President Trump retweeted a conspiracy from ex-game show host Chuck Woolery attempting to discredit the CDC and doctors' warnings about the coronavirus.
#Trump #CNN #News
President Trump retweeted a conspiracy from ex-game show host Chuck Woolery attempting to discredit the CDC and doctors' warnings about the coronavirus.
#Trump #CNN #News
When Chuck Woolery, a former game show host, is held to a higher esteem than the top infectious disease Dr in the nation, recipient of the Presidential medal of freedom.
Wow, you really can’t make this stuff up..
@Ketten That Is Because YOU Are Not Very Intelligent. Huh? Whats Your Education Level? What University Did You Attend. I Can Read Reports & Analyze Stats & Think For Myself. Maybe You Should GROW A BRAIN AND START TO THINK WITH IT Dummy Rather Than Take Anyone’s Work. You Prove Your Stupidity By Believing What A Rockefeller Medicine “Professional” Tells You. The Modern System Of Medicine Sucks Just Like The Justice System And Every Other Federal-National Institution.
@westward bound so there aren’t 130,000 dead Americans from Covid? So Trump has done something about the Russian Bounties? So Trump retweeting conspiracy theories is just a joke?
@Truth Lover Yeah, science deniers are the real smart people.. ahahaah
@Tonya Sweeney yeah I have actually been following things re covid19 a lot more closely than most probably would, and while it is bad enough even with what you see on the surface in the US, it is even more shocking when you delve into things a bit deeper by looking into things yourself independently of media sources. I think your media ( even the ones like CNN that are happy to expose trump) often actually miss some of the real issues by getting lost among the infinite supply of nonsensical statements and lies that continually come like machine-gun fire from trump. The testing you mentioned is a good example. – At a time trump was promoting himself as leading the world in testing and having the best tests in the world (he even had posters made for his press releases) no one was pulling Trump up about how faulty many of the tests produced by his Federal “partnership” with private companies were. We all know the original American CDC test were faulty (which were developed under trumps admin after he rejected the free German made sample tests kits the WHO sent out to over 60 countries in order to help them prepare for covid19,…. at the time trump was saying it was a hoax). But a large portion of these privately developed tests he hurriedly produced (once he realized covid19 wasn’t a hoax!) via his federal partnership, and pushed then out into circulation without proper FDA vetting were either also faulty or ridiculously inaccurate according to your leading epidemiologists, and have only served to compound covid19 problems further in the US due to all the false results and misleading data they are producing. Some of your best epidemiologists like Michael Osterholme were making public statements about these tests being a “disaster” and “absolute crap” and meanwhile research institutes like UCSF and UC Berkeley had released papers attesting the the inaccuracy of many of these tests. So all this ammo was just sitting there ready to be used against Trump as he blatantly lies about how good his tests were, and yet no reporter made mention of it. Instead they were caught up at the time trying to trip trump up for calling covid19 the china virus.
@Gavin McEwen Thank you for the links!
I’m an army brat so usually get my news abroad-BBC, Euronews, along those lines. I’m trying to get caught up and finish the unredacted Mueller report so have been focused on that. And the MIS-C issues with kids due to COVID. I took my attention off him for a day and missed at least 3 scandals. It sucks that’s no exaggeration.
chuck needs to engage on a “date” with reality
@Ketten can you prove they don’t live in New York ?
@Jessie James Can you prove they do?
Antonio Jr. Decatoria It wouldn’t pick him for the date.
I thought he died 20 years ago. Maybe it all was a hoax and he’s been living on Epstein’s island.
Joseph Dorino – unbelievable how stupid you are. Where were you a few months back ? On a 2 month meth binge ?
I would definitely not believe Chuck Woolery. Now, if Wink Martindale speaks up I’m totally aboard his train. That man is a legend.
Oh, and Don Pardo, our friendly announcer. He’s my only source of highly advanced medical and technical knowledge. Accept no substitutes!
Your giving your age away.
It’s just what you would expect from the first Russian president of the United States
This is what happens when a developt rich country invests to little in education.!!!
Dumb down people are easier to control, USA
Funny your talking about education with two misspellings.
Amen to that. Everyone wants to be rich and as dumbs as dumb can get
Makes total sense: Reality TV star relying on gameshow host for information.
@tim conway
Yeah, all this winning…it is literally making us sick.
CNN spreads conspiracies:
Get a new name or leave the u s a dummy
They are both game show hosts. trump was only a star in his own pea brain.
I worked with Woolery…he was soooooo far to the right…
The rod up his you know what was bent…lololololol
Guess my political title. I’m pro choice except when abused as birth control. I’m pro gun but more restrictions need to be put in place. I’m fir social services but much more fraud control is needed. I have 2 degrees from Queens University in Canada. I await your reply. Cheers from Toronto
Of the American losses in WW1, more of them were a result of disease than the result of battle.
West House disease due to battle injuries. But nice try to warp facts.
R W who cares what you care that he cares for what you care for what he cares…. for.
@MrHairyBudsツ exactly. Let the unhealthy die. Not my fault. .. out for a Starbucks
Patrick McLean You’ve presented a great case for how Trump’s stupidity led to this chaos. Well done!
