Trump seen leaving Trump Tower amid FBI search at Mar-a-Lago | USA TODAY

Republican leaders took to social media to condemn the FBI search, calling it "weaponized politicization."

RELATED: FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Lago property amid DOJ probe

As the pro-Trump crowd swelled, five police cars were parked surrounding the estate, and officers from the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office and local police were present as well. A West Palm Beach officer told The Palm Beach Post that it was very peaceful and there were no incidents after a few hours of the protesters being there.

Protestors occasionally chanted in front of Mar-a-Lago, a few times saying "We want Trump" in unison. They yelled toward cars passing by, saying that there was nothing to indict Trump with and that the FBI is a "joke."

"This is one of the most disgusting things I've seen or heard in my lifetime as an American," one protestor yelled into the small crowd. "Where is the law inside all of this?"

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#Trump #Florida #FBI


  1. No person is above the law! Meanwhile the people who are above the law continue to do what they want lol

  2. Oh look, a bunch of people are camped out on the Brooklyn bridge claiming that Trump sold it to them, so it’s theirs.

    1. Oh look a bunch of people are burning down a church claiming that God gave it to them – but they didn’t want it so they burnt it down!

    2. @Benita Almond Nothing quite as delicious as an example of your point put directly onto your post.

    1. @Brook Melee I suspect david is making a joke about that very question being asked about BLM and similar protestors. Conservatives are kind of notorious for suggesting that other people’s political priorities are trivial, and they wouldn’t be on the streets if they had something real to do.

  3. Welp…I use Youtube when I have to watch/listen, when I’m not able to read an article (isn’t that the point of a video?) 🤷‍♀️ Oh well.

  4. well those poor people should of not ditched civics class back in jr.hi. they would of known our government was not a building then.

  5. If Trump hurries back from his NY Deposition he can protest with his supporters. He should tell his protestors to just go in his house and make themselves comfortable. There’s plenty of space, drinks, food and 70s disco music. This will show his supporters how much he loves them. Go MAGA & QAnon!

  6. I bet anyone that ever comes close to Trump, always has to go to the wash room afterwards and wash that orange nasty stuff off their hands………….you know, like you do after your done eating a bag of Cheetos Cheese Puffs. 🤣🤣🤣

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