Trump says Pompeo asked him to fire inspector general

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on said that he asked President Donald Trump to remove State Department Inspector General Steve Linick be fired because the independent watchdog was "undermining" the department and wasn't performing in a way that the top US diplomat wanted him to.
Speaking at the White House, Trump repeatedly said he fired Linick — whom the President claimed not to know — at Pompeo's request.
"I said, 'Who appointed him?' And they say, 'President Obama.' I said, 'Look, I will terminate him.' I don't know what's going on other than that. You would have to ask Mike Pompeo. They did ask me to do it, and I did it," Trump said.

#Pompeo #CNN #News


    1. @Thomas Baumgartner And you keep being the propaganda sponge that you are…. Who lacks the cognitive ability to know that you’ve been had…
      Trump will win the next election in a landslide… and you will be bitched slapped every day of your pathetic life for the next 4 years…. That in itself gives me great joy..


    2. @Jay Squad say man that is the second time you used “your” when you should’ve used “You’re”
      Example: If you’re going to berate people with a limited adolescent vocabulary with statements that have no substance, I would suggest at least using. 1. “You’re a moron instead of your a moron 2.You’re a dummy or dumbshit. Instead of your a dumbass.”
      It makes a huge difference when you are trying to convince someone that they are indeed a moron or a dumbshit when it’s very apparent, without question you are(this is where you would not use “you’re” or “your”

    3. @Thomas Baumgartner I’m sorry you were called a propaganda sponge! That would imply brain function where clearly there is none.

    4. @INTHEPAC man, look in the mirror. Whatever bad thing you say, Trump’s already done and called it good. He’s a failure as a President, has made us less safe and eroded our position in the world. All by himself too. No one to blame but himself, though he’ll blame anyone else and you’ll believe it. You are actively believing his lies and with a silly grin on your face, just to own the libs. Congratulations, you’re a sad white male in America, so sad at your entitled life. You’re letting it happen, and cheering it on. I hope you’ll eventually wake up.

    5. @Joseph Lindquist ooh, name calling. You MUST be a Trump supporter. He’s the perfect example for all of us,of what NOT to be. So many angry white dudes out there. Why so serious? 🃏🃏🃏🃏

  1. Arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Seriously, Pompeo? That’s clunky and ridiculous, even for you.

    1. @brian gardner You taking bets, Comrade Nostradamus? The 2018 Blue Wave was nothing compared to what is coming. Brace your sorry self, Trumpkin…

    2. MB Jasniewski 👈 you don’t have to address me in your native tongue. Mike will do. By the way there was no Russian collusion that’s been proven. However CNN does not report on that so you probably don’t know.

    1. I wonder if Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny is going to have a job after all of this is over. Ohhh Wait.. he’s never heard of them. 🙂

    2. @Unknown Driller Am really looking forward to the day Trump is gonna get molested by his fellow cellmates, you horrible ugly troll. :))))

    1. pompeo was criming for his boss sphincter face. Same playbook trump uses every time
      One trick pony. I mean idiot.

    1. @Raven R riiiiiight. It sounds like “open season on the white man!” Hahaha. Please… just stop. Your racist gullibility is showing.

    2. Yeah it’s going to need a new axle soon. I am sure mister ‘never listens to anyone about anything’ did it because Pompeo asked him. Yeah just like Obama should have had a vaccine for a virus that didn’t exist yet.

    3. @Albert Belle how’s about a a freight train 🚆 with no conductor Lol 😂😂😂😂 stay safe I remember you from the ring of fire sincerely Ms Suzanne 😇👼✌🏼🤗

  2. Two of the most pompous liars in America Both Trump and Pompeo have got to go~!
    Another “Obama revenge firing”.. What a petty vengeful little man Trump is.

    1. @Hawkzblade nice to see you are okay stay safe and strong and healthy sincerely Ms Suzanne 😇👼✌🏼

    2. @Suzanne Forasiepi
      You to and hope you took my advice about stocking up some food as those prices will keep going up.
      Stay safe, and dont take anything trump does or mentions.
      Spikes are coming.

