Trump Still Blocking Biden Transition As Covid Surge Shatters Records | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

With another 194,000+ Covid-19 cases confirmed in a single day, the president still will not concede the election which the Biden team says will hurt the fight against Covid-19 in the long run. Aired on 11/20/2020.
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Trump Still Blocking Biden Transition As Covid Surge Shatters Records | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @CHEETOS HOTFRIES LMFAO even FB has change PRESIDENT elected Joe Hidin to
      The massive voting fraud exposed…
      The Communist Democrat terrorist party is going

    2. @Leslie Killam Gotta watch out for those Fake News Flashes. The media doesn’t have any authority to call an election regardless of what your feelings tell you. Y’all act like you’re smarter than the framers of our Constitution. Perhaps you should read it to brush up on the fine details of how an election is properly governed. You’ll be shocked that you’re absolutely wrong. In reality, he ain’t nobody’s President.

    3. @HillBillySlim I don’t watch fake news but I’m willing to bet that you are an avid fan of Sky News Australia.


    1. @OutdoorIndoorVariety “If you don’t think…” Therein lies the problem; you can “think” that all you want but without any evidence whatsoever it means nothing.

    1. A FOUR-YEAR BAD DREAM NAMED TRUMP. Please, GOD, bless the USA by WAKING UP ALL AMERICANS FROM THIS NIGHTMARE! Please, people pray, GOD is the only One that can make this “nightmare” go away!

    2. @WayTo WokeMan Wayne County rescinded the certification. The Republicans only agreed to certify because they were threatened and doxxed by democrats. They agreed under the condition that an independent audit would be conducted. The Democrats reneged on the deal after they agreed to certify, so they rescinded.

    1. @R Littlejohn Disprove me! How am I drinking from the Golden Chalice? Do you work in an industry where your job could go away if the Corporate powers can pay someone else a tenth of what they pay you? Should you help you or should you say “your time has come dude?”

    2. @greg j It is fitting and proper for you to vote your wallet. There are great sharks and bull sharks but their sharks . To fume over MSNBC and not Fox is a stretch. News is bought and paid for on both sides.

    3. @greg j I vote my wallet as well. But im wearing mask and i havent had a vacation. Im a small town guy and i think its time for a cool change. I have no desire for that change to be of detriment to your circumstances. How can we all get a piece of the pie witbout taking that pie from someone else.

    4. @R Littlejohn I’d say Fox is more like heavily paid opposition than anything else. By the way, they lost millions of subscribers and viewership over their bungled coverage of election. People defected to independents like Next News.

    1. Well, so far it’s strike 22 in the courts and no wins not even where Republicans are in charge. Are you really that stupid?

    1. Probably most ecstasy meth potheads get covid with their low immunities from drugs __ NO MASKS REQUIRED . You druggies will get viruses & many other diseases from your own faults ! Clean living folks don’t need masks !

  1. It’s crazy how many trump supporters still think they’re promoting freedom and democracy while arguing that the election results, which now point to a Biden victory, should not be counted

    1. Meanwhile, it’s 100% obvious that you NEVER even tried to find out what is actually going on.


    2. @Kevin Red It’s very difficult to convince people of the TRUTH when EVERY MAJOR OUTLET is part of the PROBLEM.

    1. Well here it is President Trump won the election the fraud from the Communist Democrat terrorist party has ben exposed…lol
      Even FB tolk Joe Hidin down lol

    1. @David Eby Trump vaccine, NOPE don’t think so! As for the Goober nonsense…..Seriously? That’s 💯 Lame AF!

  2. People are dying in hospitals in South Dakota, Wisconsin, Texas and Kentucky because they believed the lies that Trump and the GOP spread about Covid-19 being less dangerous than seasonal influenza. They went out, didn’t wear masks, didn’t social distance, didn’t avoid high-density, high volume indoor gatherings and contracted and spread the virus to others. Some of those people are dying. Their blood is on the hands of those who spread the falsehoods.

    1. Actually, 80% of COVID patients said they wore masks everyday.
      And the CDC said the virus has a 99% survival rate.
      If you actually wanted to know the numbers from the CDC.
      Where’d you get your information from? obviously the socialist news.
      They hid the numbers right under your nose.

    2. These are the Pro- Life people. Protect the unbourn, but fail to protect the living. Hypocrites. Just plan evil, and stupid.

    1. @Juliana Mfleg Not if what they think about Biden is completely and totally stifled by a Corporate owned Media! The Deep State Marxists are in the process of kidnapping America.

    2. @Juliana Mfleg Nope! Biden is a protected ‘made man’. Joe Biden is easily, THE MOST CORRUPT ROTTEN EXAMPLE OF A POLITICIAN THIS COUNTRY HAS MOST LIKELY, EVER HAD OR WILL EVER HAVE. He is however, the chosen leader of the Marxist Deep State Swamp Power Brokers who seek permanents seats at the head of the table. They’ve really done their homework in buying off the Media and inserting their educators in key staff level positions in the colleges and public education. They then bought up large Metro area DA Offices thus paving the way for Political intimidation. Virus was sent by the boss but only when all other efforts to remove Trump failed. The virus would not only wreck Trump’s economy but also set the stage for mass fraud with paper ballots. Perfect!

    3. @Juliana Mfleg Brainwashing of many Catholics is so thorough, they actually believe abortion is a Republican thing.

    1. You’re right. They would not have allowed the damage done to our constitution over the last 30 years by both parties.

    2. @slimjim719 In remembering the past you might not repeat the horrors in the future. But look what’s going on in the world. 🤦🏽‍♀️

    3. Actually, no. Our ancestors i.e. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Robert E. Lee, etc and others would be appalled by what America has become. Remember, we killed the Germans for ”muh freedom” instead of rallying against the Soviets. Now, we are faced with the problem of Communist Operatives who seek to enforce an Establishment pick than what REAL Americans voted for.

    1. Yesterday is history.
      Tomorrow is a mystery.
      But today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.
      So make the most of it while you can.

  3. Trump and the republicans are going to get more people killed because if this, all just to “own the libs”. That seems to be all they care about now.

    1. No he’s not scared he set the dumbocrates up and they took it hook line and sinker why has the prison in Cuba gotten 3 or 4 times bigger it’s not because of middle east prisoners, Trump has brought peace there. It’s for the crooked MSM and crooked politicians

    2. Probably most ecstasy meth potheads get covid with their low immunities from drugs __ NO MASKS REQUIRED . You druggies will get viruses & many other diseases from your own faults ! Clean living folks don’t need masks ! TRUMP 2020 biden is the devil

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