Trump Says No One Feels Than He Does About ‘Death And Destruction’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

On Thursday, the president said no one feels as bad as he does for the 'death and destruction' caused by the coronavirus. Yet is Trump still showing a lack of empathy? The panel discusses. Aired on 5/1/2020.
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Trump Says No One Feels Than He Does About 'Death And Destruction' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump Says No One Feels Than He Does About 'Death And Destruction' | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. He didn’t “Build” Anything…what the hell’s he talking was Obamas economy and Job Growth. tRump is actively destroying America in every way..

  2. “No-one in the world feels as bad as me. No-one in the history of the world has felt badder than me. Ever. No-one. Not even the grieving families. Not even all of the previous presidents. No-one. I’m the best at feeling bad. In fact, when it comes to feeling bad – I win”. The Orange Barking Hate Pumpkin.

    1. “Orange Barking Hate Pumpkin”. Thanks for the humour amid all the desolation. I hope I remember this particular title. <3

    1. I built it once???? This clown built NOTHING!! He inherited a strong economy from President Obama!! So for those who disagree. NAME ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION HE PASSED FOR THE ECONOMY???🤔. Look at the economy President Obama inherited from Bush. And the economy trump inherited from President Obama . I’ll go one step further. Every Democratic president since Woodrow Wilson inherited a poor economy. Every Republican President since Woodrow Wilson inherited a strong economy. Dont take my word for it. Look it up. Facts don’t lie. Once trump is removed from office. I believe this country will be ROCKED when the truth comes out of all the illegal and underhanded things he has done. His behavior is truly reprehensible.

    2. Reginald Campbell he will go down as 1 of the worst presidents in history. History will tell the story of the ignorant supporters and their incompetent master

  3. “No one feels worse than me.” Really? Not the people who lost friends or family or the people who lost multiple family members? How about people who lost their business, home or the people who are getting saddled with life long debt because of a broken health system?

    1. @Marcus Roca the words honest and trump never go together except negatively. Anything trump feels important enough to say is guaranteed to be a lie.

    2. @adamf663 you are probably right. i think the key word here is *FEELS* important enough to say.. i believe he actually IS too stupid to lie intensionally. I think he is just reacting by now. Like a lizard without any plans..
      Weird enough, as he once was smart enough to choose to run as a republican, knowing he could crime almost without limits. He must be exhausted. Being pushed around by his donors fighting to cash in before november.. scary times and very unfortunate.

    3. He is a self obsessed self serving narcissistic piece of garbage. Opens his mouth, it’s all garbage and more garbage and more garbage!

  4. Trump is trying to shed “Crocodile Tears” and no one will believe him bcos he only cares about his business and his status as President

    1. @John Watt THAT is great, John. Personally, i feel that being outside is the LEAST dangerous of this shutdown. If COVID-19 csn stay in the air for “x” amt of minutes, wind currents will negate that threat….as long as u dont stop and talk to someone who us coughing and sneezing in your face.

      Have a great walk.

    2. @Thomas Warden In my neck of the woods, *_Cuz_* is short for *_Cousin._*
      As in: *_”What’s up, Cuz, cos you not lookin’ so fine ?”_*
      *Basically you’re wrong.*
      *_Majorly wrong_*

    3. @Thomas Warden I like going for long distance bike-hikes, always exciting here in the Niagara Peninsula. Being the only person at Table Rock, where the Falls falls, a Parks Police pulled up, and he didn’t ask for my name, just wanting to chat. I told him he was the person I came closest to that day. He said it’s more of a scare than a real threat. Please remember there is a corona-virus, and the U.S. started their own COVID 19 mediscare.

    4. @John Watt Your last sentence was completely devoid of immunology, virology and epidemiology. Please dont spread that illogical viewpoint to others…….except for trump voters—-u can tell THEM that.

      Just ask them to stay away from the elderly or the immuno-depressed, smokers, Independent voters and Liberals. We want the last two groups to be alive, healthy and voting on November 3rd.

    5. @Bodragon Lighten up, Bodragon……it can be used both ways. Cuz for cousin has been around a long time… doubt about it. But “cuz” is relatively new and used as an abbreviation in these days of texting.

      Maybe there isnt any texting in your neck of the woods yet….thats why youve never heard of it.

      Also, there is a thing called “context” in the modern world. That is where u use abbreviations. Maybe in the “hollers” and “down on the bayou” they arent aware of context.

  5. He only cares about himself – we can starve, be impoverished or die – he really doesn’t care

    1. @anuda emile Trump’s a prosecutor now? Jack of all trades, master of none. Adjust your tin foil hat. Radiation has leaked through.

  6. “He” built NOTHING! He’s RIPPED everything apart that was ALREADY built! The man is DELUSIONAL & his supporters are GASLIGHTED & BRAINWASHED!

    1. @Projectheureka I’m going over your work

      with a little

      red man




      my bad

      red pen

      i see nothing wong


    2. @Projectheureka histler


      Oppenheimer marquees

      on skyscrapers

      will will watch







      will let


      do it

    3. @SPARECHANGE Yo my dear Vet Spareachange? Get OFF your #Monsanto poisons-filled and genocidal Republican sociopath billionaires cultivated WEED, man. For its as bad for the brain as COVID-19 in Vaping liquids and Fentanyl.

      Gute Besserung! 😊😷🤗😍

      P..S.: Believe it or not I actually got your tiny riddle about Hilter, Schwindler’s List etc pp.

      Godless Best,
      Projectheureka LLC

    4. @SPARECHANGE wait…I thought there was a ban on China? That no one or nothing coming to the US from there? Lol. Does anyone really know what is going on in this Country? Lol Right now I’m even more confused
      But hey, if I can get some from there them that’s where I will HAVE to go. Stay safe and love ur loved ones while they r with u.

    5. @Claudette J and btw
      far as that ban… how many times u hear the little red man bytch about china, flying to Europe?
      think even before this happened, i procured lab gear from china and it went through the u.k., then, too so let’s not kid ourselves… nothing stopped, besides our government swooping on shizzle… and it doesn’t even detour, more than before, to get her.
      there are many countries, happy to get theirs, having china, pitstop, enroute. we do it, too… ups and those fedex scabs, don’t seem to have a problem, finding profit… leave it to our government, to fk up, something easy… so usps, loses money… but i know a few people, how make a decent living from usps. $500 hammers… it ain’t rocket science.

  7. Americans must be so proud of their president. First president to be laughed at, to his face, in the UN meeting.

  8. “I built it once and I can build it again.” More lies. That’s all this guy can do. End the lies by voting Blue.

    1. I disagree with that. People who voted for him could have believed that maybe he would do a good job, at least that was their hope. It’s the people who now refuse to see what a worthless fraud and danger to society he is who are to blame now.

    2. Richard Hunt Some no doubt have…I know a few like that. I remind them a “bunker buster” bomb would neutralize their preparations if things ever got to that point.

    3. @Dallas DautermanDallas Like Their AK 47:( a Russian gun but they’re not good at irony ) won’t stop an M1A1 ABRAHAMS TANK !!

    1. U mention his eyes……being that he’s a Tweeker, he has the kinds of eyes that compare to what people describe a sharks eyes are like prior to an attack… , empty and lifeless.

  9. Him being a POS is all he has ever been. People that still stand with him are just as pathetic as he is!

    1. I bought a bottle of fine champagne the day that Margaret Thatcher croaked……it was utterly delicious. Unfortunately in some ways she was as bad as TTOHS (That thing on his head) because unlike him she was very intelligent indeed…and almost as heartless and uncaring.

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