More Americans have died from COVID than the American combat deaths in WW1, Korea and Vietnam combined. But, let’s just say it’s all just a hoax.
Be honest: How many of you were surprised to find out Chuck Woolery was still alive?
#TRE45ON #AmericaOrTrump #coronacoverup #countdownto46
Just don’t created your jim Crow law again confederate democrats ding dong #HowDemocratsStarted
How many care what he thinks?
princeoftidds lol I literally just wrote that. I figured that he died about 15 years ago!
And he looks amazing for his age.
I thought Chuck died ten years ago, Its been at least twenty years since he has been relevant.
Even then was he irrelevant..
He has been brain dead for a long time!
We have a game show host on speed dial for medical emergencies
Let me see, do I want to trust a game show host who has no scientific or medical training or doctors?
I might trust Alex Trebeck — he’s probably absorbed a few extra IQ points from years of hosting Jeopardy. And Trebeck doesn’t look like an escapee from social night at the lunatic asylum.
Something so perfectly ironic
a game show host
(a bad one)
throws his two cents in
and 45 buys it.
Just perfect.
What is next,
next briefing lead by
a guy in a gorilla suit?
“From one ex game show host to another, I think science is bs and coronavirus is a hoax by the Chinese!” – Trump
“Yeah! I agree! That’s my medical opinion” – Chuck
I wouldn’t go to a car mechanic if my baby has a fever.
Carlos Villegas i dont believe in science. The clerk at the am/pm said my baby will be fine, itll just go away. But the nurse said my car was fine when she looked in the trunk.
Levi Mast yeah youre right; i should have said car salesman.
I wouldn’t take a politician, or former game show host’s word, over a medical expert’s either!
How Dare you think like that,I totally Agree ,what’s wrong with people thoughts ,Why do you spend 10 – 15 yrs after high school to receive credentials to help mankind when Sick , Talk Show host stay in your professional lane ,Stupid
But you’re gonna go to the “mechanic” that’s gonna replace unnecessarily half of your car while charging you double…
there’s the so-called Hanlon’s razor
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
but, in the case of trump and his administration
i say both malice and stupidity apply
trump might lose this election….of course he wants all those responsible to die
in 2016, he was a sore winner
can you imagine how he’ll take losing?
@Simple Stump What does that have to do with Chuck Woolery and his qualifications as a health expert? Can you address that directly instead of going off somewhere else?
@Simple Stump True! But only because he has been violating his oath of office and numerous laws since his first day in office.
@Mark Wilson Long Live The Cabal! Your efforts to obfuscate their sense of reality are really quite excellent, comrade! Would you care to join our Global Deep State Conspiracy Cabal? I think you could go far here! Long Live The Cabal! Long Live The GDSCC!
@Mychal Gendron CNN just passed an assumption as if it were clearly fact but opinions aren’t factual, but can be truthful …regardless, CNN is disingenuous and cares more about doing the interpretation of information for you than just supplying information… All media tells little lies because that’s how they can accurately target the dumb consumer, by ensuring a supply of dumb consumers… It can seem farfetched but this can be explained more logically than a mass wave of hatred of an individual based on hypotheticals (ppl have believed he’s building a “white America” and will put people in concentration camps)
@filthynice 88 thanks for your response! I think all the media are skewed one way or another and it is nearly impossible to get balanced reporting on anything. I lean liberal but I support causes I think are just, regardless of politics – stop illegal immigration, get out of conflicts in other parts of the world that don’t concern us, etc. I am really heartsick over the polarization in the U.S. and am concerned that we are destroying ourselves from within.
This just confirms, once again, how stupid bunker boy is.
@Max Power that’s ironic because this is a CNN video
The rest of the world is impersonating that little blond girl from that Forrest Gump movie with this question to Trump: Are you stupid or something???
It’s all lies especially the media!
Well hes ecstatic because some other old irrelevant racist white guy agrees with him.
I was just reading something about him. Now he is a Christian and he gives to ministries. Now did not god say do not falsely accuse? the numbers do not lie at all. Now is just me or have someone miss the boat. i just laugh when I seen it in the news and on twitter I said here we go again lol
Trump: This man actually makes us feel insane. It is so toxic. I’m non partisan
Salin Lamen turn it off, go for a walk, enjoy your friends, and take a deep breath. It will end soon, nothing is forever.
@Expat great advice honestly.. look for a dumpster fire and find a dumpster fire. Im trying not to be a moth to that flame.
Cuckoo TDS
@foreigner fan Remember when you people were lynching Obama effigies and screaming about how he was going to institute a gay communist muslim police state any day now? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
And now you lunatics have the _gall_ to accuse people frustrated by the Annoying Orange’s colossal incompetence of having “Trump derangement syndrome.” Funny how that works.
Just listen just how she says her opening sentence shes trying to exaggerate
*_Lou Dobbs Tonight video about Trump: Chicago is worse than Afghanistan, Left’s Assault on America, Rejecting China and lot more to know about _**_**_ . Do watch it guys._*
They won’t believe untill they get sick and damn near die from it.
And in the process, they’re overwhelming our healthcare system.
His son tested positive yesterday.
I believe that the technical phrase is, “flight from reality.”