  3. Trump is just not even making an effort with his lies anymore. Just random and nonsensical lies 🧐🤨

    1. I think he`s just tired wants to go back to doing business….give it to him already why prolong his anguish

    2. Lucius Kiirus, what makes you think @Thanh Mai is from some country other than the same country as you? Who left you in charge of citizenship?

    3. “Uh. … Obamagate!” You’ll hear all about it in a coupla days. It’s been goin on fer years. You would know if you weren’t fake news. It should never happen!!!” Now everyone’s fixated on the word not the question: “What is ‘it?'” “What are you trying to insinuate?” Obamagate isn’t a thing. He made it up out of that tossed salad inside the head under the weird pie-tin hair. “Anythinggate” “‘-gate’ means ‘scandal'” Tossed salad.

    1. So true.. sort of Odd that this man gets under his skin like that. I can only imagine what he is planning because of Obama’s graduation speech which sort of left all of us speechless considering we knew who he was referring too. Boxing gloves are off – I can tell!

    2. @Robert Neal you’re not triggered that a kenyan holdover is fired by the President of the United States of America?

    3. rj Stackhouse, yes Obama beautifully articulated exactly the measure of our bankrupt Government and corruption in the corridors of Power so blatantly on display everyday, his speech was brilliant!

  4. The real reason he was fired was the the IG was investigating a rush arms sale to the Saudi’s. The administration is nitpicking about staff to distract us all.

    1. @Matt Foley said ‘Trumpism is Patriotism – There, fixed it for ya!’ Well that’s just ridicuous!! Keep drinking that Kool-Aid man! Patriotism is standing up for what’s best for the country … NOT what’s best for the current President.

    2. @Matt Foley Yes, time after time, those monsters get re-elected. Poor Honest Don will be a one-timer….

    3. @Matt Foley Don’t need to … don’t live there. But I am quite concerned about many of the U.S. people and the state their country is in. But you wouldn’t understand … it’s called COMPASSION for others. Something that Trump obviously lacks and seemingly you do as well. Clearly your concern is for the BUFFOON in charge and not for your fellow citizens. Otherwise you would be more concerned about the many STUPID things that Trump says and does.

  5. Trump has been violating the Constitution since was sworn in at noon on January 20, 2017. His decision prior to his inauguration to keep ownership and control of his businesses —a move that went against both long-standing historical practice and the advice of career government ethics officials—put him at odds with the Constitution’s original anti-corruption provisions the moment he was sworn in.

    Emoluments Clauses, prohibit the president from receiving any profit, gain, or advantage from any foreign or domestic government. Impeachment, as outlined by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist 65, is a political remedy for a president’s egregious violations of these prohibitions.

    The Framers of the Constitution were very aware of the dangers from foreign influence on any president. This is why they created rules to prevent foreign governments from purchasing undue influence on a sitting President.  Essentially buying a sitting President, which is basically what Putin and Saudi Arabia have done withTrump.

    The rule prohibits anyone holding any “Office of Profit or Trust under the United States” from receiving any “emolument” from foreign powers. An emolument, for purposes of the Constitution, according to two courts, is any “PROFIT, GAIN, or ADVANTAGE.  This rule is what has become known as the Foreign Emoluments Clause, and is located at Article I, Section 9, Clause 8.

    The Framers of the Constitution were also worried about undue influence from individual States in the union, and by officials PROFITEERING from federal offices. The Framers were concerned that a powerful state might sway the president’s decision making to its own benefit. 

    To prevent against these types of abuses, the Framers developed the Domestic Emoluments Clause, at Article II, Section 1, Clause 7, which is a blanket prohibition against the president receiving any sort of advantage from any state government, or PROFITING from the federal government.

