President Donald Trump said he won’t visit Congressman Lewis lying in state at the U.S. Capitol. Aired on 7/27/2020.
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Trump Says He Won’t Visit John Lewis Lying In State In U.S. Capitol | MSNBC
Law and order .. my … he is corrupt to the core …
@JOHN KLINE yes and u republicans are backing up your claims … really u believe trump is a criminal dont u racist dont u … in putins pocket dont u …
Yaa we all know that dementia Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are very corrupted.
A man without honor and has no respect can’t show respect to a Honorable man.
@Mike Smith dude you’re describing the republican party and trump. Show some respect to the legacy of a great man and stop with your lies and false accusations.
@Eddy alvarez Trump’s legacy will be the worst, most corrupt president of all time who pulled the greatest con over people like you.
Mike Smith ……What’s Biden got to do about this? Trump once said that if he had to run as the president of the USA,he will run as a Republican, because the Republican Party is full of idiots and uneducated people like you, Enough said.
Eddy alvarez Historians have already decided that Trump will be remembered as one of the worst presidents. Elected Republicans are trying to separate themselves from him due to his pandemic response and his illegal actions against protesters. With the exception of certain evil dictators the rest of the world despises him and has no respect for him. Your lack of insight is not surprising because Trump’s cult of personality believes his lies and listens religiously to Fox Entertainment’s opinion hosts who are paid to support Trump not to be objective. They are propagandists. Fox “news” is not broadcast in Europe because it is laughable propaganda.
@Corrie Crazy thank you i love being a mean person..i hope somebody escorts dementia Joe Biden so that way he doesn’t get lost..
Nobody wants him there anyway! He has no respect for Lewis and never did so good, stay away!
@Eddy alvarez what exactly are you trying to say?
@Mike Smith
How terrible to say something like that. You know Joe paid his respects to Joe Louis today.
To much race baiting for Trump be there
@Stephen David Bailey Yaa would you like a few videos of dementia Joe Biden sniffing hair on women & grabbing them up …lol
@Y Barabbas Every day 24/7 is a President Trump bashing day by the dems ..if you don’t like it get over it when it comes back to you..
Trump trying to take America back to the 1950s. He will never be the man John Lewis was, he couldn’t lace his boots
@Mike Smith hmm not if you were person of colour living in the southern States living in segregation as a 2nd class citizen. Pretty sure that was awful.
He cant even close an umbrella.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Rich people shouldn’t pay taxes at all.
It’s best that Trump didn’t attend regardless. His presence would’ve been unwelcome and very awkward.
@Damian Draven – Americans Elected Republicans in Record Numbers to Support an Incompetent Democrat President.
No wonder the Democrats have gone full Communist
*Biden Proposing Largest Tax Hike in History*
July 9, 2020
Since wrapping up the Democratic Party nomination in March, Biden has done the opposite of what you’d think and resisted any urge to tack back toward the center on economic matters. A CNBC reporter, Robert Frank, looked into Biden’s tax hikes and noted that they dwarf Hillary Clinton’s.
*He put the total tax cost of Clinton’s proposals at $1.5 trillion; Biden’s, at $4 trillion.*
(The details are here.) Biden’s “unity task force” of economic advisers and environmental activists was staffed not to appeal to the center but to placate supporters of Bernie Sanders by including two Sanders aides and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Biden is now talking about using the COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity to “rewrite the economy,” recalling Rahm Emanuel’s wish to “never let a crisis go to waste.”
@Citizen EU – the only Collusion with Moscow came from the Hillary campaign
@Rick James5678 if it’s ok why do you feel the need to comment. Furthermore I doubt your absence will be noticed
@Kurt Tuchscherer – I bet you think you’re pretty smart, but it’s pretty easy to prove you wrong.
Trump can’t pay respect when he has none.
Some humans aint human….
@Tessmage Tessera Lewis preached non violence, but even he has his limits
@Doug E stiffs half of the Rally cities he goes to.
Has no respect, deserves no respect.
Daily Reminder: Trump called the Corona virus a Democrat hoax that would miraculously disappear.
And that the number of infected would soon go from 15 to zero.
Auntie Pha Other daily reminder: trump is still a racist.
Gonna be instant karma when Drumpf needs a ventilator.
Trump didn’t attend bc he had no way to make it about himself.
G B 100 more days and he’s gone. Not a day to soon…..
Well the day trump dies the world will be out having the most amazing party’s around the world while trump is Just Chuck in the ground where no ones ever going to go because he’s hated that much around the world he’s going to be remember for being a no good nothing man
There’s just a lot of irony to all this today. Senator John McCain and Rep. John Lewis were humble in many ways ..about going through difficult times personally. Service to our nation most of all. Each had a different pathway, but were out spoken about human rights. Leaders in their own ways in our American experience. (It’s sad that President Trump does not see his role as consoler in chief either. ) To pay respects..may we know their eloquent. Regardless..

Kary Herndon what are you on?
Of course he won’t.. he would burst into flames being in the presence of a true American patriot
He’s to busy falling to his knees at hilter statues
And you can’t spell
The question shouldn’t be will trump visit the State Capitol and pay his respect! Something he doesn’t have a backbone to do, Nobody wants him or his negative energy there! End of story.
@efonefiddy and your is?………. lol
@Noemi Frederick lol, go back to fox? Stupid.
@Gssmooth Giving a reason why someone would show up and then to say nobody wants him there anyway is it dumb statement. You’ll figure it out.
@efonefiddy it got your attention lol smh. You’ll get it 1 day !
@Gssmooth as I did you. I think you got it.
Nobody with honor, dignity and love of country wants Donnie on the same planet.
V : Has there ever in anyone’s history been a president with less class ? What an embarrassment to this country !

Of coarse he won’t,this is bunker boys stamp to the public & the world about how racist he really is

Just remember trump when you finally die you will not have anyone crying next to your casket…in fact if you peak outside the crowds will be there cheering
Not racist just petty
@Dan McNamara what crowd?
@Kurt Tuchscherer the crowds that are parting because he’s gone
This is one thing Trump can’t politicise RIP rep John Lewis…
Don’t bet on it. Look what Trump did to John McCain after his passing. Sad.
Trust he’s not wanted there!!! Just like McCain didn’t want him around.
Trump don’t pay bills, attention nor respect. He’s just an embarrassment to the WH. I’m sure nobody there missed him.
That was a great statement to all black people about who he is.
Trump has no respect in his account, even if he want to pay some.
Yamiche you don’t have to call him “President” Trump.
But if she and others don’t, that just gives more fuel to the anti-media bias.