistake
We are let’s see yeah that’s your people
@Cadillac Kadafi U R I-N-D-E-E-D FUNNY …. LOL
Nor normal, trump is a president not a king. Amazing.
What a bunch of idiots, even trump will be ashamed of you people.
Not going lo lose important time on these trump supporters.
@John Wright I think I need one!
@Dawn Kuzio ok, Vladimir
@Solaafg lol!!!!
@HA VAL hahaha..
So sadly misguided. Trump wouldn’t even spit on her if she was on fire!
She wants him to grab her by her
@Pam Deshane right. I’ve been a nurse for a long time. I’ve treated patients with a multitude of infectious diseases. We gear up and guess what? I’ve never caught anything…. MRSA, psuedomonas, klebsiella, VRE, nada, zilch, nothing.
I won’t
he would at least talk to her, but only to call her a “ugly pig” of a woman
Unbelievable. These people need permission to wear a mask??? Unbelievable… Do they also need permission to eat, drink water or bathe? Are people this ignorant in other countries or are we just lucky…?
why trying to convince people that havn´t been convinced yet. Waste of time.
Agreed. At this point, they’re adults – their fate is their own business. However, if they recklessly endanger the lives of others, or expect hospital staff to risk their lives to care for them when they’re ill, they should be criminally charged. There is no excuse for this level of ignorance.
CNN just fishing for soundbites. Not trying to convince.
@Alternative Headlines
They are sad messes.
@chew itt The ruler of the idiots! Lol Trump is awful, he’s got to go!

I guess this is what people mean when they say sheeple. They won’t listen to medical professionals, scientists, or even common sense, but when their orange shepherd that lies more than almost anyone tells them something, that is when they listen.
@Living54 andmore FAUCHI AND GATES . . .CREATED THIS VIRUS . . stupid sheeple
– It is an airborne disease.
– The width of the virus is 125 nanometers wide. (One nanometer = one millionth of a millimeter).
– Ever notice if you wear your face diaper and sunglasses, your sunglasses fog up?
– Surgical and N 95 face diapers are better, but won’t fully protect, and we were advised to reserve those face diapers for medical personnel anyway when they were in short supply.
– Hospitals are incentivized to inflate the number.
– Cloth onesies now being used by Dems to politicize and cause division, just like the riots. A true leader would have used these tragedies to unify the nation, rather than divide it.
– Power hungry Dems who are the most vocal about face diapers are the ones caught in public not wearing their onesie. The list includes Pelosi, Gov. Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Feinstein, that MI governor’s husband…the list goes on.
– MI and NY governors shipped sick patients to nursing homes and now punishing their citizens for their own mistakes by forcing draconian policies down their throats and effectively keeping them under house arrest.
– The remedy has been worse than the sickness. How many small businesses have gone bankrupt, how many people lost their jobs, how many depressed people turned to drugs and committed suicide?
– Your chances of dying from this disease is 0.04%. Your chances of dying from a car accident is 0.97%.
– Trump is right – focus on the cure and therapeutics. Not the rate of infection.
– Wash your hands, don’t spit on people, and don’t let this stop you from living your life.

