Trump signs order banning TikTok and WeChat in 45 days

President Donald Trump issued executive orders that would ban the social media apps TikTok and WeChat from operating in the US in 45 days if they are not sold by their Chinese-owned parent companies. CNN’s Hadas Gold reports.

#CNN #News


  1. “people rely on tictcok for happiness” dang. i feel for anyone who relies on an app for happiness. that is a shallow life indeed. sad

    1. @Erik Riley just a quick recap, do you support the enslavement and harvesting of uighur muslims?

    2. Yes, people do find happiness through the app as it allows them to communicate with other people. It allows them to receive the support that they may not get from other people that they have in their lives. It may allow them to share how they are feeling and have other people who know what it’s like lend support. The app has helped to spread positivity and joy to many people from all around the world. Don’t start spreading hate and judgment without knowing what the app has done to a person. There are many tik tokers who use their pages to uplift and help other people. Sometimes all you need to see or hear is that someone is there for you, and not many people have the luxury of receiving that from the people around them. You don’t know what a person’s home life or social life is like so to call them shallow for finding another outlet is just plain out rude. It’s better that they find an outlet through an app than keep it bottled inside which could then lead to depression. What I am trying to say is that if you don’t understand or know a person and their situation, don’t call their life “shallow” for finding another way to express themselves or find happiness.

    1. @Mild Intensity yeah there’s one behind every bush….wake up dude…. question more….try to unwash your brain….you live in an oligarchy … they don’t give a damn about you…. communism on the other hand……well let’s just say kibbutz and commune..ism… for the community share the profits of your effort opposed to capitalism…..well you know how that works out….the rich get richer and the workers get poorer.. Go China go Cuba viva Castro viva..vive Chë viva

    1. november 4th that pandemic will be over, the death rate is incredibly low for a pandemic theyll stop covering it so much

  2. in other words “we only want American companies who directly send your data to the US government spying on us”

    google owns google and youtube
    facebooks owns facebook, IG and whatsapps
    MS will own skype and Tiktok

    crony capitalism at its finest.

    This type of behavior only empowers socialists who can claim that “capitalism has failed.”

    We should not become Fascists (Gov & Corp partnership) to fight Communists.

    1. urdbest so, you are an actual communist. You do realize that communism killed over 100 million people?

  3. Everybody: “This is awful…”

    Me: “I fail to understand how this affects me…”

    COVID: “Don’t mind me. I’ll just be in the corner…”

    1. @ShowbizNekoTime Unless they sell it to an America company. No kickback required, of course. Ya, right. The Chinese want the data on all those teenage gay and closeted straight boys making videos. lol

    2. @ShowbizNekoTime How is it the business of the government who an American talks to and provides their private information to. Are we in N Korea? Next they will tell you what you are allowed to eat and when you have to go to bed. I bet you would love that, snowflake.

    3. @Silver Wolf How stupid must you be to assume that I am a snowflake? Also there already is a certain group people who do that, wanna know who it is? Caregivers

    4. @ShowbizNekoTime I did not assume anything. Based on your comment you are in fact a snowflake. You really must be living in N Korea. In this country caregivers can not force you to do anything unless you have lost all cognitive functions at which point it does not matter.

  4. what happened to the “freedom of speech” trump was barking about …this is just more double standard and who can we believe NOT trump for sure this is BS

    1. @mulira You realize this is America right? Unless our goal is to be like communist china in which case we are doing a splendid job.

    1. I highly doubt it. Nobody would run again after this 4 years of hell if he was that frail.
      And he doesn’t need the money, thats for sure.

    1. Amusing comment but the ban became more serious after China beat to death 20 Indians with bats and nails.
      The national security thing is just a way to get it banned.


    2. @VR & AR Development & Studio
      You need to learn what’s going on. Many countries are considering banning all Chinese apps. Not just Tiktok.

    3. @VR & AR Development & Studio mad man? did you even watch or just show up to troll?
      you people are dumb as a box of rocks.

  5. *No, no one is fearing, same as Canadian Steel, German Cars, Alstom, Huawei and Tiktok’s dance moves 🛑, just protectionism at work, and spin doctors want them to be “freed”.*

  6. *From “I can’t breath” to BLM, the similarities does not end here…* 🛑They also banned certain “Isreali🇮🇱🇮🇱 origined” people in the name of “National Security” in the 1930s, starting something truly horrific. The same theme they “stole our job”, the can not be trusted, sounds eerily familiar, does it? Also a “Populism Nationlistic Government”…

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