Trump Sidelines CDC Reopening Advice In Favor Of Vague Happy Talk | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Jason Dearen, investigative reporter for the AP, talks with Rachel Maddow about his reporting on the Trump administration shelving a thorough set of CDC guidelines for governments and businesses to reopen with safer consideration of coronavirus risks. Aired on 05/07/2020.
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Trump Sidelines CDC Reopening Advice In Favor Of Vague Happy Talk | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Trump won’t hesitate to sacrifice more American lives in his attempt to win reelection. A sociopathic narcissist like Trump is a person on a quest for power and control. There will be no guilt, no apologies, and no sense of remorse coming from Trump over the more than 70 thousand American lives lost.

    Trump pretty much checks every box for the diagnostic criterion of a sociopathic narcissist.

    ~Manipulative and Conning:
    They never recognize the rights of others, and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They seek out situations where their tyrannical behavior will be tolerated, condoned, or admired.

    ~Shallow Emotions:
    When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would usually upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises. 

    ~Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt:
    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, he has victims, and accomplices, who will also end up as victims. ( Cohen, Manafort, Stone, Flynn) The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way. 

    ~Callousness/Lack of Empathy:
    Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others’ feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them. 

    ~Pathological Lying:
    Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities.

    ~Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature:
    Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others. 

    Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

    Some of the problems a sociopathic narcissist like Trump will face include: Trouble handling criticism, easily becoming impatient or angry if they don’t think they are being treated correctly. They feel easily slighted. They try to belittle others or react with rage to make themselves seem superior. They have trouble adapting to change and dealing with stress. They secretly feel insecure, vulnerable, and humiliated, and have a very fragile self-esteem.

    1. allan rhead Why not ask the awake Canadians. They definitely wouldn’t agree with you!
      Carolyn M Scotti

    2. Zud You will see , when he has finished cleaning up the filthy slime, that shares our world. I hope your eyes are open to the truth by then. Remember these words There is nothing hidden, that won’t be revealed, etc
      Carolyn M Scotti

    3. @T. Noel Trudell-Kays Exactly, both parties are being incompetent. Trump and Biden are both trying their best to denounce the other, it’s honestly so amusing it keeps me scrolling through Twitter. Pretty funny to be honest.

    1. kohl cooke Quit acting like you care for everybody else you just care about yourself…. Where were you during the swine flu,bird flu, sars, abortions that happens every year, cancer deaths, blacks getting mowed down by police i can go on and on where was your thoughts and prayers for these lives…. The only reason why you think you care is because the media is telling you to care and 2nd explain to me how opening up now will only be beneficial for a week

    2. @j dogg I was obviously sad about deaths from that stuff, but it’s not like we’ve done nothing to try to prevent those deaths from happening, cancer is always being researched for a cure, people riot (mostly justifiably) when police brutality happens (that’s a main reason black lives matter exists), and with sars and the other diseases #1 We’ve mostly gotten rid of those by now and #2 while they were active people were obviously fighting them (otherwise they’d still be everywhere). As for the reopening part, I thought I put it in pretty simple terms if you actually read it but here: basically, cases/deaths shoot up with reopening, workers die, people/the media/politicians panic, stock market crashes even more, restrictions probably come back. Sure, for a little while people will get back to making money more, but with people out and about it’s pretty much inevitable that covid sees a resurgence. And when covid sees a resurgence, #1 it kills more workers (hurting the economy a bit) and #2 it causes fear (which produces frantic politicians who go back into restrictions and just general bad stuff).

    3. kohl cooke you didn’t explain how reopening would be bad for the economy you just repeated what ever the media said. you tell me why are the jobs that are open are at the most human to human contact like retail workers and fast food workers and while a small factory of 50 to 100 workers are not allowed because there non essential. so places that have stayed open are by far the worst Petrie dishes that the virus could have spread in.. so opening up a factory of 500 workers is no different than going to the grocery store… But if your sick stay home comin sense

    4. @j dogg I didn’t get that from the media, I just thought about it. And yeah, it’s dangerous to keep crowded food places open, but we all need food and I doubt we can all get it from online delivery so I don’t know how we could shut down food places. It’s dangerous, sure, but I think the benefits outweigh the risks in most scenarios for food places. Not to mention that most food places I’ve been in have been taking precautionary measures. And as for the “stay home if you’re sick” part, #1, some people probably just won’t care and will go out anyway, and #2 don’t forget that covid can be asymptomatic, so many people won’t even know if they’re sick.