    Not only have U.S. and foreign governments spent money at properties owned by Trump, but Trump’s own political campaign and affiliated political committees have also spent at least  $16.8 million at his businesses since he launched his 2016 bid, according to an analysis of federal election spending records. Republican political campaigns and PACs have spent just under $1.8 million at Trump-owned businesses so far this year in the 2020 election cycle.

    A recent example of Trump’s emoluments clause violations came last year in August when a visit from Saudi officials to Trump’s Trump International Hotel in NYC helped boost the hotel’s quarterly revenue by 13% in 2018’s first quarter. The bump came after two straight years of booking declines for the property.

    Since Trump took the oath of office, the Saudi government and lobbying groups for it have been lucrative customers for Trump’s hotels. A public relations firm working for the kingdom spent nearly $270,000 on lodging at his Washington hotel through March of last year, according to filings to the Justice Department. A spokesman for the firm told The Wall Street Journal that the Trump hotel payments came as part of a Saudi-backed lobbying campaign against a bill that allowed Americans to sue foreign governments for responsibility in the Sept. 11 terror attacks..

    FUN FACT: The emoluments clauses are our country’s original anti-corruption laws. They are written into the document that created our government and defined our system of laws.

    At a Cabinet meeting, Trump blamed the backlash and outrage over his attempt to profit from holding the G7 Summit at his Doral resort on “you people with this phony emoluments clause.”😲😲

    A perfect example of the utter contempt that Trump has for our Constitution, and the rule of law.

    1. Dr. Carol Baker, a vaccine expert who was appointed by the Obama administration to lead a CDC advisory committee and was honored at a ceremony funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is facing widespread criticism following a NATIONAL FILE report on her videotaped proposal to “get rid of all the whites in the United States” to stop “vaccine refusers” (Video Featured Below). A reader sent us the Texas Medical Board’s response to a formal complaint against Baker. The letter states that “the Board has already been notified of the allegations made in your complaint.”

    2. So did Obama! National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law on December 31, 2011 which permits U.S. troops to have sex with animals. The law also gives Homeland Security the power to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens. This is treason!!!
       President Obama is the FIRST U.S. President to ever be made chairman of the United Nations Security Council (a violation of the U.S. Constitution). CNN reported that Obama has been called “The President of the world.” Certainly, the overwhelming international public support of Barack Obama is arguably a form of worship.
      bamanation or Abomination?

      Obama Voted Against the 2nd Amendment Four Times

      As a U.S. senator in Illinois, Obama wanted a Federal Law to ban all gun shops within 5-miles of a school or park, which would effectively eliminate every gun shop in the United States. But at the same time he DIDN’T oppose porn shops near schools. Obama wrote legislation that would make you a felon if your gun was stolen and used in a crime. Obama is for a total ban on handguns. When asked by journalist Tim Russert if he would help get gun owners licensed and registered, Obama stated: “I don’t think that we can get that done.” Without guns (which is our 2nd Amendment right), we have no way of enforcing our remaining rights. Woe unto America!

      Proverbs 17:23, “A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment.”
      TIME magazine exposed Barack Obama as a Communist prior to the November 2008 presidential election.

      The following article was written in February of 2008, several months before Obama was elected as president.

      In Obama’s book, Dreams From My Father, he refers to developing a close relationship while in Hawaii with Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was a father figure and mentor that often supplied Barack with career advice. What makes this relevant is that Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union.

      Obama’s Communist Party connection through Davis now proves even more ominous considering his bid for the White House. Decades ago, the CPUSA had tens of thousands of members, some of them covert agents who had penetrated the U.S. Government. It received secret subsidies from the old Soviet Union.

      Obama’s communist connection now adds to mounting public concern about a candidate who has come out of virtually nowhere, with a brief U.S. Senate legislative record, to become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the U.S. presidency.

      Obama has well-documented “Socialist Connections,” which helps explain why he sponsored a “Global Poverty Act” designed to send hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world, in order to meet U.N. demands. The Obama bill passed the House and a Senate committee, but now awaits full Senate action.

