Trump says he won’t wear a mask in front of cameras

President Donald Trump brought a navy blue mask stamped with the presidential seal to a Ford plant in Michigan on Thursday. But he refused to wear it in front of cameras.
"I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it," Trump said before showing off his fabric face covering, which he said he'd briefly strapped on backstage before removing for a tour of the factory. "It was very nice. It looked very nice. They said not necessary."
It was another example of Trump shrugging off the rules in place for others that are meant to guard against the coronavirus. As he walked through the facility — where Ford rules say everyone must wear a mask — he was surrounded by company executives whose faces were covered.

#Trump #Covid #CNN

Trump says he won't wear a mask in front of cameras


  1. Shout out to Ford Motor Company for standing strong and doing the right thing!!! Very proud! Ford owner today, and will be forever. I was hoping you would do the right thing and you did! Thank You for standing for the health of your workers. RESPECT!

    1. @tbonelokov the III Hey that would be a refreshing change in a president from the last four years, the capacity to love!

    2. The HEROES Act also includes crap for the Democrats slush fund and their special interests groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! There is no virus! If there was, death certificates would not need to be changed! Do you know what COVID 19 stands for? I do!

      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

      This is a scam to put tracers on everyone so we can go to a digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

    1. @tbonelokov the III I love China. Their government could use some help. So could America’s.

    2. The HEROES Act also includes crap for the Democrats slush fund and their special interests groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! There is no virus! If there was, death certificates would not need to be changed! Do you know what COVID 19 stands for? I do!

      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

      This is a scam to put tracers on everyone so we can go to a digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

    1. @tbonelokov the III We all love the great country of China comrade! They are our brothers along with the North Koreans but our Supreme leader is special he is the light in the dark this virus would not dare enter our moon and sun embodied in the body of our Supreme Leader! The true gift of the Universe ❤🇺🇸🇨🇳🇰🇵

    1. His only real deep rooted issues are narcissism and megalomania, what he is doing here not wearing the mask is a dog whistle to his followers. They see it has him giving them signals that helps to keep the conspiracies around this virus going and also makes him appear to be a nonconformist thus continuing to encourage civil unrest and providing him opportunities to flex his authority. It’s basically throwing red meat to his propagandized base as which the comments by Dale Anderson can attest to is very successful.

    2. The HEROES Act also includes crap for the Democrats slush fund and their special interests groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! There is no virus! If there was, death certificates would not need to be changed! Do you know what COVID 19 stands for? I do!

      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

      This is a scam to put tracers on everyone so we can go to a digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

  2. “Stupid is as stupid does” The man is as tough as and over boiled spaghetti. As Gen Mattis put it,,,,, “that man lacks cognitive ability”

    1. @tbonelokov the III I’m beginning to think their population is so high cause Biden lived there or something, groping, ,smelling,malesting, spreading his forced seed on those poor women..his Asian name is “Si My Dong”

    2. The HEROES Act also includes crap for the Democrats slush fund and their special interests groups. Enough wasting money on stimulus bills. Get this country working again and quit changing death certificates! There is no virus! If there was, death certificates would not need to be changed! Do you know what COVID 19 stands for? I do!

      C: Certificate
      O: Of
      V: Vaccination
      ID: Identification
      19: 19 A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

      This is a scam to put tracers on everyone so we can go to a digital currency and be tracked everywhere we go.

  3. The person who took their mask off immediately after thinking press conference cameras were off is lecturing us about Trump taking off his? Bahahaha

  4. Hours of tanning and makeup to make him look presentable would go to waste if he wears a mask. He is insecure about his looks.

  5. This reminds me why I don’t watch CNN It’s … It’s like a 7th grade level tabloid. Nothing meaningful here, I won’t watch again!

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