During his Saturday rally in Oklahoma, the president told the crowd he wanted to 'slow down' coronavirus testing, yet administration officials said the president was joking. The panel discusses. Aired on 06/22/2020.
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Trump Says He Wants To Slow Down Testing; WH Says He Was Joking | Morning Joe | MSNBC
May 13th “If we did less testing, we would have less cases. So in a way, by doing all of this testing it makes us look bad”
May 14th “Testing is overrated”
This is no joke, he’s been making comments like this for a while now!
EDIT: Trump is now holding rallies and Arizona (a state where cases are surging) and Wisconsin. Let’s buy up all the tickets for those ones and make sure they flop too!
Yes also, less not forget… when the cruise line was at port…he didn’t want them off cuz he liked small numbers….
trump IS the weapon of mass destruction
It’s how his “mind” works. And he’s not entirely sure about positive as opposed to negative. https://youtu.be/V8Nk2SH9G3c
@Think About it Mainly, he’s destroying himself and his party.
@Tessmage Tessera …I agree…this person has no concious
Turns out Trumps silent majority are not only silent, but invisible too!!
EDIT: Trump is now holding rallies and Arizona (a state where cases are surging) and Wisconsin. Let’s buy up all the tickets for those ones and make sure they flop too!
@jeff mcgowan u should of gone to his rally if you love him so much
*the Disastrous Effects of Liberalism, Obama, and Hope & Change*
U.S. Worker Productivity – plummets
Wages Stagnate
the Middle-Class shrinks
Unpopular Health Care Law – forced on Americans
ACA promised to save $2500 per family, reality a $7450 yearly increase per household
ACA doubled premiums and tripled deductibles to $12,000
Health Insurance companies Lost $Billions in the Obama-Care SCAM
“Subsidized health care creates disincentive to work.” – CBO / spring 2016
10’s of thousands of businesses closed as a result of the ACA
The CBO Saved ObamaCare With Bogus Forecasts
Millions laid off and forced into part-time work as a result of the ACA
Stock Market – Flat in Obama’s last 2 years – No gains
Crushing Government Regulations – lost Money, Freedoms, and Liberties
<1.6% GDP growth Obama's last 6 quarters - couldn't wait to get rid of him
Study: Barack Obama Destroyed Black Wealth in America
Worst Economic Recovery on Record
Spiraling Health Care Costs
New Business Startups - plummet
Lower Academic Standards
Taxes - skyrocket
Job Opportunities - Dry Up and slow to a trickle
Obama broke a 50 year old record for Poverty
Unemployment, Poverty, and Homelessness Rise
Cost of Living goes up, and Buying Power Drops
Millions Dropout of the Labor Force - unable to find a job and left Destitute
Blizzard of regulations passed in 2016, draining economy of $2 trillion
Created ISIS, then couldn't Stop it
Falsely Blamed GW for the Great Recession Democrats caused
Falsely Accused Trump Campaign of Colluding with Russians
Obama built cages to house and detain migrant children
Scandal and Corruption Rampant
Record number of GDP quarters of <2%
- we now know what Wealth Redistribution does to America
@Bud Spencer just wait till he gets put in handcuffs in December for genocide.
@Tanner Wilson ,
How much do Trump rally tickets cost?
Uh ya. He’s killing ppl on purpose. At this point he’s the smartest serial killer on the planet. Especially since no one is doing anything to stop him. Wake up America.
Spot on
And what, EXACTLY, should we be doing to stop him? Be Specific.
@slactweak – #FireTheLiar2020
@Reed Richards No doubt. I’m just curious as to what the OP thinks we should “do”. I’ve encountered quiet a lot of folks that say we should “do” something but none of them say what it is we should “do”. That or they make “suggestions” that are either completely asinine, or not workable.
25 million tests in a country of 340 million… Still failing miserably.
22nd in the world for tests per capita. And that’s despite having a bigger outbreak than almost every other country and thus a greater need to do mass testing
Of the 25 million tested how many patients have been tested multiple times such as the Impeached president, athletes and those who were positive and require 2 negative tests prior to be allowed out of quarantine??
The numbers don’t actually matter, what matters is the percentage of positive cases. If it’s over 1%, you need to do more testing! America’s at around 8.5%, but that includes all the repeat tests on the president & staff, who will make those numbers look much better than they are.
