Trump says U.S. economy ‘roaring back’ after record job gains

U.S. President Donald Trump discusses June's 'historic' job numbers.

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    1. can’t face the TRUTH can you—that stock market says otherwise!

      you just can’t stand you precious obama and hillary, the evil you are so smitten by are nothing but FAILUES/LIARS/CHARLATANS that never came close to doing for AMERICA WHAT PRESIDENT TRUMP DID and will continue to do after he wins mega-huge re-election! so DEAL!

  1. Everything is reduced to a generalized catch all non descript super achievement and we have IT to thank profusely . How is the supply of straight jackets ?

  2. I think this has to be a bunch of nonsense. There is no way this is happening with America virtually shut down. Millions are out of work, and the stimulus cheques were paid once. So this is a big Lie. Bigly

    1. Big chance these are the numbers of everybody that got fired being rehired and all the plants reopening.

  3. He got confused again. He meant to say COVID or “infection” any time he said manufacturing or jobs. Also COVID came roaring back. Not jobs. Sorry Mr. President. You have been misinformed.

    1. LOL pathetic leftist can’t deal with REALITY!!! biden is done, and WE ARE BACK BIG!! nothing you leftist whackjobs can do about it

  4. Putting out the flame??? Does that mean you Americans are actually going to get rid of this Joke of a president you have??????

    1. Oh he must have cut funding to your country. Don’t be so salty, just worry about yourself lol.

  5. If everyone is working then everyone should be happy but this doesn’t seem to be the case nowadays sadly

  6. Translation: ” I put fire in this country in march and April. Now here’s the bucket of water” That ”supposedly president doesn’t realise that it’s because of his non-action in february and march that so many millions of jobs were lost. It’s gonna take years to recover from these 2 months of his absence

  7. Lol he forgot to mention economy is coming back strong but with a big price tag, rise in covid cases and deaths…..unbelievable

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