When asked about Joe Biden’s mental acuity on Fox News, Trump ends up talking about how he ‘aced’ a cognitive test that he took at Walter Reed Medical Center. Aired on 7/10/2020.
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Trump Shows His Preoccupation With Defending His Own Mental Stability | Deadline | MSNBC
“I love stupid people and stupid people love me.”
– President Clorox
The Russian Cozy Betas are in a panic and swarming.
Dance for us, girls!

@Wesley C.

you mean the hillbilly scum that adores him to the day he dies
My recent report on how Trump spent $3 trillion stimulus packages that his administration received to combat coronavirus. Perhaps a new investigation is required! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbMl9DyzOMo&t=37s
@Support your Troops & Athletes President Pig Eyes.
Trump went to Walter Reed where he mistook the Covid test for cognitive test
@Jude Jackson He obviously has more than one brain cell. No way can Mr. Bone spurs make his useless twitter posts, incoherent speeches, weird facial expressions, and constant hand-waving with just one brain cell alone.
@John :3 Now don’t be too harsh. Mr. Bone spurs obviously has a brain. It probably just looks like a walnut on a stick when seen from an x-ray machine.
According to Trump, His brain is 1/100 times the size of Biden’s.
Anyone can go to an hospital and take a buzzfeed test in the waiting room, ace it and leave. He probably cheated using google.
Trump is crazy.
Trump’s psychiatrist told him: “You’re going crazy”. Trump told him: “I’d like a second opinion”. The doctor said, “Alright, you’re ugly too”.
Yes he really is, he is mentally disturbed, BIGLY
Ann van de Kew

Crazy like a fox…I apologize to all foxes.
@Jose Natal
Alright Rev!! Trump testing on early dementia testing was aced… to fact that he is mentally incapable we’ve seen it!!! he is truly mentally deranged!!
@Ronald Burgandie nah, he had a face lift and I’d guess he keeps his weight down. Vanity peaks through.
My report on how Trump spent $3 trillion stimulus packages that his administration received to combat coronavirus. Perhaps a new investigation is required! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbMl9DyzOMo&t=37s
@Ann van de Kew Great!!! Right on target. Keep the good stuff coming. So easy with the Orange Criminal.
@Ronald Burgandie wow
t’rump boasting about passing a test that requires you to draw the hands of a clock, identify the names of animals, and remember a series of 5 words.

Oh, he definitely failed.
Ro G he never knows when to shut up
I smoke a lot of herb, that remember 5 words thing might trip me up. I’m not the president though
“I aced the cognitive test, doctors were very surprised.” 60% of America is also very surprised that he can pass a cognitive test. I for one will only believe it when I see 100% percent positive documented proof.
President Obama should send a bunch of private detectives to Walter Reed Hospital to search for trumps test results

Mr. Bone spurs obviously paid off the doctor to fake the results, just like how he dodged the army draft five times in a row.
Trump has no mental stability. It’s documented on Twitter. His feelings get hurt all the time. He throws tantrums all the time. He constantly lies, and has shown no empathy. He can’t even joke, only insult…
Reporter: ” So Mr. President, will you release the results of this cognitive skills test?”
Trump: ” Well I would love to release it, but unfortunately it’s still under audit, along with my taxes.”
He could’ve aced it. He would have to identify a camel. Cognitive test measure your dementia
He expects us to believe this ?
*Trump should take a test for MORONAVIRUS. Let’s end this nightmare on Nov 3rd.*
@Randy Couch and you’re a RUSSIAN TROLL
2 funny!