No country that’s controlled this virus has had a testing positive ratio over 1% when they’ve controlled it. All countries that have controlled it have also had whole teams of contact tracers swing into action in response to every positive test – America has none!
I work in a primary school. The white houses defences of Trump remind me of my 5 year old children who always claim they we ‘just joking’ whenever they do something they shouldn’t. That’s how pathetic this excuse is!
EDIT: Trump is now holding rallies and Arizona (a state where cases are surging) and Wisconsin. Let’s buy up all the tickets for those ones and make sure they flop too!
FDA just came out with a poisonous brand alert of hand sanitizer. Please tell your school. Can be absorbed through skin on hands. Children especially susceptible.
@HOWARD BOYD Care to tell us the name of the brand(s)?
@Pamela I couldn’t find what he’s talking about, but I did find this: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/safely-using-hand-sanitizer
I’ll keep looking.
Its nice knowing that trump thinks its funny to joke about a virus that has killed 120k Americans on his watch.
you heard it in the news?
@William H Music 2020 Like the ultra conservative are going accept them? Welcome them if they come out? Honor their humanity? I feel sorry for you.
@William H Music 2020 those are tRump supporters
@William H Music 2020 How about YOU tell us the numbers.
Wackka Wack Trump is a sicko
The trump cult is collapsing.
@Crystal Giddens to be honest with you, battling everyone who is anti Trump will not improve Trumps collapsing world or improve the count of ppl going to his Trump rallies
. Remind me again how many ppl showed up to his current rally vs how many were expected.
@Forged Steel Wrench a lot!
@Crystal Giddens a lot you say…..in a arena that holds 19k only 6k showed up. You missed all the empty seats in the background? They had an overflow section because they really did believe they were going to surpass 19k supporters.
@Forged Steel Wrench correct
*the Disastrous Effects of Liberalism, Obama, and Hope & Change*
U.S. Worker Productivity – plummets
Wages Stagnate
the Middle-Class shrinks
Unpopular Health Care Law – forced on Americans
ACA promised to save $2500 per family, reality a $7450 yearly increase per household
ACA doubled premiums and tripled deductibles to $12,000
Health Insurance companies Lost $Billions in the Obama-Care SCAM
“Subsidized health care creates disincentive to work.” – CBO / spring 2016
10’s of thousands of businesses closed as a result of the ACA
The CBO Saved ObamaCare With Bogus Forecasts
Millions laid off and forced into part-time work as a result of the ACA
Stock Market – Flat in Obama’s last 2 years – No gains
Crushing Government Regulations – lost Money, Freedoms, and Liberties
<1.6% GDP growth Obama's last 6 quarters - couldn't wait to get rid of him
Study: Barack Obama Destroyed Black Wealth in America
Worst Economic Recovery on Record
Spiraling Health Care Costs
New Business Startups - plummet
Lower Academic Standards
Taxes - skyrocket
Job Opportunities - Dry Up and slow to a trickle
Obama broke a 50 year old record for Poverty
Unemployment, Poverty, and Homelessness Rise
Cost of Living goes up, and Buying Power Drops
Millions Dropout of the Labor Force - unable to find a job and left Destitute
Blizzard of regulations passed in 2016, draining economy of $2 trillion
Created ISIS, then couldn't Stop it
Falsely Blamed GW for the Great Recession Democrats caused
Falsely Accused Trump Campaign of Colluding with Russians
Obama built cages to house and detain migrant children
Scandal and Corruption Rampant
Record number of GDP quarters of <2%
- we now know what Wealth Redistribution does to America
Tounge in cheek?! Frustration?!! WTF! This is the worst administration America has ever had.
Tongue IN cheek. What did you do for 12 years in school?
@Frank Winkhorst : ikr?!
…… “This is the Worst Administration… Ever!” Ever?… Throw in Corrupt Mitch McConnell’s and the 22 McConnell Controlled GOP Senators (Up for Re-election on November 03, 2020) THEN Yes… EVER!!!! VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE.
@Diane Denham Another big brain – STFU.
“Tounge” rhymes with “Lounge”
1) No, he wasn’t, and 2) if he was, this is NOT THE TIME FOR HIS “JOKES”.
Anron Jatu you really don’t understand much at all. You think Trump is funny, kind of says it all. Norm Mc Donald isn’t Republican, he isn’t an American.
