Trump Scandals Pass By, Lose Spotlight To New Trump Scandals | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow rounds up some of the many scandals that Donald Trump has inflicted on the U.S. presidency, noting that many slide by despite their seriousness because they're so quickly supplanted by a new scandal. Aired on 7/9/2020.
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Trump Scandals Pass By, Lose Spotlight To New Trump Scandals | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Remember the Republican Senators who voted against witnesses at the impeachment trial. Trump should of been impeached convicted removed and imprisoned months ago.

    1. After refusing to talk to the congress, Bolton the cheap con man is busy selling his books. Talking about puss club.

    2. @Deborah Merkerson
      He’ll pay and also the criminals that are his family. Ivanka Fredo jr Eric and Jared Kushner.

    1. D : To me, it’s as if we, “elected,” the clown from Stephen King’s IT. But, with a shroom for a willy. Horrifying and hilarious in equal measure

  2. I don’t know what’s in Trump’s taxes, but I’m willing to bet that it’s far worse than anyone ever imagined. It has to be the holy grail of fraud for him to fight this hard to keep them hidden. Far worse than anyone ever imagined seems to the pattern when it comes to anything involving Trump, so it’s a safe bet.  😄

    1. @Allan Gregory actually he is just having our military, other countries diplomats, and our government pour money into his businesses. He’s also using the presidency to promote his wife’s and daughter’s products. Vote so we can get out of this madness and rebuild our government established to promote and defend the general welfare of the people.

    2. Trump’s sister had the same problem. Stepped down as a judge. Get this. She got her full salary after stepping down. What goes? Why wasn’t she sent to prison?

    3. Trump thinks big. So he likely cheated big on his tax returns and in other ways. If it is true that he and his organization cheated big in many ways then the prosecutors will likely castrate Trump and his organization financially with fines, penalties and jail terms. Is it any wonder that Trump is livid? His time is limited because he can hold off the wolves for so long.

  3. The Donald will be found cowering in a spider hole mumbling the words “no collusion” over & over, much like Hussein & Gaddafi.

    1. I doubt anyone in the Trump family will ever see the inside of a jail cell, except maybe the Jew.

    2. Nixon’s final image was peacefully surrendering power, 45’s will be him feebly trying to hold off the Capitol Hill police with a golf club

    3. Oh I hope he ends up like quadafe and that actually has a very high likely hood of happening, not by me, I dont have a rebel group at my disposal but violence is comming if we see more corruption.

  4. By his tweets and actions Trump has defined himself of unfit for office. He doesn’t need the Democrats to define him.

    1. The Alpengeist : Which is what most 7 toed, 1 toothed Alabamans say, followed by, “maga,” but I pay it little thought. Given most of them are in Eastern Europe, or a state where marrying your mom is expected of you 😜

    1. ​@YouTube Moderator … *There is an old saying, “A man who cheats at golf will cheat at everything!”* It says a lot about their “character.” And character indicates what “moral” choices they make in the future. “Good character” includes traits like… honesty, integrity, courage, loyalty and other good virtues. Sadly, Trump has proven over and over he has none of these.

    2. Of course he does. I watched a video one time on it. He cheats at everything. Nothing new.

  5. Trump is a dark cloud on American democracy and civility. There is no silver lining, only poison in this cloud.

    1. @Carob You are kind of correct. USA is not a Democracy we are a Constitutional Republic. There are great benefits to being an USA citizen. Sorry the opportunity you are afforded here isn’t good enough for you to get by. I suggest you emigrate.

    2. @YouTube Moderator I’m not American. You will not have noticed, but it is so, that ALL the long-term civilised democracies in the world are monarchies. Sweden,Denmark,Norway, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.. Possible exception? Switzerland.
      Monarchs who are purely titular heads of state. Separate from politics. It avoids heads of state, or presidents, who are just party-political politicians. It avoids the corrupt and the incompetent.
      Did I mention that all these monarchies are also parliamentary democracies?