Martenson Lee everyone saw poor Puppet get owned by a slippy ramp and a glass of water…thats for sure.
@RNSherrod Get your tissues!
@Martenson Lee If Joe is slipping, Donnie has fallen down the stairs and through the floor.
Trumps approval rating and his I.Q. are now equal at 33.
@Michele Donahue

Maybe this is the start of an exit via the 25th Amendment?
He’s down to his base. That won’t be nearly enough come November 3rd.
@Its Benedict
The GOP is kkk in red caps now, decent GOP RATS are BAILING the TRUMPTANIC
one out of three? that’s good right, you take one out of three and 2 people still support me… right?
Trump has been trying to take down Biden for a while now. Trump has proven himself impotent against him.
Please don’t bring the word impotent into the conversation – I don’t want to have nightmares from the mental images…
@Judy Bargenquast
But Trump has a lot of experience with 5G!
He spends hours every day.
Smelling those 5 G Strings he stole from Stormy!
@Judy Bargenquast

@AL- BOT you sound like your little brother Adam, Ukraine isn’t a scandal it’s real and not over, get your facts in line dummy, you have to be stupid to back Biden, him and his bum bashing boy friend Obumer tore this country apart, you might wake up soon
like a cheeto in the rain
Donald J. Trump has dementia because I don’t think that he aced a cognitive test. Donald J. Trump has dementia.
The Lunatic in Chief won’t release details of his tests because he prefers to take these “tests” in the privacy of his own imagination. ( ps …. HE TOOK NO TEST ! It is just another lie !)
@Jameson Wood Could you please explain what you mean by a real American ?
@Jameson Wood Animals as in political minorities who are going into the extremes.
Marcos Juarez So do his kids
@Manly_Man :. His niece did that in her recent book and I believe she is a doctor.
Trump is dangerously the most unstable leader in the free world ..
And everyone knows it…except the moron himself apparently.
What a nutjob.
BIDEN is sharp as a tack compared to Trump!
No No Trump is a”very stable genius”. He got elected, he escaped Mueller, he was Impeached, but – – – –
Unstable yes, leader NO!
He’s no leader. He’s barely human. Maybe dropped on his head once to often.
When you are dead , you don’t know you’re dead . All of the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you’re stupid ( Trump)
Lmao…thank you got that sir!
Why is a guy, who couldn’t even bother to have a brief with the top Dr. during a pandemic for over 2month still in the Whitehouse???
That’s the real question the people of US should ask!
November is way too far…and too late!
um, because we don’t have magic wands and the Ratpublicans control the Senate.
Trump has single handedly destroyed the United States of America in a quick 3 1/2 years.
@Its Benedict – He’s done great damage, and it will be irreparable if he’s re-elected, but much of it can be repaired if we vote him out in November.
You easily explain the “eat bleach” comment as not the words of a mentally diminished person, if that person is a psychopath who wants to murder people. Then it totally makes sense.
I’m willing to bet he and his buddies like Rudy have snuffed a prostitute or two in their time for kicks. They seem the Patrick Bateman type, and certainly believe they have the means.
“no one has ever seen a triangle like the one I saw” – trump
Raise your hand if you’ve had a cognitive test. They measure dementia. We’re not doin an xray if the arms not broken
That triangle is a pyramid, it’s the symbol for his “business” models. The trademark of a scammer.
I’ve had a cognitive test…. not for dementia, but it was after I had a stroke caused by a slow bleed aneurysm in the sub-arachnoid region of my brain. Doctors don’t give those tests to people they think are “healthy & fit”.
The test itself is quite basic. You only fail if you are without any doubt impared.
It had more sides than any triangle I’ve ever seen!
The world looks on as the richest, most powerful country is being destroyed by an incompetent, delusional man.
@Indi Pillai nice language
@Jameson Wood, whatever helps you sleep at night loser.
@Michele Donahue

I’m a trump university graduate, unfortunately they got busted for fraud magat
@hank scorpio you just described the Democratic party.
@Eamon O’Connell
The GOP is kkk in red caps now, ignorant rural racist and traitors looking to maintain white privilege, Confederate domestic terrorists
End the madness 2020 go blue
This would be so, so funny if only wasn’t so freaking sad. Sad for the US and so crazy, scary for the rest of us around the world.
I agree. I can’t even laugh at him anymore. This is criminal.
45 is the old dude who says “United Shayess” with millions of people listening. Pot calling the kettle black.
Here mr president, take a drink of water… two hands, sir.
Trump is so vain he cant admit he’s old.
That would impair his sexual predator status.
He’s a 74 year old man walking around in a wig and makeup
and a tie down to his knees. He isn’t well.