Anron Jatu Funny, you accuse Biden of being racist, while Trump is still holding kids in detention centers and practiced racism in his business. He was charged with civil rights violations and paid hefty fines. I remember decent Republicans like Eisenhower, but they are few and far between since Nixon. You only know the superficial take on how Biden dealt with segregation. Within the context of the time, Biden worked to bring segregationists to change. His goal was to moderate the worst of their actions by offering solutions that encouraged them to compromise. I was there. Anyone who finds racism repugnant cannot support Trump.
@Anron Jatu You are ignorant and that fact is CLEARLY showed by your list of Republican accomplishments. Now, challenge my statement if you wish but know that I was around for the event which forever changed the landscape of the GOP and made it what it is today. I’m wondering if YOU know what event that was.
*the Disastrous Effects of Liberalism, Obama, and Hope & Change*
U.S. Worker Productivity – plummets
Wages Stagnate
the Middle-Class shrinks
Unpopular Health Care Law – forced on Americans
ACA promised to save $2500 per family, reality a $7450 yearly increase per household
ACA doubled premiums and tripled deductibles to $12,000
Health Insurance companies Lost $Billions in the Obama-Care SCAM
“Subsidized health care creates disincentive to work.” – CBO / spring 2016
10’s of thousands of businesses closed as a result of the ACA
The CBO Saved ObamaCare With Bogus Forecasts
Millions laid off and forced into part-time work as a result of the ACA
Stock Market – Flat in Obama’s last 2 years – No gains
Crushing Government Regulations – lost Money, Freedoms, and Liberties
<1.6% GDP growth Obama's last 6 quarters - couldn't wait to get rid of him
Study: Barack Obama Destroyed Black Wealth in America
Worst Economic Recovery on Record
Spiraling Health Care Costs
New Business Startups - plummet
Lower Academic Standards
Taxes - skyrocket
Job Opportunities - Dry Up and slow to a trickle
Obama broke a 50 year old record for Poverty
Unemployment, Poverty, and Homelessness Rise
Cost of Living goes up, and Buying Power Drops
Millions Dropout of the Labor Force - unable to find a job and left Destitute
Blizzard of regulations passed in 2016, draining economy of $2 trillion
Created ISIS, then couldn't Stop it
Falsely Blamed GW for the Great Recession Democrats caused
Falsely Accused Trump Campaign of Colluding with Russians
Obama built cages to house and detain migrant children
Scandal and Corruption Rampant
Record number of GDP quarters of <2%
- we now know what Wealth Redistribution does to America
Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 silly child. Cutting and pasting lists of junk doesn’t impress anyone. No one reads that junk.
White House: “This whole presidency is a joke. Joke’s on you, America!”
@William H Music 2020 Fake Bot
He should be locked in the bunker so he could stop speak nonsense.
MVVpro: The joke’s actually his Supporters.
Only enablers and people who don’t have America’s best interest at heart would say he was just kidding or he said it in jest. They are just like their Dear Leader, a liar.
I wish we’d have slowed down breast cancer screenings years ago… like the coronavirus tests…my mom might still be alive. Even if he didn’t believe more tests means less votes… to joke about a virus that’s killed120,000 people.
Well you know he said that there’s a vaccine for AIDS, wtf? He justs pulls stuff out of that lardass!
We really need a Batman to get rid of this Joker.
Heh, I see what you did there. Nice one.
Whenever stupid things came out of his mouth his people in WH would say: “He was joking”. They think everyone in the world are just as dumb as his supporters.
All they can say to defend him is he was joking.
For someone with no humor, he sure does “joke” a lot.
That whole oath of office thing was hilarious.
Bunkerboy is the joke, not testing, He is no longer funny , he is dangerous,
He was NEVER funny.
And deranged.
People dying because of your incompetence is NOT a “tongue-in-cheek” time to JOKE!!!!
BUT — Trump’s feckless followers actually believe that Trump is speaking the Truth! So, these followers don’t wear masks.
Mind Begs the Question:
If you stand with a President,
Whose satirical over Pandemic,
Has laughs over People Dying,
Are you standing in Right,or Wrong?
Well…. The pandemic was a sham and he never laughed over people dying. Joe Biden, however is a well known segregationist. Give that a quick google
@Anron Jatu “…The pandemic was a sham…”
REALLY now? How so?
“The President was joking.”
“The President is a joke.”
There, I fixed it for you.