Your so called professionals and scientists have been wrong almost every step of the way since this thing started .
@John Fourman but these mask wearing slaves want to lecture us about ” truth “. .and want to control our lives….there same morons will roll up their sleeves and gladly take bill gates poison into their veins
@• • AQUARIAN • I was there for about 4 seconds. You’re definitely American right?
Because she just needs a man to tell her what to do, no self respect. How embarrassing for her.
@chew itt Hi Chew itt, Have you read or watched Robert Altermeyers study on Authoritarian Followers?
Trump is a Double A, if I remember rightly,
His followers are mostly wannabe henchmen and eggers on. is safe for work, and the written format is way quicker to read than his spoken word format on Youtube.
I think it’d be right up your street.
In the nicest way…
Dude, shut up. The American people are just tired of being shoved around and being told what to do.
Thanks big patriots. Donald Trump just canceled my VA healthcare. Who do I send the bill to for the years I spent in the military, Air Force, defending your freedom of speech? Pay up or shut up.
@Mr407Mike Republican men… Love to play with each other and pretend they are straight.
Theres just simply multitudes of ignorant people in America…multitudes.
@TheMiddleClass TAXSLAVE Trump denies science. What the Hell are you talking about?
Oh. Heh. You tryin’ to gaslight me, little Trumper? Yer not very good at it. Gaslighting someone on YouTube doesn’t really work, does it? Cuz everyone on here can see that you’re a sociopath, and trying to gaslight me.
I’ll listen to what you have to say(well, I would have, at least). You just gotta give me the condensed version, not 100 lines of drivel in one big paragraph.
@Anonymous I’ll explain them. Officer Derek Chauvin, a racist cop(you can find pics of him wearing a Make America White Again hat), publicly executed a black man in plain sight, for the whole world to see(thank you, cellphones). And then on top of that, race relations were already boiling over in this country at the time of the murder.
Well, what did you think was gonna happen? That everyone was gonna turn the other cheek? Nah, human beings unfortunately don’t work that way, though it is a pleasant thought. They rioted. And, though I don’t recommend it, I completely understand it. You can’t push the American people so much, and just expect us to take it. I mean, come on, maaaaan.
@Anonymous LoL sure
– It is an airborne disease.
– The width of the virus is 125 nanometers wide. (One nanometer = one millionth of a millimeter).
– Ever notice if you wear your face diaper and sunglasses, your sunglasses fog up?
– Surgical and N 95 face diapers are better, but won’t fully protect, and we were advised to reserve those face diapers for medical personnel anyway when they were in short supply.
– Hospitals are incentivized to inflate the number.
– Cloth onesies now being used by Dems to politicize and cause division, just like the riots. A true leader would have used these tragedies to unify the nation, rather than divide it.
– Power hungry Dems who are the most vocal about face diapers are the ones caught in public not wearing their onesie. The list includes Pelosi, Gov. Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, Feinstein, that MI governor’s husband…the list goes on.
– MI and NY governors shipped sick patients to nursing homes and now punishing their citizens for their own mistakes by forcing draconian policies down their throats and effectively keeping them under house arrest.
– The remedy has been worse than the sickness. How many small businesses have gone bankrupt, how many people lost their jobs, how many depressed people turned to drugs and committed suicide?
– Your chances of dying from this disease is 0.04%. Your chances of dying from a car accident is 0.97%.
– Trump is right – focus on the cure and therapeutics. Not the rate of infection.
– Wash your hands, don’t spit on people, and don’t let this stop you from living your life.

unfortunately, multitudes of voters…..the other multitudes need to get out and VOTE as well
He just follows the rule of ‘NO’ ; No plan, No conscience, No healthcare, No truth., No distance ,No masks.
I hope the result will be NO REELECTION,
There are too Many Stupid People in this Country. Let Corona do it’s Thing…..
NYC is Democratic
@Huỳnh Phi Tiễn Musique if you are smart enough you will stay home, you will avoid everyone, you will put you mask on before you step outside.
99.96% Will Survive this so called pendemic
The problem is that these rally-goers will return to work tomorrow, send their children to school, and go into restaurants and other businesses.That’s how Covid spreads, how schools end up shutting down, and the US economy goes down the drain. Thanks, Donald!
As trump is president it mean the US is stupid
So..basically Mexico and Canada need to build themselves a bigly wall.
Exactly. Keep them in ( or out depending on what side of the wall you’re on)
Jesus christ, trump supporters are beyond help.
Can you believe it’s us only the anti-Trump who really understand

Hahaha hahaha hahaha
Trump oyeeeeeeeeeeee oyeeeeeeeeeeee
Yeah it’s us
And yet liberals are the ones who are screaming yelling and saying racist things
Trump is their “shepherd” who’s culling his own herd
Trumpers always get things round the wrong way
instead of going with the flow
they go with the wolf!
And y’all are losing it
@Ian Dalziel no you meant to say instead of being a sheep to the media’s fear mongering there following a leader that beat the invisible enemy himself and yes I know what the next line would be to this statement saying we won’t get the same treatment as the president. But the world health organization came out today saying lockdowns should be the last result and should no longer proceed since its creating more bad then good.
It’s call herd mentality
only the herd will survive
Obviously trump supporters aren’t sheep, like they say everyone else is. Obviously.
No y’all ain’t sheep
Trump sure knows how to empty the trailer parks when he holds his rallies.