    5. kohl cooke well clearly this conversation isn’t helping me or you so you better stay in your house until the media tells you its ok to leave i dont want you to be selfish or anything don’t want you to get me sick while im enjoying this beautiful summer so please please stay home and stay safe and don’t be selfish

    1. Pops150
      No, but it appears you have a knack for picking losers – Treasonous Trump worst president in history.

    2. @Unprepared ToDie As the virus spreads Young kids are being affected also. If done safely we should open sections at a time NOT the whole Country all at once. Stay safe

    3. RENE DEJESUS people will be infected and affected but only the elderly or ore-existing conditions are dying

    4. They aren’t “workers” they are “warriors”. It’s still astonishing that nearly a third of the US supports Mango Clown Trump.

    5. Jotunn Dodge more astonishing that so many mentally deficient hateful people still think making fun of his skin color is an appropriate and/or scathing criticism

  2. They had to shelve the CDC guidelines because one of the guidelines it gave was “get a better President”.

    1. @World Python Jesus christ. If there was a contest for most irrelevant arguments you’ll sure be the champ.

    2. The reason why the Trump administration scrapped the detailed reopening guide from the CDC and put a muzzle on Dr. Fauci is
      because none of the states currently meet all the guidelines. So these states are now being guided by a secret plan from FEMA. Mark my words, every single state in the U.S. will reopen their economy by the
      end of May regardless of how many COVID-19 cases or deaths there are or
      whether they have done enough testing in any particular state. Don’t matter if it’s a Republican or Democrat run state. Public school nationwide will reopen in the Fall.

      How do I know this? It’s because from the start of this pandemic, Bill
      Gates said to shut down the nation for 6 to 10 weeks then reopen the economy by the end of May 2020 and open public schools in the Fall. Thus, all governors will blindly reopen their governments because there are no guidelines in place. Trump will continue to pressure all governors to reopen just as he recently pressured the governor of Virginia, the only state with a stay-at-home order that extends beyond May, to comply. While this is still a theory, time will tell.

    3. ​@World Python ” other than make you cry” ROFL. I love it when a Trump fanboy tries to play tough guy. You worship an overweight draft-dodging coward. And we have all seen what you guys look like at Trump’s rallies. Your masculinity vanished long ago.

  3. “When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”
    – PROVERBS 29:2

    1. @MamaKat Whether you did or didn’t means nothing to me. Because you wouldn’t claim it either way. Everyone that gets caught up or called out with real talk claims they are independent or like you said didn’t vote for her. But if you are for Bernie that’s the wrong move also. That socialism everyone loves…we have a taste oif it right now…how good is it? I get Trump is not a people person but he has the country in best interest because it reflects him. But Rachel Maddow the conspiracy theorist has lied 100 times about him, but everyone still watches her. Chris Cuomo lied about being in his basement with the rona…everyone still supports him…but if Trump lies…everyone trips. EVERYONE lies. You just lied when you said you didnt vote for Hillary. I aint mad

  4. Let’s shelve the Chump administration in November and bury Chump and ALL his cohort under the nearest federal prison in 2021.

    1. @F8L

      From a clown to a clown lover:

      Provide clear/unbiased proof for why your pathetic excuse for a human being should be given a pass for…oh, sitting on his hands since JANUARY as far as the Covid 19 pandemic.

      Idiots like you deserve a moron like Chump.

      79,000 dead…while he said it would be gone by APRIL.

    2. Not going to happen, Howie my friend. When FISA and declass are fully realized, you’ll vote for Trump too.

    3. Voting Trump and all his mice out of office including Mitch McConnell or also known as Moscow Mitch, out of office would be the most wonderful thing that could ever happen. So lets do it and get our nation back before he has us so far in debt we can not get out or before we are all dead from this virus. Trump is little more than a Moron!!

    1. @Michael Salmon And it’s harder to navigate within/way to easy to accidentally exit out of. I realise many comment sections get ugly, but trying to suffocate them all isn’t the solution.

    1. Because these are refinements to increase safety in reopening. While the idiots who disregarded the first might not gain any benefit, those who HAVE been paying attention can find this useful and increase the degree of safety. You can’t help those who won’t be helped, but those who are trying to do the right thing… yeah, THEM you can.

    2. Well the CDC has contradicted itself many times before. They should not open nonessential businesses until they see reports from the essential businesses and how they are faring!