    3. @YouTube Moderator “There are great benefits to being a USA citizen”- You´ve got to be kidding! The USA is a banana republic that´s run out of bananas.
      “USA is not a Democracy we are a Constitutional Republic” So – we´re agreed it´s not a democracy. There was a Brit whom you would not have heard of who said:
      “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
      Maybe, one day the USA will reach real democracy, instead of just being a pretend-one? A two-party state. I won´t hold my breath.

    4. The Alpengeist – Why Chicago? The 15 most violent states in America- All Red. 15 poorest? Red. 15 w/ the Most welfare recipients? The reddest states. So, that being the reality, Why do you point to Chicago when there are many cities and towns with higher per capita violent crime? Seems pretty hypocritical to point and insult your neighbor for not mowing their lawn when you have the worst yard on the block.

  6. Yet President Obama, in his 8 years in office, couldn’t have a date night with his wife, ask a marine to hold an umbrella, you name it, without being picked apart. tRump has to go. Vote Biden and cure what is ailing our country.

    1. @AndrewVelonis A geriatric, who´ll be nearly 80 when he starts. Ha also has “issues”. Amazing his son also going to Ukraine. At about the same time! Ukraine – the new Costa del Sol !!

    2. @YouTube Moderator Are you really a YouTube moderator? Of course you aren´t That makes you a ………

    3. @Michaela Francis No need. One day it’ll be gone like a miracle when the weather gets warmer.

  7. The president has no agenda. Has no narrative beyond compulsion and pay back. He personifies the pursuit of profit, and its inherent flaw. He is not fit for office. “Profit’ is not sufficient purpose.

    1. Fred Trump wanted to be rich.
      Donald Trump was rich and wanted to be famous
      Trump’s kids are both rich and famous so they want ultimate power.
      If we don’t end this now the Trump family will rule the world. ……. BLUE TSUNAMI 2020 !!!!!!

    2. Yep no plans with 3 crisies going, just talks about himself and cruel insults to others, pathetic leadership.

    1. Yup it only takes 1 to 5 seconds for these people to forget what they have gotten themselves into. 7/C (ED) at home just watching & hearing stupidity run its course.

  8. You probably need another language cos some of yours think he is the “greatest”…..we just watch in wonder when America will be back…😱

    1. Yep, the ones who relate to his ignorance, trashiness, and racism. But, they were stupid long before tRump. It’s passed down generationally. Let’s be honest, every nation has these.

    1. It took years to get the Nixon smell off of the reTHUGlican party.
      I don’t think they will EVER get the tRump stench out.

    2. @Aaron Pincusyou’re right they’ll be finding his nappies full of crap tucked behind plants, under carpets and behind curtains for years still

    3. It’s a backlash as expected from the white elite after we the people chose a black president, twice.

  9. Just shows how tragically stupid a third of the nation is and how many horrible people hold office.

    1. We Need To Get Rid Of All The IDIOTS In The Democrat And Liberal Parties…They Can Not Even Control Their Own States And Cities.

    2. @Deanna Delmar Yep, the only cult that encourages it’s members to think for themselves. So dangerous.

    3. @Stephanie Flynn Your must be racist. yeah! my skin color is black and I do not have white privilege like you.

  10. Remember the days when a president wearing a tan suit was a scandal? God i miss those days…

  11. The definition for Trump’s term in office will be known as “A SCAM A DAY IS KNOWN AS TRUMP’S WAY”

  12. When the only thing that comes from this president is literal crap on a daily basis in every possible aspect. When you’re so stupid it floods every corner

    1. Definitely! Thanks to Moscow Mitch! It is Moscow Mitch’s complicity that has emboldened the Neo-Nazist Fuhrer. Heil Trump! Folks must be ready to dump not only the Fascist, Con-In-Chief, but also all the GOP Senators following him blindly out of fear or sheer idiocy!

    2. You nailed it! Yes, there is a problem with rot in this administration, but the bigger problem (and the root of it all), are his insane cult members whom I like to call MAGAts. Without them congress would have turned their backs on Trump a long time ago simply out of sheer survival instinct.

  13. He and his administration are an abomination on the efforts of all decent people everywhere.

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