Touring the border, Trump broke out all his best words to talk about the new portions of border wall being constructed. Aired on 09/18/19.
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Trump Says New Border Wall Has Technologically Advanced Concrete | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
“Technologically advanced concrete” is just regular concrete infused with SHARPIE power.
and a bit of Dragon Energy
@claire bigelow Nothing lasts forever, but 100 years is a good start. Duh.
@claire bigelow You build a wall, you make people dig a tunnel. You have a high tunnel problem area like Tijuana, you build two walls with clear zone inbetween a mile wide and make them spend two years $5 million and build a one mile tunnel. So, walls work. For the 4 cartel lords of South America, they can afford that. For the 45 million others that want to come here, they cannot. So, walls work.
@Hacks4All Gaming 5000 psi concrete beats Quickrete by about 3000 psi strength. Deal with it.
@Donald Kasper I agree. The only thing is that he never says the word they’re quoting him for. I know there are different levels of concrete. Take care.
Russian steel backed up w Mafia many miles have been built since congress allocated billions not counting personal property walls? Who oversees the checks and balances?
Congress didn’t allocated nothing for the wall he just took it from other souses he wasn’t allowed to
trump considers himself above the law
@Deb long you’re correct, all wall currently being ‘built’ was previously authorized and funded under the ‘Obama’ administration… period…
Just Me zero new miles, 66 miles of repairs total and they’re broke already.
I know it’s edited, but he’s just manic.
lmfao.. “Heres how weve designed it, heres how you destroy it” – “this wall here cant be climbed. It will be very hard” – “its hardend concrete, its very powerfull, we let it dry”untill techniques are refined. Like… not sending the climbers ower one by one.
Ya know- peeps can talk and organise. work together and climb together. But I assume trump have no idea what it means to have a grp to rely on. He knows how to isolate.
A wall has never blocked anyone. Its an obstackle. And if its not under observation then its just a hurdle, like the 2-3000 miles some alrdy have crossed. They have climbed mountain ridges and roads. A few feet of wall wont change anything – well. except that the american troops and their families wont get the fascilities they need. Another generation with poor education rdy to join the army and fight n die for the country
It would take the entire supply of concrete that the U.S. has. None left for ordinary projects. That is what one expert said. Do you really want 80 billion dollars to go into this wall?
Margo Sparkle no
@Margo Sparkle, Yes because it costs 150 billion for Illegals per year. It’s a win, win !
Trump blame illegal immigrants for taking homeless people’s jobs in California. Someone need to remind him that 80% of these Americans are from California and are as Americans as anybody else, he should not deny them any money because they also have the right to vote. Nevermind, his administration took away their rights to vote because they don’t have a physical address.
I bet those guys are Laughing so hard within themselves one thing, next WTF is he ranting about?
Its probably costs twice as much but the feds are been charged ten times as much (and Chump is on a kick back deal as well).
Of course they do! Its all a freakshow!
@Graeme SYDNEY you know it !!!!
@abundantYOUniverse High strength concrete exists. Deal with it.
Trump is the only person who after being shown how drug traffickers tunnel under the border thinks “I should build a wall”!!
You obviously just saw this video and made such a weak statement.
@keith parkhill No.
We need to give Donald a pair of technologically advanced concrete shoes and throw him in a river
@D well i don’t know in america but we can in belgium that does not matter i can say that in belgium we are free to say what we wan’t or think so if you can’t say that in america then a would say not the land of the free . your not free to say what you think or what ? so thats not freedom .
@D so that mean’s that america is not so good for its peopel in belgium we can say that and we got healtcare socialcare and more if i lose my job i get money from what we call dop if i lose my home and job i can go to the ocmw they will give me money and e house or flat and we got the vdab they will look for e job for me and the intrim will do the same for me so what i mean what own’s america for its peopel because belgium own’s not 1 enemy in this world not even russia treaty of londen russia own’s the right to defend belgium like GB france and the nederland’s so if you look to belgium and america then belgium is way better then america and we can own gun’s two so what i mean is that america does not care about its peopel if you own not total freedom of speech and no healtcare socialcare so belgium is allot better then america .
@D and that does not mean i hate america but thats the reality that peopel don’t know in america and we got all of that and belgium is allot smaller then 1 state in america and less money so wierd that we got that and that freedom of speech and america not but they call it the land of the free but thats not so true if i read that
@D for a black guy you should know better, go on Express yourself
How about a pair of “His and Hers”?
This is the result of too much winning.
Did he use sharpie on it? Like he did with ”Technologically Advanced hurricane?”
jeck jeck sharpie graffiti of all the lies he’s told… Wall would look like a Jackson Pollock/Basquiat painting.
I agree with the sharpie joke but what you said makes no sense haha, bad joke.
I don’t know how these people can keep a straight face listening to Trump’s ramblings. There ought to be an award for that kind of performance; 10 seconds in, I would have been doubled over, dying laughing!
You just got told it is an electrified, sensor enabled wall. A high tech wall. Cameras. Climb detectors. Probably the pipes have sound detectors to sense tunneling.
Lie de lie
me too….. and im a loud laugher too…
@claire bigelow me too!
(Sigh) Here we go… He’s Donsplaining again.
Suzy Q this will be news for a generation or two, unfortunately. I also lack the time it would take
. Somebody out there, do this! Make sure Suzy Q gets her money and donate my 5% consultant fee to the legal fees of the babies at the border 