    3. The reason to bother is that we have paid a lot of tax money for scientific advice, and we should be able to benefit from it.

  5. No surprise here. After all he downplayed the virus at the beginnings of it’s manifestation within the U.S. After all, this is someone who pushes back at experienced leaders in the medical disease profession during a pandemic in favor of his own thoughts/ opinions.
    This type of behavior is no surprise to me. It’s EXPECTED.

    1. tammy absolutely! Remember when he said COVID19 would go away like a “miracle”? We should all be very afraid especially if he gets 4 more, and I too expect more of this from him.

    2. Tammy, what experienced leaders in the med disease profession? Fauci and Birx? They’ve been outed as deep state operatives and totally fraudulent. They’re pushing the NWO along with Gates and Soros’. And Obama and Hillary and Brennan and Clapper and and and—-.

  6. The wrong man for the job, totally out of his depth, should resign for the sake of the country, and the lives of US citizens that could be saved if he was gone.

    1. Jason Sobal
      Your brain has rotted. Saying stupid false stuff makes you look very stupid. Check out Obama and Bush’s record for conflict-Trumps better. No bleach. Read. Or STFU

    2. Matthew Moscotto
      Stop impeachment? There was no evidence. To say that a year ago would’ve been lame-to say that today with the current news about Flynn and FISA reveals your ignorance.
      Are you an adult?

    3. Nica S
      Force him to resign. What kind of country do you want to live in…law and order for you but force the president to resign.
      Have you taken a Civics class?
      It might teach you about processes. I won’t hold my breath!

    1. Ray29is trickle down theory has NEVER worked, it has always had the opposite effect. Reagan’s g’s cuts resulted in Bush’s recession, and Bush’s tax cuts resulted in Bush’s recession. The simple fact is consumer spending drive the economy taxes on the wealthy and multinational corporations, feed the economy, increasing disposable income, increasing consumer demand. Cutting taxes on multinational corporations and wealthy, does not encourage investment, shrinks the available money supply and shrinks demand, companies cut production because of decreased demand, causing layoffs and further shrinking the money flow and results in recessions. This past tax cut boosted the stock market because of stock buybacks, and increased dividends. Actually, retailers like Wal-Mart and several others cut workers, and closed stores. Manufacturers who did invest, did so overseas like Carrier, and Harley Davidson. The final point is that the last trickle down tax cut resulted in 0.04% reaching the employees.

    2. @ray29ish Oh yes they do. Its happening now just like it started happening during Reagan’s presidency. You will see if Trump is reelected. I am assuming you are not over 60 years old or you would see what’s taking place. Right now it’s like a nightmare that is repeating itself 40 years later. Stock market up. Job growth. Everything rising so fast. I’m telling you not even counting the pandemic everything is going to come crashing down as it did in the mid to late 1980’s

    3. @ray29ish I’m just telling you the trickle down affect doesn’t work. Has been tried by Reagan and both Bush’s. Doesn’t matter whether Trump is a businessman or not. It doesn’t work. If history means anything and I’m talking about before the pandemic this is putting out a false image. If we thought 2008 was bad you haven’t seen anything yet. That’s what they said about Reagan his long term plan. Years after Reagan left office he admitted that the trickle down affect doesn’t work. So hopefully not wish you the best but you will be lucky to have a business if he’s reelected. I doubt that even if he’s not reelected that anyone can clean up this mess for a very long time. It’s a shame that America will be on his bankrupt list

    4. @Greg Robinson i am not anywhere near 50 lol it will always crash. Its inevitability. Its how fast we recover. He will be reelected or we will be screwed. He will keep the country stable. It will not be on his watch it all crashes. And he is doing more than the trickle effect. Look into all the programs for small businesses and even the everyday workers. We could go back and fourth. But i cant look at the past to see the future. I look at what he is doing and he is doing good things. And we all know if a democrat was President this crisis would be spun differently.

    5. @ray29ish Well right now if the Republicans and the white don’t get on board with another stimulus package Trump will not be reelected. Just opening back up is not the answer. And we will just have to disagree on him being reelected. I think this country is going to hit a bad recession no matter who it is. And with Trump I believe it will be even worse

  7. Trump’s problem with the CDC is that their name is on the guidelines. He wants his name on everything. All the credit, none of the responsibility.

