President Donald Trump was seen golfing on Christmas Eve as Americans await his decision on whether or not to sign a bipartisan pandemic relief bill and a day after he vetoed a military spending bill.
#Trump #CNN #News
President Donald Trump was seen golfing on Christmas Eve as Americans await his decision on whether or not to sign a bipartisan pandemic relief bill and a day after he vetoed a military spending bill.
#Trump #CNN #News
This situation isn’t surprising to anyone except maybe the die hard trump supporters who will call this fake news and say him golfing equals working.
@Kim Payne maybe Trump’s cellmates will be be able to demonstrate to him the proper technique of putting it in the hole.
@Ronald Carpenter actually that’s 4 yrs of doing nothing
So, Trump works a 24/7 job without taking a wage….and is expected no down time?
Well, Obama ran when he could to get exercise, why doesnt this media ask him what he was running from?
Thats how much sense that makes.
@Erika Welindt Biden wasn’t potus – yet
@Peter Ford Caesar was a succeful emperor. Trump is more like Nero.
The Orange Teletubby had the balls to talk about Obama golfing too much? The self-indulgent narcissist is the king of projection!
‘I won’t have any time to golf’….. yep… sure showed your hard work buddy!!!
@Dan Gregory you have been smoking too much kraken.
@BidenCheatedAndBrokeHisAnkle 123 and still lost.
@Fun Fact you have been smoking too much kraken.
@brian mabe you have been smoking too much kraken.
He is punishing everyone who did not vote for him, Giving all of us the finger.
Nancy Pelosi and Chucky boy have no responsibility here? They haven’t been dragging their feet with this bill for the past 8 months? They didn’t throw in a ton of garbage that gives tax payer money to foreign countries for nonsense reasons? You fucking people need a mirror!!!!!!!!
@David Van Bockern And I guess ur applauding all the FOREIGN countries getting ur stimulus monies. That’s a Democrat
@Jamie Brown nonsense reasons like money to Pakistan studies for transgender!!! BULLSHIT!!! Democrats are so perfect though
@Jamie Brown Trump has been dragging his feet and now he pulls this stuck not only are Americans getting screwed over of no covid relief military are not getting raises because of Donald Trump the man who supposed to love the military so much you know the fat coward who dodged the draft 5 times
@Danny Krinkle They are not blind. They are uneducated, closed minded and stupid
The only reason Trump said give them $2,000 is because he knows the GOP won’t go for it and it will once again cause chaos, while he looks like a hero for wanting to give more. Just another con.
Nothing but lies from Trump…..he will not be missed
Why not golf the 600 ain’t enough money even to a poor person and the CDC set the deadline to Jan 1 for evictions they could say june if they wanted it doesn’t take a bill… Just more lies
@No Nonsense go joe..I love the 70’ you? I love all that moraliy..because delaware was so evolved back then
@No Nonsense all of it..I know your union
If you watch them and you should, send them a few dollars
If you/we in the rest of the west lose them you/we in the rest of the west will only have Trudaeus paid for shills or the BBC,, GOD HELP US!
I don’t have a lot of money but I refuse to pay the “woke” anti-British, anti-white, anti-nationalist BBC licence fee.
I use the money to help REBEL NEWS Canada to fight tyrannical government fines on ordinary people.
I use the licence fee to help others fight the tyrants running our communist system!!
Rebel even helps pay the fines in England
20 million people outta work. That’s a lot of families not having a Merry Christmas this year, but he’s relaxing playing golf. Is it just me thinking like this?
@Jason B no, but Trump has been begging for donations. Please send him your money without delay. He needs more hot pockets in the WH bunker if he returns to d.c. you are bound by cult rules to send your money to Trump. If you don’t, he won’t love you and you won’t meet Jesus in heaven.
@Still The Unknown cult46 never believes that their fearless leader is wrong. They send him their money and sing his praises. Please send him your money. If you don’t, he won’t love you.
@Kira Derby Trump is truly evil. My grandpa couldn’t get a co19 test in his nursing home and then he died because Trump didn’t have a testing system fast enough. He will meet Jesus. Trump won’t.
Why not golf the 600 ain’t enough money even to a poor person and the CDC set the deadline to Jan 1 for evictions they could say june if they wanted it doesn’t take a bill… Just more lies
70 million people voted for this. Your vote in action on the golf course.
And I bet more then half are about to get evicted
not funny with sarcasm but it’s the truth be careful what you ask for
@Cheryl Surplice waaaaa. Speak for yourself. Most of us who arent lazy POS have jobs.
@MyEar IsAlwaysHere how when they moved up the evictions till june?
Will YoujustSTFU
you thought they did
And history is going to see them for the jackasses they are.
Let him golf. That’s the time when he is doing the least damage. Less than a month to go.
hopefully he falls into the lake and gets eaten by a gator
Why aren’t people protesting at Mar-a-Lago Club….in Paris and other democratic country, millions of people would be in the street…!!!
Because he’s the greatest president ever lol they will never protest him. If they don’t then there’s a reason dumdum.
Re: Trump…The man is evil.
“D”oesn’t give a shi”T” ish his real name. He cares about no one other than Donald Trump, period!!
How much money that impeachment cost you.. just to expose themselves.. uranium 1 deal with Russia was done by Hillary and Obama. Obama care = opiode kickback back to this who couldn’t afford them and were at highest risk of addiction.. smooth criminal you had there pretty sure dems were responsible for the public syphilis tests too..
This is a discrace of a president for his self serving issues. WAKE up people he cares nothing about us.
@Dave Ely the only thing that tRumps impeachment proved, was how crooked the GOP is.
@Ashley Makeup-Addict – Suicide is painless – Go for it!
Don’t forget, every time he golfs at his resort, he charges the tax payers- at jacked up prices- for his room and the rooms of the Secret Service.
and that right there scratches the surface of this man’s crimes. Many legit crimes, ethical crimes…endless
According to Ivanka , they charged “fair market value” no discounts for staff.
@krokion , LOL
He is mentally unstable. Why don’t they step in and remove him?
He was impeached but the Senate Republicans let him go.
He needs to go a long time ago
Because they don’t need to step in. He’ll be removed in 27 days.
He won’t be returning to the White House to face his impending doom and he’s got a 3 week maximum residence at Mar a Largo. A cornered rat with power. Buckle up.
@Lee Hawes ok where’s your logic in this statement?
Goh wow
oh good
By the way, if Mara largo isn’t a legal residence, how was he able to vote in Florida? Wouldn’t that then be fraud?
@Shari Bigay a long term residency violates local agreements. he has enough residences to make a permanent tour. I am only at my California cabin two weeks a year (I live in Europe) but am still a california resident for purposes of voting. i voluntarily don*t tick boxes in local races.
Only 7 days at a time and only 121 days a year can he stay there.
What was Trump working on down at Mar-largo?: His putting game.
larry, trump doesn’t have a putting game, he takes gimmie chip ins ffs.
Toh wow
oh good
@Thomas Bealy Caddies tellin the new guys: “ok, lemme explain Trump rules” lol
Selling pardons, charging taxpayers for stays at his golf course, negotiating with Putin how he can undermine Biden…
Ain’t that little hand fat man cute letting Americans go hungry and pardoning criminals am murderers!! GOP faithful!! Merry Christmas!!
“Nero fiddled while Rome burned” and the new version is “Trump golfing while Americans died”
You got that right! Hero Nero.
Well said!
trump loves to let off a big stinking fart before he walks off of a elevator full of people
When Trump lost, he wanted the whole ship to go down with him.
Didn’t he, agent Orange… make issue about president Obama playing golf? Such a hypocrite, his contradictions and lies…