      Again this forces the question, who is Barack Obama? The media has forgotten that one of it’s jobs is to provide information that protects the people from a corrupt government.  Now it’s primary goal seems to be protect the government from the people.

    3. @Raven R if you’re going to be a troll, at least try to be a good one. No link to a video that you says in listed below.

    1. @Joseph Lindquist you sound like you have no responsibility and you live at home with your parents what a dumbass

    2. @Joe Paleface are you for real? He had to pay back the money he took from his bs school you don’t remember that? What a fucking tool.smdh

    3. @bobbybrown1967able you sound as stupid as that comment and before you go assuming how much I hate this country and all that other adolescent spewing you pride yourself on being able to compile with an apparent lack of education. Educate yourself on what the FBI director/ the DOJ heads and Adam Schiff tried to do to a sitting president and a 30 military vet both of which were found not guilty because of evidence implicating the accusser of trying to use fabricated evidence. And this is all public record been in the courts true, not seen on CNN but court documented true. Your replies are a good indicator of your intelligence I don’t even know. Why I’m wasting my time. Hey but good luck with getting that promotion to shift leader at Mc Donalds

  6. I looked forward when all these criminals in this administration and gop are all prosecuted for their corrupt are in jail .

    1. You mean criminals like James Comey ex FBI head who knowingly sent Robert strock to ask Flynn questions without going through white house protocols telling Flynn he didn’t need a lawyer to answer questions, oh yeah with the intention to “Get the truth, get him to lie or get him fired, what’s our objective.” or Mr. Clapper Dept of Intel ex head who was quoted in an interview as saying ” I have not seen any evidence” before impeachment but during impeachment under oath he remembers hearing something but doesn’t remember the interview where he was sure there was no evidence to implicate?! Or the fake documents, I’m sorry not fake they were real emails that had been made to day the opposite of what they did say so they could use them as proof to get fisa warrants on a man the email already said was of no concearn it was even in the Steele dossier which the DNC paid for to have compiled that’s how much some of you actually fact check you would know all this…..I just don’t get how you feel safe knowing the people you blindly follow used criminal acts to try and get a president impeached the tyranny you claim Trump is perpetrating your party was actually doing and you don’t even see it?! Don’t take my word for it watch the court proceeding get the facts and evidence and please please educate yourself as an independent not this side or that side if you gave that much effort you would be amazed as to how you could ever just regurgitate nonsense and inaccuracies as you do. I’m a registered independent for a reason politicians do politics, I prefer facts

    2. No President has been prosecuted after leaving office-Biden will pardon Trump for all his crimes ‘to unite the country’.

  7. This is every criminal’s dream, being able to get your investigation quashed. A time honoured technique of the Mafia.

    1. @Joe Paleface ok.drop a link, I honestly don’t remember that, so fats matter.
      Also,.most presidents?gonna need to show your work on that one too.. links, if you would be so kind

    2. @Roger Allan That is the problem..People go with whatever fake news says..You look. Remember to look at the latest with Dr. Bright’ congress testimony..Check who his lawyer is.KATZ..The same lawyer that went after Kavanaugh falsely and was caught making stuff up. The whole dem house congress were caught being complicit..After 4 years you have to my now see a pattern..Attack attack attack 4 years 24-7

    3. Do you know what’s better than having an investigation stopped? Not having oversight at all. Obamas Secretary of state from 09 to 13 (guess who? Hillary Clinton) had no IG because he didn’t bother nominating one for 4 years. Obama was fine without oversight of the State Department. House Democrats can look into it if they want like Republicans had to when Obama did allegedly scandalous things.

    1. …sure Donny is afraid. He’s afraid of high winds, physical activity, and the intelligent black man who actually knew how to be a president.

    2. He’s struggling to stay on script. Every now and then he looks down to read what the next lines are. If he can’t remember he repeats his lines until he can get back.The script is below the mic. Pompeo probably wrote that script for him but then he goes off script and it all goes to hell. He’s Archie Bunker of the WH.

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