    1. In reading through this, the phrase “CDC recommends” has to be replaced with “President Trump, in his benevolent wisdom.recommends..” “beneficient …from Koranic literature.

    2. SHEEP!! Trump wants the country to open back up so we can support ourselves, Yes he may be full of himself and say stupid things sometimes. but he does not want this country to fail. we all know by now the death tolls are being padded to scare everyone. people who die of heart attacks that had the virus are being labeled as dying of covid. why can I go the big box stores and all the mom and pop shops force to stay closed? small shops can follow the same guidelines. But the Democrats want small businesses to fail so millions of people won’t have a job to go back to. WAKE UP AND BREAK OUT OF THE HERD AND USE YOUR OWN COMMON SENSE AND STAND ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET. You people would rather see this country fail then your president succeed. and that’s disgusting.

    3. @gene you need to tune out the Trump State Run Fox entertainment and invest in REAL news, you might learn something.

    4. These trump supporters are so brain dead it’s not even funny anymore like what has to happen we’re up to a million cases and he keeps saying we’re doing a good job and they just praise him like a God🤨🤨🤨

  8. Your own government is killing its own citizens. Sad to see the US is doing the worst in the world.

    1. Fabricator Factory National Security. COLORADO shootout by Genius Neuroscience student.
      A week after the 4/!2011 breach the $250,000 civil arrest warrant for 10 times uttering FORGED instruments for $1200
      Worth of Groceries at PUBLIX grocery store . A GIDEON , out of the blue contacted me on Facebook messenger we started talking this was a week after the breach. Maybe two weeks I don’t know whatever couple weeks after the warrant breach. GIDEON told me that he was an ex cop and he chuckled and said I probably wouldn’t like him knowing he was an ex cop ODD why would he say that ?
      Anyways GIDEON contacted me from Tampa Florida. he was living in Tampa Florida GIDEON told me he was selling high-end cabinets he made it very clear they were HIGH END CABINETS, high end cabinets more expensive he said he was living in Tampa Florida he was adamant about meeting me.
      he kept contacting me nonstop on Facebook messenger.
      he drove from Tampa Florida to meet me in person and I took him for a drink with my brother who is a builder.
      after I met him in person , I stop talking to him and my brother said he kept calling him , and thought it was weird. STRANGE. he wanted to go surfing whatever.
      now my brothers building cabinets linda said ?
      then 2012 the COLORADO shootings occurred after the GIDEON the ex Colorado cop contacted me end of 2011.
      Now a GIDEON is manager of FROG BONES Family Shootout BAR and GUNS not grill. 404 Dixie Hwy Melbourne F

    2. Syfi Freak!!!!!! National Security. COLORADO shootout by Genius Neuroscience student.
      A week after the 4/!2011 breach the $250,000 civil arrest warrant for 10 times uttering FORGED instruments for $1200
      Worth of Groceries at PUBLIX grocery store . A GIDEON , out of the blue contacted me on Facebook messenger we started talking this was a week after the breach. Maybe two weeks I don’t know whatever couple weeks after the warrant breach. GIDEON told me that he was an ex cop and he chuckled and said I probably wouldn’t like him knowing he was an ex cop ODD why would he say that ?
      Anyways GIDEON contacted me from Tampa Florida. he was living in Tampa Florida GIDEON told me he was selling high-end cabinets he made it very clear they were HIGH END CABINETS, high end cabinets more expensive he said he was living in Tampa Florida he was adamant about meeting me.
      he kept contacting me nonstop on Facebook messenger.
      he drove from Tampa Florida to meet me in person and I took him for a drink with my brother who is a builder.
      after I met him in person , I stop talking to him and my brother said he kept calling him , and thought it was weird. STRANGE. he wanted to go surfing whatever.
      now my brothers building cabinets linda said ?
      then 2012 the COLORADO shootings occurred after the GIDEON the ex Colorado cop contacted me end of 2011.
      Now a GIDEON is manager of FROG BONES Family Shootout BAR and GUNS not grill. 404 Dixie Hwy Melbourne FL

  9. “To protect everybody’s health” said no one in the multi billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. 😒

    1. @ANTHONY SCARPULLA If you look hard enough you can find an expert to agree with anything you want. This is an opinion piece and he has a right to his opinion. I tend to go with what the majority of experts say because it’s more likely to be true than a couple of outliers.

  10. A fanatic is one who cannot change his mind and WON’T change the subject. Winston Churchill

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