@CJ Detroit Hear, hear! But you deserve way more than 5%.
CJ’s 28% cut will go to the border babies, half of mine will go to the VA, the other half to my bank account, I’ll quit my jobs here, and provide medical care to said border babies. 

(I think we’re onto something CJ! “The CJ & Suzy Q Donsplaining Movement & Foundation for the Border Babies”. We are such good people!
Suzy Q

@CJ Detroit
Nobody knows more about technologically advanced concrete than Trump. Good thing he was there to tell them that the concrete actually goes inside the tubes. Who knows where it would have ended up without the direction of a very stable genius.

He would have put the concrete on the outside.
Where do you hear him say that? You’re sad. Give the timestamp and it better not be around 0:45 where he doesn’t that.
Sir, wwere there any collusions with that tube . . . er, contusions with that lube? And is the the concrete strong. Now, I know you had a lot of experience with the pured in place concrete in NYC becauise the mobs and the cement finishers wrkers union, etc. but, I just wanted to find out . . . Donnald, WHAT im tnhe F-=k did you ronmise or give to Putin NOW????? ?
Oh my god he goes on! He’s basically talking to himself
full-on discussion is more likely…
@Cory Garrett
Speaking of rambling.
He got the money the other day. He’s going ahead with it. I don’t want a wall. There are many peaceful miles on the border.
Those “Peaceful Miles” will become Not So Peaceful when You have Thousands of Illegals walking Around the New Wall… Why does Anyone have a Fence or Wall around their Property…? For Security Purposes…To Keep the Wolves Out, meaning the Human Traffickers, Drug Smugglers, Gun Runners and Yes the Illegals… Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer All wanted a Physical Barrier…? Hypocrites…
Like a back fence keeps them pesky kids out your yard…yeah right…
and also,. very amazing,… it’s almost magic,. but it’s held up,… by gravity,. can you imagine that?, who ever heard about gravity?,….have you heard about gravity?,. who even knew gravity existed,…,. such an amazing thing,… gravity,.. very complicated,…very complicated stuff,….but only the best will do,. we have the best gravity,… the best gravity in the world,..
lmao and NO one knows more about gravity than me… i know more about gravity than all the NASA scientists…. i know ALL about gravity…. smh…..
So, concrete is now added to the list of things he knows nothing about.
Breaking news: Trump learns how concrete is made and goes on an adventure with Elmo to see how it’s poured. Trump afterwards was seen to be very excited before taking his noon nap.
He shows up at noon! Remember? He has his executive time first! That silly wall wont stop those home grown terrorist shooting up schools, shopping centers, places of worship, theaters, concerts etc!
I think somebody poured concrete into Trump’s empty skull. (the best and most beautiful concrete)
No wonder he is so “hard-headed”.